Group hatch April 2015


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
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I am hoping to start a group hatch towards the 25th or so

All virtual pets are welcome (not just Tamagotchis)

I will probably be running my Mothra (when it comes in) and my V3(again when it comes in)

If neither happen to come in before the 25th I will be running my Music star.

I just ordered two new ones, one of the dreamtown friends and an iD L. if they come in in time I'd like to join in on the group hatch with one of them. I might be in over my head with the iD L, since it's the japanese version, but I'm also kinda leaning in that general direction if I can find a decent translation site for it. It depends on when they arrive, though, because that one says it's expected delivery is between the 22-25th. The DTFriends should be in sooner... anyway, count me in, and I'll decide which device later!

So far we have

Aetenra running either/or Dreamtown friends or iD L
Eternal Mametchi Fan running an Entama or Ketai

Hopefully more people join in the hatch :)

So, both of my Tamas are unfortunately showing later expected arrival dates than originally scheduled. I'm a little disappointed. The dreamtown friends may show up anywhere between the 23 and 29th now, and the iD L, I had mistakenly looked up the paid shipping times instead of the free standard shipping time frame that was actually associated with my order. I may have gotten a bit excited and forgot everything I read.

So, I guess what I'm getting at is this... If I haven't recieved my DT Friends by the 25th, would I be able to hatch my currently running TF with the group instead? (I'll reset to the 1st generation, obviously.) I'd really enjoy the group hatch experience, so I still want to participate any way I can, and the TF I'm running now is my only tama with progressing generations.

So, I guess what I'm getting at is this... If I haven't recieved my DT Friends by the 25th, would I be able to hatch my currently running TF with the group instead? (I'll reset to the 1st generation, obviously.) I'd really enjoy the group hatch experience, so I still want to participate any way I can, and the TF I'm running now is my only tama with progressing generations.
Of course you can hatch your currently running one. All pets are welcome :D

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Great news! ♡ My DT Friends arrived at my parents' house last night. (People have a tendency to steal my mail where, and Ive been involved in multiple court cases because of this, so I get all my packages sent elsewhere now.) I'll be seeing her friday, so I'll be able to run in the hatch with my new game as I am officially receiving it the day before the hatch! I'm like, 12 year old girl excited by this. ^_~

Can I still join?I just hatched a P's today. It's my first generation on it and also my first color tama.

The hatch is tomorrow. You can hatch at anytime of the day(what ever tim works best for you)

I got my Mothra which I will be reseting tomorrow for the hatch

Okay, the new tama has arrived. It is so hard to wait, but i am still going to wait until tomorrow to open it up. ^=^ Since I haven't heard otherwise, I assume we're still launching the group-hatch on the 25th as originally planned...

Edit: Haha. That last post came in while I was typing this one!

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I hatched an Aokumotchi today at 9:30. It's now a Turtletchi.

I hatched a pinkbotchi on the 25th... she's an adult now. Since I don't see a new post for us in the group hatch log section, I guess I'll just leave this here?

My Turtletchi is Mametchi since yesterday. Already collected 3/4 of the puzzle pieces.

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