OH MY GOD! 9 BUCKS = 4 ancestors?!?!


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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
San Jose, CA

:excl: :excl: :excl: all i know is that these use to belong to this one guy's daughter... sadly she passed away :( ... but when i saw this for 9 buck, my jaw droped!!!

do you guys think something of sentimental value should be worth more... or better yet, not sold at all??

To admin:

move this if you want. i didnt put in tbay cuz its not mine to sell...

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it still has 2 days left the price will jump high and fast.

and it has no sentimental value for him so he has no need to keep it. items like a childhood bear or a baby blanket are something more you would keep.

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i know the price will blow up.... im to scared to even bid.... it looks like its at a stand still though...

even if it had no value to semtimental value to him, he should at least be selling it for marketing price... im just saying, 9 bucks is a little to down then line...


my greenP1& my yellowP2(image on my profile) tamagotchi costs about 40 bucks together when i bought them on ebay...(they were bought seperatley $20 each)

if i knew that i could get that great deal earlier, i would of slammed that buy now button.... ( too bad there is no option for that on this bid )

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even if it had no value to semtimental value to him, he should at least be selling it for marketing price... im just saying, 9 bucks is a little to down then line...
If they belonged to his now deceased daughter, I don't think that he'd be too worried about making money off of them...

He probably just wants them to go to someone who will appreciate them as much as she did.

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im not worried about the fact that he selling his daughter's old toys

the real question is, why so cheap? i first saw this on the bottom where the suggestion are usually at, and i was like, "now way.... there must be a catch..." and then i saw 9 bids.... i was like "JEE-ZUS"

My guesses are that....

  1. theyre haunted toys o_O
  2. he is trying to give them(the tamagotchi) a better home?
  3. make a quick buck...
  4. rentavating?
  5. not knowing true price...

EDIT: if you find this offensive in any way, im deeply sorry... this is because im very curious...

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What I'm wondering more is why would you put on Ebay that your daughter has passed away....

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What I'm wondering more is why would you put on Ebay that you're daughter has passed away....
my best guess is that he feels he needs a reason to sell....


on a similar note:

it would be funny if

he found this topic...

Seller is probably selling them because they've finally come to terms and is just getting rid of all the daughters stuff. Though I'd be wary, the seller probably hasnt tested them, just seen they sell well on ebay so he/she posted them up for bids.

Maybe he hopes his love for his daughter will be shared with the buyer of the tamas. Memories last forever, items aren't needed. Its possible he was seeing it closer and it died... That in itself can be extremely saddening after loosing a family member.

Another thought, bills for her care are probably in his mind. Any profit will help for the bills, costs, final expenses... Etc.

It could have been his daughters wish to share with others her items she loved.

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