WHen i was little it was so amazing playing tamas and now with color and different versions the old me would have SO happy/excited but Im not that into them anymore and that makes me really sad. How can i get back into them?
Try watching the Tamagotchi anime. o3o' That helped to strengthen my love for Tamagotchi! Most of the episodes are in Japanese but they are still enjoyable and make you want to learn more about the characters. :3
Try challenging yourself, like running a bunch at a time or trying to take completely perfect care of them, trying to see how many generations you can get or joining a group hatch! Also, you could try keeping a log of the one(s) you run! And if you have a bit of money, browse ebay and buy a version you don't have yet. I've gone through this many times myself and this is how I try to keep myself active with tamagotchi. Good luck
Personally, I find myself enjoying tamas the most when I'm running just 1 version and I really try and take advantage of all the features on that version. You should also try for your favorite character as well.
Watching the anime is also a good suggestion. Try not to think too hard about the story line too much since you probably can't understand the words anyway. I really just watch the anime because the art and scenery is always adorable :3
And if you like to doodle at all, doodling the characters you get on your tama is always a nice way to form sort of a "bond" with them
I agree with Britty. If you run too many of them, you will get bored of all of them and start neglecting them. I always run my Tamagotchis in pairs, it's best to choose versions that can connect with each other. Like I've been running my v3 and v4.5 for a week and I connected them and such and today they got married, it was so exciting. :'D After that I tabbed them up and started my P's and iD L. You know, switching to different versions helps too. I usually run them for one generation, tab, start new ones, raise, tab and so on. If it's a vintage I run it dies usually. ;P
Also, making new things for them makes me going on too. Like crocheting / sewing pouches and such.
Sometimes you may need to take a break for awhile. I've been on a bit of a Tama hiatus for the past few months. I'll probably just wait until Tamagotchi Friends is released in the States before I start one up again. A fresh beginning with a new model.
I agree with robodog! When I get tired of running Tamas, I simply take a break of them... Usually, after 2/3 days I want to play again, with the feeling my passion is stronger than ever.
During Christmas Break I didn't run any, because I had been running for 2 months non-stop 4/5 Tamas at a time, I definitely needed a break! (well I did run my V5, but it died of neglect... yup, a V5 dying or neglect, that's possible and I made it )
A break is the best solution. Don't play with it but still try to not forget about tamas, like, watch anime, draw the characters, still visit the forums, etc.
Just take a break from them. Taking breaks gives you a chance to see what life is like without them. I take frequent breaks from Tamagotchi's and enjoy them better after not having them for a while. It could be days and even years. I once took 11 months to get back into Tamagotchi's and I enjoyed them very much after that.