Tamagotchi M!X genetics guide (Work in Progress)


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2014
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The abyssal plains
I created a little guide to let you keep track of what adult gives what trait. Since I am currently working off of observations from online posts (I don't own a M!X yet) and the official guide book isn't out, It is obviously incomplete. It is in a Google Docs Spreadsheet format, so that I can add any information as soon as it becomes available easily and quickly.

You can find it here. You don't need a google account to view it.

I think the Guide book is due to be published at the end of August 2016 - around 26th?
I know. I decided to write down my observations for the meantime.

The order of the character's isn't arbitrary BTW. When you source the images from M!X Land, each character has a number. Since there are babies, children and teens to account for, Mametchi Starts at 16, Kuchipatchi is 17, Memetchi is 18 and so on. After Momotchi at 44, The next character is Himetchi at 75. I don't know why there is a jump; my best guess is that there are more characters on future versions of the M!X that we haven't seen yet.

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