Tamagotchi P's HELP


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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2015
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chillin' with my tamas
Hey! I recently made a couple decisions. At first it was Plus Color > 4U.

Then the Plus Color got too expensive so it was P's > iD L.

I decided P's and got a blue. Now I have a lot of questions. They probably seem really stupid to those who are experienced.

Anyways, my first couple are easy. What pierce will give me the most features? What pierce is best for beginners?

Now, I have questions about patches. First of all, where do I access the actual patch(es) that I download? Second of all, I have a Samsung Galaxy (Ver. 3 I think) with infra red on it. I heard I could get the patch on my computer, send it to my tablet (via bluetooth I think) and then send that to my P's? :huh:

My last question is fun. What case/covers do you recommend and what pierce is your favorite? ^_^

Thanks so much! :D

Oh and please don't comment if you don't own a P's and have at least some experience with it. You also don't have to answer all my questions. (I know I asked a lot, but please don't get frustrated. I'm quite experienced with my Connections, but I know 2% about color versions) :eek:

Edit: I think I found where to download the patch(es)... is this it? https://mrblinky.net/tama/translations/

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here is a tamagotchi p's guide it has a lot of information about the tamagotchi p's, the pierces, and downloading items.

All pierces are pretty much the same honestly, the only difference is between types; Change Pierces and 'Character' pierces. I can't recommend one because it's advised to get one you like. Same applies with cases/covers.

The IR on the Galaxy S3 doesn't work with the P's. Any recent phone (smartphone) with IR most likely won't work because this is only to control appliances, not to send files.

Patches are found on MstrBlinky's site: https://mrblinky.net/tama/translations/Make sure you know what firmware it is when you get your P's before you download it though as if you send the wrong one, it might screw your P's up. (I haven't seen it happen yet but just be careful .A.)

All pierces are pretty much the same honestly, the only difference is between types; Change Pierces and 'Character' pierces.

Make sure you know what firmware it is when you get your P's before you download it though as if you send the wrong one, it might screw your P's up. (I haven't seen it happen yet but just be careful .A.)
Okay! I was just wondering, the difference between change and character pierces.

How do I figure out what firmware it is and is there a list or firmware that will work?

Thanks so much for your help. :)

Read all the read me files on mr blinkys website with the english patches, it will tell you how to find out what firmware version yours is. And read it all anyway cause you don't want your p's to stop working.

Oh and the change pierces changes existing characters to others, for example the sanrio pierce changes mametchi into a mix of hello kitty and mametchi. The character pierces give you new characters like kuromametchi.

And you will need an old irda phone to transfer files to the p's, look at the old nokias and palm treos

That USB should work. Usually it's advised to get one in the USB stick form but these should definitly work too as they share the same functions. Make sure you have Windows 7 32-bit or under though. Most people on Windows 7 64-bit have trouble using the adapters as they removed support for IR beaming on those versions.

If you're borrowing a phone, make sure it's actually has IR and isn't recent. New smartphones have an IR blaster but its used only in appliances like TVs as I said earlier.

I recommend you to get a crochet case, mostly blue if your P's is blue. It can be any style, but the ones with front flaps work as screen protectors, they protect the screen from scratching from carrying it in your pocket. You can look up "tamagotchi p's crochet case" on Etsy and you'll be showered with various handmade cases, some with cat ears, some with front flaps, some with both, some with decorations... The choice is up to you.

I recommend you to get a crochet case, mostly blue if your P's is blue. It can be any style, but the ones with front flaps work as screen protectors, they protect the screen from scratching from carrying it in your pocket. You can look up "tamagotchi p's crochet case" on Etsy and you'll be showered with various handmade cases, some with cat ears, some with front flaps, some with both, some with decorations... The choice is up to you.
Yup, I'm going to get a teddy bear case with the front flap. I believe it's made by Muninahandmade.

Thanks everybody for their help! Oh and btw, I changed my mind and got a Love and Melody set. :)

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