Tamatalk Nostalgia: You Do not have Sense of Humor!


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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2018
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In 2013. When The Dommer Said It Has been Copy-pasted A Million of times. He Angrily Said That He do not Have a Sense Of  Humor.

Here is the Conversation


Boy, do I love chicken strips. Sometimes, when I’m home alone, I’ll take some chicken strips fresh out of the oven and rub them in my scalp. It doesn’t do much for my hair health, but I like the way they feel running through my strands of hair. The flakey coating, smooth white meat, and warmth. Yum

  1. tinkeepie11


  2. The Ultimate Doomer

    That's been copy-pasted too many times.

  3. Orandatchi

    excuse you for not having a sense of humor

    (This is the Conversation That Happened Back in October 9-10 2013. If you Would Like to Chat in this. Go on Orandatchi Page and Chat in there)

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Now the question is, where did Oran get the copypasta?

Just for Nostalgia.
Nostalgia ...? 

Wait... not sure why this was bumped to the top of the forum page....  anyhoo.... those of us who were active on the site back in 2013 might have a sense of nostalgia (fond memories) about past posts, but in reality I don't see how this would create a sense of nostalgia for you or any of the members involved in the conversation?

One member was upset that a sentence had been copy/pasted too often, another suggested the member had no sense of humour.  Honestly?  I don't think referencing a minor disagreement on the forums is nostalgic, rather it draws attention to something in the past that those involved might not want showcased by you reposting.  (Please take a moment to consider if your actions could cause others some discomfort?)

and as it's a very old thread anyway.... *closed*  ;)

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