What do you do while you listen to music?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Hello! What kind of things do you like to do while listening to music?
I find music distracting unfortunately, so although I'm usually good at multi-tasking, it's hard for me to do anything else while I'm listening to music lol. So I don't listen to music much, and when I do, I don't really do anything else simultaneously besides browse the internet and stuff.
I used to listen to music while drawing but I draw better when I don't listen to music. XD

Everything xd

being on tt


making homework, that doesn't work well though xd

browsing the internet

I love to take a walk while listening to music. I also often craft stuff like bracelets while some music is playing and it feels more satisfying to me if I listen to music while crafting.

I very like music so...I think is everything: Drawing, do homework, internet,.... Except watching video ._.

Working out, playing video games. I get distracted easily by music, too, so I can't do work or watch anything with music on or I can't pay attention. Can't sleep with music on either.

I listen while I'm browsing the internet, and also everyday on my way to and from school! I love sitting on the bus and jamming out, it actually makes getting up early worth it. :p

I can't listen while I'm doing homework, way too distracting. Also if i'm playing a video game I don't either, cause I listen to the in-game music

Homework, drawing, being on the internet, riding in a car.

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I dance XD lol I do everything while listening to music.






I just really enjoy having a song in the background just to make things not so quite.

I always have music on when I'm studying or making assignments. I can't play DotA 2 without music for some reason though.

I'm listening to Pendulum while doing a full virus scan for some reason.

I do a lot of things while listening to music, and that's one of them.

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I work (in a lab) while I listen to music. It drowns out surrounding conversation... it gets so confusing listening to everybody else talking about their different experiments while I'm trying to do my own, so music allows me to focus entirely on what I'm doing :)

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