What happens when the Furby Connect app expires?


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Jan 14, 2016
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So I recently got a 2016 furby connect and I am one of the few people who actually likes it. I find the app to be fun and like how he continues to sing songs and talk about videos he has seen.

However, on the box it says the app will only be supported until 6/30/18 (ie, tomorrow). I know it will still be available to play - but what about all the extra content and songs?

Does this mean he's gonna sing "Go Wild" and talk about Marzipan forever?

Is there a way I can find the extra downloads? (Like how everyone does for the color tamas?)



That sucks, I still haven't gotten mine... That said the app isn't even available where I'm from anyway... :/

Well, if it says that it just won't be supported it just means new things won't be available, probably. And that there will be no updates. So no new content or songs (but the ones already available will probably stay)

This... is very different to color tamagotchis so I don't know.

This is kind of saddening though, while I really don't mind toys using apps, what I really mind is that these apps become unavailable at some point. It's unfair. I know that the Furby Boom app is unsupported now and not even available in store anymore as well... But at least it wasn't needed, while for the Connect the app was the main gameplay aspect, wasn't it?

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