What things make tamas fun for YOU?


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Aug 18, 2024
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What are some of ur favourite tamagotchi dynamics (current or discontinued) that you think make it fun to take care of them? Obviously there is the caretaking/nurturing element of having a virtual pet, but what are some other things you find cute or fun or endearing about it in general?

(unrelated picture of my newborn babygirls just because theyre cuteee)

For me personally i think the fact that how u care for them has an effect in how they evolve is very fun because it turns it into a challenge when u want to unlock a specific character. I also really love the infrared connection versions more than the modern wifi ones because the idea of having the tamas "physically" interact is a lot more cute. makes it feel like theyre more alive if that makes sense? Lastly i think its so adorable they remember certain dates like Christmas or ur birthday. Idk i just love tamas i'm wondering what specific things about them makes them special to other people


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for me i think a lot of enjoyment comes from the nostalgia aspect especially with the older tamas. the "newer" ones have the element of novelty from new characters or features too
that said, i like the way the nanos sound and that you can keep a family on the connection going forever as long as the battery holds up. i like the little screensaver on the morino and the constant bubbles effect on the umino. the way that on the genjintchi when you turn out the lights the campfire stays visible is charming
As for me I think what I like most are the little details that make them more connected to real life.
I still remember how pleased I was when I saw my Tosakatchi stand beside a cute little Christmas Tree in my V4 😍
Also the adorable idle animations of the Uni, or their grumpy face when they are sleepy / barely awake.

I also like the irony and almost bad taste of many of the old characters, for example members of the Hatena and Bikkuri family! I mean, a Toilet-paper tamagotchi? 🤣🤣

The fact that they are closely related to japanese everyday life culture makes them even more fun!

PS: I am really jealous of your Clear Retro Connection 😍 here in Japan they are sold for a crazy price!
i personaly think a big part of tamagothi for me was the characters. when i was first introduced to tamagotchi the fun little characters just spoke to me. you can give perfect care for a "cuter" character or poor care for the "ugly" one, that always was so rewarding
it was always so charming, THAT'S why i fell in love with tamagotchi happy2
What are some of ur favourite tamagotchi dynamics (current or discontinued) that you think make it fun to take care of them? Obviously there is the caretaking/nurturing element of having a virtual pet, but what are some other things you find cute or fun or endearing about it in general?

(unrelated picture of my newborn babygirls just because theyre cuteee)

For me personally i think the fact that how u care for them has an effect in how they evolve is very fun because it turns it into a challenge when u want to unlock a specific character. I also really love the infrared connection versions more than the modern wifi ones because the idea of having the tamas "physically" interact is a lot more cute. makes it feel like theyre more alive if that makes sense? Lastly i think its so adorable they remember certain dates like Christmas or ur birthday. Idk i just love tamas i'm wondering what specific things about them makes them special to other people
For me, it’s the special animations and the test screens! the special animations can be cute! And adorable. For the test screens, I tried it on my gen 2 tama and it was cool! The sound affects (SE) was cool too, I scared my little sister with it lol

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