GirlzLog 4.0


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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2009
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Hello all, it's your beloved GirlzRule, back from almost a year hiatus. That's become sort of a habit, hasn't it? Tama addiction, year hiatus, tama addiction, year hiatus. Ah well here's a little bit about me: I'm a 13 year old girl and going into high school next year. I've had three previous logs

The Secondhand Tama Story

Girlz and the Tamas!


A Super FunDerFul Girlzy Log

I'm kind of a spaz and love all kinds of writing from fanfiction to original stories to speeches (though I suck at them)

I'm going to try what I was trying in my last log SFDFGL with an Alphabet challenge for myself, minus the Music Star since I hate them. I've got a v4 and v4.5 running right now. The v4 has a boy named Ash and the v4.5 has a girl named Angel. Updates in the morning since I'm tired and don't feel like typing right now.

Oh my god, okay. I don't even know what I'm doing back on this website again after so many years gone but here I am. I've started up my v4.5 and my Tama Go again, I'm eighteen now and a freshman in college, and I can have a guilty pleasure darn it. So yeah, I'm back. Everyone I used to talk to is gone because it's been what, four years now? Going on five? That's fine! I'm an adult! I do what I want! YEAH!



Anyway, I had three older logs that you can read above in the first post^^^ and I just didn't feel like creating a new post because why would I do that when I can use a topic from 2011? I have no idea what happened to any of the last six tamagotchis that were mentioned, Ash or Angel or Amber or whoever got mentioned in the last few posts of a Super FunDerFul Girlzy Log (oh my god why did I name it that, I was so deep into my LOLSORANDOM phase and some of those posts are so hard to read; I mean I still read all of them through once anyway just for the nostalgia but thirteen year old me was such a dope I swear)

Right now I've got a little boy named Maple on my v4.5, he's a kuribotchi, you know the little acorn dude, and on my Tama Go I've got a teen girl shelltchi who I lovingly call Bella because she was a belltchi as a child and I didn't realize until that point that the Tama Go actually doesn't have a naming feature.

There they are, my little sleeping bugs.

I think one of my biggest mistakes in some of those past logs was trying to run everyone at once, all four Connection tamas and the Tama Go were just too many. So I'm going to run the Tama Go until it runs out of batteries and then I'll start up probably my v4. I wont be running more than two tamas at once so I don't get burned out.

But yeah I've got no other goal in mind other than get to the tenth generation on the v4.5, we'll see how far we get. I'm known for my hugely short attention span so yeah. I'd love to get to know all you better, so drop a PM every once in a while if you like my log.

It's been an interesting few days for Bella and Maple! Moreso Maple than Bella, because Maple evolved and graduated preschool yesterday!


Brushie brushie

I decided I want to be a Celebtchi, so I chose Mr Turtlepedia as my teacher to get more smile points!

Celebtchi is the funky looking dude with the butterfly on his face, I've never gotten one before so that'll be cool.

In other news, I'm starting to be reminded of why the Tama Go kind of bored me the last time I played with it, there's just nothing to do without buying those $20 figurine packs. Other than the shoot the bug game and the interior decoration store, there's not much for poor Bella to do to pass the time.

I'm booooooored!

She also can't connect to Maple, every time I try I get a 'fail' response on both Tamas, I think because he's an older version?

~Yup, just looked it up and it seems like the Tama Go can only connect to v5 and later, which is sad :(

I kind of wanted them to get married but since that's not happening that's alright. Boys and girls can be good friends too you know ;3 I really like Bella and I don't particularly want to lose her so I'll keep the Go going until she passes from old age and then probably pop my spare battery into my v4, my v3, or my Music Star. I remember the last time I used a Music Star it was an extremely frustrating experience, but that was like a long time ago so maybe it'd be different. From what I can remember the TamaTown that came with it was so much fun. And I have an unending love for the v4 and 4.5 series, so we'll see.

I know the oldest Tamagotchi ever recorded was like, 150 days old or something, maybe I can keep Bella alive that long? Who knows. I'd be done with my freshman year of college by that time! Just thinking about that is stressing me out @_@

Anyway that's about it for today, Bella and Maple are both still one year old because I have to pause them occasionally for school and work and even though Bella is older by like a day I think they're about caught up in age.


Under my um-Bella-ella-ella eh eh eh eh

Bye for now!

Good bye!


Wow those are big images, I'll try to fix that for next time jeez

Fun times have been happening the past few days! Maple and Bella have both evolved :)

I'm a Celebtchi!

And I'm a Ringotchi!

Maple has a job at the TV station playing a game kind of like rock band, where you have to hit the right buttons at the right time. It's pretty fun

Everyone all over the world is listening to me talk, it's a little intimidating..

Well it's a good thing you have such a pretty butterfly on your face then !

I'm so happy with both their characters honestly they look so cute. Apple baby and Butterfly baby. I'm sad they can't connect and play together :(

Both ages have gotten a little off because I have to pause them sometimes while I'm in class. Even though Bella's technically a day or so older than Maple, both are 5 years old.

I also found out TamaTown is gone, and I'm totally gutted :( My best friend showed me all the tamagotchi stuff back when we were little kids and she just moved away to college last weekend so it's like all these pieces of my childhood are just disappearing so quickly. Not as quickly as poor Maple, I guess, but still too fast.

Five days isn't a long time to live when you spend most of your time in a sweaty pocket

Don't be rude, you could be sitting on a desk on pause all day like me

I'll have you know I live a very busy life, thanks. Balancing work and school and hobbies is hard especially when you have two CHILDREN to carry around everywhere!

That's another thing I've come to realize about the Tama Go, it's a lot less portable because it's so much bigger. And the Memetchi figurine on top makes it really conspicuous that it's a toy that you're playing with. When I'm out at college I kind of just count on the fact that people don't care if you're looking at something in your hands because so many people are on their phones. I finally took it off earlier today because of that, hopefully I don't lose it in my room.

There was like a set of eight figurines and a tama go listed on eBay that I saw and really wanted, but the link between Paypal and eBay is MESSED UP so I can't get anything before probably the 15th of September :/ Which is lame because someone was selling a bunch of tamas starting at one dollar?? And I was so excited??? And then I called customer support tonight to figure out what I was doing wrong and it turned out they're having weird technical issues SO NO ONE DOLLAR TAMAS FOR ME. Maybe I'll ask my mom if I can borrow hers...

I'm also planning to drive around and check out some thrift stores around my town, so maybe I can find some new Tamas that way. Who knows? I have my heart set on a pair of Mesutchi and Osutchi, but even like a v3 with a new shell pattern would be nice if I could get it for under $10. We'll see what we can find ;3

I think that's all I've been up to lately, so yeah! We're waiting on the matchmaker to show up for Maple, we're keeping Bella alive as long as we can, we're searching for new tamas and getting very frustrated in the process and we're screaming into the void because childhood is short.

Bye for now!

Buh bye!


Exciting news!




Maple got married! The second generation has been born!

He's so soft and little :')

I think it's pretty appropriate that you got married to an UraVioletchi, it keeps with the butterfly theme and all.

Ura Violetchi is so pretty...What're you going to name him?

I want to keep with the tree theme...what do you think of the name Oak?

Ooh, that sounds nice. Oak wood is very sturdy

Welcome to the world, baby Oak :)


Bella is able to go to the Date Place now, but we're not gonna be doing that ;P We're only a week along, we can totally keep her alive for much longer. The last time I ran tamagotchi I was so obsessed with slamming through the generations. I don't want to be like that this time, I'd rather take the time to know and appreciate all the characters instead of just pumping out the babies as fast as possible.

In other news, I have fixed my eBay problem and I've already started spending ludicrous amounts of money on tamagotchi. I've ordered a v6 glam rock Music Star and a red v5 with little polka dots on it. I'm very excited, they come in on the tenth :V The Music Star was $25 which was kind of eh, it came without packaging but the girl was really nice and said she'd only used it like twice.

I'm trying to find a better place to put my little collection of tamagotchi, I've seen photos of people who put them in jewelry boxes or hang them up in a display and I'd like to do something like that. Up until now I've just kept them in a drawer, I think I want something that shows them off. I love love love the idea of a jewelry box, and I actually do have a bunch of jewelry boxes but none of them are big enough to store like 6 Tamas :p

I really want a v1 and v2, just so I can say I have everything from v1 to v6. I've also started hounding a few of my friends for their old ones, so far nobody I've asked still has theirs. Thrift stores are coming up empty as well :( Which means it's a good thing we have eBay, it's like a thrift store for the whole world.

I've never been able to buy things online before, this is a weird experience for me. My impulse control is not the best so seeing things that are four and five dollars on ebay is like "oh my god, I want that and now there's nobody that can stop me from bidding on it." My parents are crazy about spending money and now I have my own job and money I can spend so I don't have to beg them for money or justify to them why I got something. Even when I offered to give them cash and pay for the whole thing they would still say no. And now I don't have to worry about that, the only thing stopping me is me. Being an adult is terrifying.

And on that note, I think I'm gonna head off for a bit. I have an English paper to write, so as long as I don't get distracted I'll be getting that done tonight too :p

Bella's batteries have sadly died :(


The TamaGo really is a subpar version of the Connection, since those two AAA batteries only lasted a week. Along with that was just the sheer bulkiness of the item, not to mention how much of a money grab all the figurines seemed to be. Which is quite sad, because as far as I know it was the last big Tamagotchi thing produced by Bandai America.

I won't be giving her new batteries because my new v5 is set to come in next week and three tamagotchis will be just too many to carry around. It seems to be a pattern with people, three tamagotchis or more tends to burn people out quickly and then they drop their logs. I plan on staying for a while, so to do that I'm gonna need to exercise some self control.

Until the v5 comes in, all we've got running is Maple and Oak. Or rather, just Oak after tonight.

I've got to move on and be who I am!

Sure, sure.


There was like 16 tamagotchi being sold by this one person on eBay for like one dollar, and I didn't win any of the auctions. No v1 or v2 connection tama for me :(

Bidding on items is such a rush, holy cow. I'm actually sweating.

It's been one week since I posted in this log. Oak has grown to be an UraMametchi! I always thought the Ura series of characters were kind of funny, they're just the normal characters but with little extras. In this case, Mametchi has a tail.


I never got much into Tama lore and the story behind everything, so maybe there's a longer explanation behind the Ura series of characters? Ura Violetchi and Ura Memetchi both have wings added to them. I think Ura Kuchipatchi has a hat, which is pretty cute. I decided my new goal for my v4.5 is to try and get all the characters. Celebtchi and Ura Mametchi so far, we've got like 20 to go haha...

In other news, my two new tamas have come in the mail!

I got a glam rock Music Star and a polka dotted v5 :) I haven't started the music star, but I did start the v5 straight away. I had a little bit of a scare when I popped the battery in at first because it wouldn't turn on, but it turned out that I had forgotten to take the little protective paper back off the battery. Everything's in good working order now and the seller was even kind enough to include a little jewelry screwdriver which has come in very handy already :)

Hello, I'm Cedar! I'm the oldest boy

I'm Pear, I'm a girl and the middle child :)

And I'm Birch, the youngest son

Nice to meet you guys :) Cedar is an Ahirukutchi, Pear is a Tororotchi, and Birch is a Mousetchi. I'm very excited to have you guys here to keep Oak company, even if you're only child stage characters.

You guys are so small!

Big words from a guy whose last words in the log were when he was a baby


Hey don't be rude, we're all friends here


That's all for now folks, have a great week :)
