Puella Magi Saga


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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2011
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United States of America
Storyline: Puella Magi are magical human beings who are contracted with Incubators. Incubators are aliens who are far more technologically advanced than humans and posess supernatural powers. When a human contracts with an Incubator, they are granted one wish. In exchange, that human must hunt and kill witches for the rest of their existence. Witches are evil creatures that cast curses on humans. These curses make humans commit murders and suicides. If a witch is killed, it drops a Grief Seed. Over time, a Puella Magi's Soul Gem (the source of their magic) becomes corrupted by the evil of the world. Grief Seeds are used to suck out the corrupting darkness formed in the Soul Gems. Thus, a Puella Magi must kill witches and obtain Grief Seeds to purify their Soul Gems, or else they risk corruption. If a Puella Magi's Soul Gem becomes completely corrupted, then it becomes a Grief Seed and gives birth to a witch, leaving behind the Puella Magi's corpse. If a Puella Magi's Soul Gem brakes, then the Puella Magi dies. Besides that, a Puella Magi cannot die unless killed. That means they are unaffected by old age, sickness, etc.

Rules: Kyuubey is the current Incubator on Earth. This is what he looks like:


Only females and homosexual males emit enough emotional energy to become Puella Magi. Still, homosexual male Puella Magi are initially weaker than female Puella Magi.

I will require all participants to draw a rough sketch of their character's costume. This way, Kyuubey will know what to make your costumes look like O3O You may submit your drawing at any time; you may still RP even if you haven't submitted it yet.

Each character must have a different color and costume theme. Otherwise, Kyuubey would get confused O3O Lol, just kidding, Kyuubey is omniscient. But still, no copying colors or themes.

Use this profile template to create your character:

Full Name:



Sexuality: (must be Homosexual for boys)



School Grade:


Costume Theme:




I must accept your profile before you can begin RPing.


This is my character's profile:

Full Name: Ethan D.

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Black/White

Home: United States

School Grade: 11

Wish: That his handicapped sister has a long and happy life.

Costume Theme: Buneary (I will post my drawing later)

Color(s): Light Brown with a Maroon ribbon around my neck (the ribbon has a bell on it)

Weapon(s): Sledgehammers, Giant Rocket Launcher

Power(s): Superhuman Hearing Abilities, Unusually Acrobatic, Telepathy

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Full Name: Renee Y.

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Metrosexual/Tomboyish

Home: USA

School Grade: 7

Race: Unknown

Wish: To become a world famous artist

Costume Theme: Well, this is her design... Sorta:


Color(s): Grey and White

Weapon(s): Knives/Daggers

Power(s): Could attack from a far distance, teleport to places, telepathy, etc.

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Full Name: Renee Y.

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Metrosexual/Tomboyish

Home: USA

School Grade: 7

Race: Unknown

Wish: To become a world famous artist

Costume Theme: Well, this is her design... Sorta:


Color(s): Grey

Weapon(s): Knives/Daggers

Power(s): Could attack from a far distance, teleport to places, etc.
Accepted O3O

Ethan was in his History class at his high school. The teacher was droning on an on about George Washington or something...Ethan wasn't paying much attention.

Ethan heard a brouhaha (lol) coming from the back corner of the room. He turned to his right, and felt his heart flitter. Garion, a popular hottie at his school, was surrounded by a group of giggling girls. Ethan had a major crush on him, but unfortunately Garion already had a girlfriend. Ethan sighed wistfully.

Garion's gaze focused on Ethan, who was unconciously staring at him. Garion grinned brightly; he was good friends with Ethan. Ethan quickly looked away, a slight blush on his cheeks.

**Outside the classroom window**

O3O Hmm...what a peculiar boy...

Ethan saw something strange out of the corner of his eye, then snapped his head towards the window. Did he just see a rabbit on the window sill? Or was it a cat? Ethan shivered uncomfortably. He felt like someone...or someTHING...was watching him.

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Full Name: Jadine M

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Girly girl, straight

Race: Asian/Hispanic

Home: Philippines but will be sent away to the US to continue her studies and be a transfer student at Ethan's School

School Grade: 11

Wish: Have the strength enough to protect everyone she loves even at the cost of her own life (nevertheless, I am soooo not dying in this RP, just saying xD)

Costume Theme: No specific theme. Will upload a drawing of my Character soon as I'm done with it.

Color(s): Pink and white with a yellow bow

Weapon(s): Scepter (conjures objects using her scepter that she can use to attack witches with), can also use High level Magic for finishing witches off

Power(s): Magical Incantations, superhuman speed, mental telepathy

So it is her first day at school in a foreign country. Her parents thought that the quality of education from where she lived is not quite living up to their expectations so they decided to send her to the US to continue her studies.

Earlier, she was introduced to everyone in her new class and was seated 3 seats away from this interesting boy named Ethan. He reminded her of her very close gay friend back from where she used to live. She suddenly felt melancholic. Her friend's name's Derick and just like he is, Ethan looked really cute. "Hmmm... I wonder if he's as fun and as friendly as Derick. I hope we can be friends"

She was still at this train of thought and was watching him stare at another boy from class when she noticed his head snap towards the direction of the window. She followed his gaze and, for an infinetesimal second, she thought she saw a flash of something white and fluffy outside that window... She thought "Hmmm... a white kitty??? Awww how cute :3 Maybe I should check it out after class..."

(note to Ethan: I know my character hasn't been approved yet but meh... I can't wait to start RPing XDDD)

Full Name: Jadine M

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Girly girl, straight

Race: Asian/Hispanic

Home: Philippines but will be sent away to the US to continue her studies and be a transfer student at Ethan's School

School Grade: 11

Wish: Have the strength enough to protect everyone she loves even at the cost of her own life (nevertheless, I am soooo not dying in this RP, just saying xD)

Costume Theme: No specific theme. Will upload a drawing of my Character soon as I'm done with it.

Color(s): Pink and white with a yellow bow

Weapon(s): Scepter (conjures objects using her scepter that she can use to attack witches with), can also use High level Magic for finishing witches off

Power(s): Magical Incantations, superhuman speed, mental telepathy
Accepted O3O


Meanwhile in the grade 7 class, they were learning about the Aztecs, but everyone was staring at Renee while she was drawing one of her world famous artworks. Suddenly, she looked out the window to see that "white cat". She quickly scurried out of the room, transformed into a strange looking girl, and teleported to that "white cat", since she knew that he was going to be making new contracts.

Renee looked through the window to see who he was looking at and saw a familiar face. It was Ethan. She knew this boy, although he was in Grade 11, and she was only in Grade 7, but she still saw him walking around the campus a few times.

When she heard the school bell ring, she immediately teleported to a place that no one would see her and transformed back to her usual self. Although, she still had a strange thought of why Kyu- I mean the "white cat" chose Ethan to be the next Puella Magi.

Ethan completed the assignment, and pulled out his hot pink DSi to play his Pokemon White version. He needed to give his brain a rest. As his character was walking through Nimbasa City, he noticed that he had passed-by two people already. He tapped his C-gear and discovered that Garion and Jadine were also playing their games. Ethan knew Garion played Pokemon, but he was excited to learn that the new transfer student played Pokemon too. He decided that he wanted to try and become friends with her.

Ethan got up and took an empty seat next to Jadine. "Hi, I couldn't help but notice that you play Pokemon, too. If your done with today's assignment already, would you like to challenge the Battle Subway's Multi Train with me? I have a great supporting team." Ethan smiled hopefully.


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Class finally ended for that day and Jade has just finished with her assignment. She easily finished the assignment as she had already studied about that particular subject back when she was still in her old school. Her mind wandered back to earlier that day and at the thought of the furry white creature she thinks she saw by the window. She however decided she was too tired today and would just take a break and play with her Pokemon game on her DSi.

She didn't even notice that there were two other people there playing their games too. She took out her own DSi and started playing. A few minutes later, she noticed a person walking towards the direction of the empty seat beside her. She looked up just in time to see Ethan take the empty seat beaming at her, his own hot pink DSi in hand. "Hi, I couldn't help but notice that you play Pokemon, too. If your done with today's assignment already, would you like to challenge the Battle Subway's Multi Train with me? I have a great supporting team." he enthused.

She was glad that Ethan seemed to be a nice boy after all. She returned his smile and responded, "I'd love love to! However I just barely began my game and I think I'm not anywhere near that part of the game where I can compete in the battle Subway. It's nice to meet you though!!! I'm Jadine by the way but you can call me Jade." she then reached out to shake his hand when suddenly, out of the corner of her eye she noticed the white furry thing was once again outside the window and seem to be staring at them.

Ethan seemed to notice the perplexity on Jade's face and followed the direction of her gaze. As soon as he looked at the window the cat/white furry thing scampered away. They then looked at each other and Jade was the first to ask the most obvious question at that time "Did you see it too?"

Ethan was getting creeped-out really fast. It was weird that only they had noticed it. "Y-Yeah...it was staring at me earlier. Freaky, huh?" Jade nodded in agreement, and both of them shivered in unison. After a brief period of thinking, Ethan asked softly, "Do you want to try and find it?"

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Jade felt nervous at the thought that only she and Ethan can see this "creature". She was now pretty sure that it could not have been a cat because it didn't seem to have whiskers and it's ears looked a little too long. She got at least a good ten seconds look at it.

"D-do you really think we should look for it?" Jade stammered, both excited and nervous at the idea.

"...I have the strangest feeling, as if it wants us to follow it." Ethan looked off into the small woods behind the school. "I'm going to find it. Who knows, it might be a new animal species or something." Ethan got up and started walking towards the woods. He noticed Jade was following him. He was glad; it would have been kind of scary to go by himself.

Jade caught up to Ethan just as they walked under the trees. Jade clung to Ethan's arm as they moved deeper and deeper into the woods. Ethan looked over his shoulder and watched as the school disappeared from view. They were now out-of-range from eavesdropping ears and spying eyes.

Jade yelped and tugged at Ethan's arm, pointing upwards. Ethan looked up and gasped; the creature was right above them on a tree branch. It stared down at them with its drilling eyes.

O3O Hello, Ethan and Jadine.

"Did it just speak?!?" Ethan whispered urgently in Jade's ear.

O3O Nope. I use telepathy to communicate. My name is Kyuubey.

The wild Kyuubey used Telepathy. It was super-effective! Ethan fainted.

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Knives then started flying at Kyuubey out of nowhere, but he luckily sidestepped them. It was no mystery by who would've done that, since Renee suddenly teleported to their area.

"KYUUBEY!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" Renee yelled while throwing her arms up.

Hey, it's not my fault that the boy gets easily scared. 83


Renee looked up to see a girl next to Ethan.

"Oh hello! Im SOOOOOO sorry about all of this! You must be very confused. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Renee, and I am a Puella Magi."

Jade was freaking out at everything that's happening. One second she was playing with her DSi and now she has Ethan fainted at her feet, a weird cat-like thing who calls himself Kyuubey and uses telepathy and a girl who came out of nowhere AND can throw knives PROFICIENTLY.

"P-Puella Magi?" Jade asked trembling. She was going to wait for the girl's answer but then snapped out of her reverie soon as she realized Ethan was still lying unconscious at her feet. More concerned of the welfare of her new-found friend, she directed another question at this girl who calls herself Renee. "Please... Could you help me bring him back to the clinic at our school?"...

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"Of course! Just hold on to my arm (As well as Ethan) and I'll teleport to the clinic in a jiffie!"

Jade tried holding on to Ethan and Renee's arms as they were teleporting. When they reached their destination, Renee was back to her original self.

Meanwhile, at the clinic,

"Again, Im truly sorry about all of this. It's just that.... Well, you see..... Kyuubey is a magical creature that could grant one wish for you, but there's a catch. You have to sign a contract with him and become a Puella Magi as well. It seems that he would like to make a contract with you two. Do you accept?"

Jade is officially freaking out. All this talk about magical creatures, teleportation and Puella Magi's doing a number on her thinking. "Uhm I'm not sure. I'll still have to think this through." Just as she said this Ethan stirs from the clinic bed. "I think he's starting to come to." Jade says. Ethan suddenly opens his eyes and sits up on the bed looking bewildered...

"What am I doing in the clinic?...Oh yeah, I passed out..." Ethan blushed, embarrassed to have fainted in front of his new friend.

O3O You are a strange boy, aren't you?

Ethan's eyes focused, and Kyuubey was sitting directly in front of him, his face nearly touching Ethan's. Ethan clutched his chest, his heart racing.

"Holy crap, you again." Ethan regained steady breathing, and began to speak again. "Well, I guess so. I'm gay, so I'm different from most guys in that category." He looked between Kyuubey and the girl, Renee (he's met her before). "What in the world is going on? What do you want with me and Jade?"

"I don't want anything from you or Jade, so it seems that it's all Kyuubey's fault that we got into this mess."

Don't blame me for all of this. You also wanted to make some new companions too, Renee. 83

Renee blushed. Just the thought of other people fighting alongside her made her feel extremely happy.

"Ehehehe..... You see, people make wishes sign contracts with Kyuubey to become Puella Magis, like me. But make sure you think hard about your wish, or you'll regret it."

Jade is still thinking about becoming a Puella Magi, but would you like to become one and fight crime with us? 83

"Wow, um, I'd have to think up a good wish first." Ethan rubbed his aching head. "Although it would be kind of cool to fight evil...Hey Renee, maybe Jade and I can watch you in action first, and then we can decide?" Ethan slowly stood up and finished off a water bottle that the school nurse had given him.

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