iD L downloads?


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Dec 13, 2009
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I don't know what a rar file or a zip file or a GIF is, or a USB IR adapter or anything is, so you won't be able to help me with those words. Just so you know ;)

I've found the source of the downloads...

Download Site

And I think I can get hold of a phone with IR.

I want to know...

1. How to get the downloads onto my computer and what equipment I need (please include a description of what the equipment looks like)

2. How to send the downloads from my computer to a phone and what equipment I need (please include a description of what the equipment looks like)

3. How to send the downloads from the phone to my iD L and what equipment I need (please include a description of what the equipment looks like)

4. Any extras/add-ons/downloads/unusual features needed on the phone and how to get hold of them if they are needed

5. How to access the downloaded features once they are on my iD L

In short, I need to know the whole of how to go from finding the download site to using the downlods on my iD L. I'm sure a few people here already have the downloads so I am seeking help from these people and others who are in the process of transferring the downloads to a phone or Tama or preparing to. I would be really grateful for some help with iD L downloads!

-Read OldSchoolTama's Instructions, I fear mine might get you lost or (in my case) confused. And it was very lengthy.

This is what I hope it needs you to do... I'm using my computer gadjet as a "Standard" of how to use your phone... I am NOT 100% sure.... I'm sure there will be others here who can help you to the fullest extent they can.

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First off, if you go to THIS topic and scroll down a bit, you'll find that the person who's getting these items for us actually posted another batch (the one you posted is his first batch) of items.

I wouldn't say it's super important to know what ZIP and RAR is when you're downloading the files, but ZIP is just a file format that compresses whatever data you're trying to send, which is useful when you're trying to share a whole ton of download files. When you download this ZIP folder of files, you'll see that when you extract the files (so remember to do that once you download the ZIP file...just go up to the window with the ZIP file after downloading it, click on "file," I think it is, and then click on "extract files"...or else you won't be able to access the files), there will be many, many files in that ZIP folder. Imagine if you were trying to send someone that amount of files in a normal folder; it would be too bulky. That's why there is a ZIP file format to sort of squish everything down to a smaller size to send easier. RAR is just another file format similar to ZIP; you may need a different program (I use 7-Zip because it's free) to extract the files. That's probably the simplest way I can explain it but if you still don't get it, I don't blame you. :p

1. To get the downloads onto your computer, you need to download the "4 25 2011" file that you found (you would do the same when clicking on the link for the second batch) by clicking "download." Since it's a RAR file, you first need to make sure that you have a program installed on your computer that will open and extract those files for you. That goes back to my spiel about 7-Zip. Once you've downloaded and open the "4 25 2011" file, click "extract" up at the top, select a location you'd like to extract the files to (I recommend setting up some sort of "Tamagotchi iD L downloads" folder somewhere on your computer beforehand so you can save the files there in an organized fashion after extracting), and then you're good. They should be in a folder on your computer now.

2. For computer to phone, you need to make sure that you have some sort of data cable that comes with your IR phone. If you're looking for phones on Ebay, that shouldn't be a problem. Even if your phone doesn't come with a data cable, there are inexpensive ones on Ebay. I recommend searching "Palm Treo" (a type of compatible phone that has IR, one that I use) and look for ones that come with cables and stuff (you'll see it in the listing), just to make it easier. When you have that cable, it hooks to your phone and then you would hook the other end to the USB port in your computer (it looks kind of like a small, rectangular opening...if you're using a laptop, look around the sides for it and if you're using a desktop, there's usually some USB ports in the front of your desktop tower). When you hook your phone up to the computer, you should see your phone pop up on your computer when you go to "My Computer" and when you click on your phone, there should be folders and stuff where you can store pictures (which are essentially what the iD L downloads are). After that, you just drag the files from your computer to the folder on your phone. The downloads should be stored on your phone now.

3. To send the files from phone to iD L: it depends on the phone you use but on the Palm Treo, you would just select the download you want to send on your phone and there's usually an option to "beam" the file over to your iD L. No equipment needed, just your phone and your iD L. When beaming the file over, go to the connection icon on your iD L, select the 4th option, make sure your IR ports on your phone and iD L are lined up, and then select "beam" on your phone. Your iD L should pick it up.

4. I don't think you need anything extra for your phone. The only thing I can think of is that you might need to install drivers onto your computer for your phone in order for your phone to register on your computer. If your phone doesn't come with the software to do that, you can just Google the software. That's how I found mine. No biggie.

5. Once you've beamed a file to your iD L, you'll see on your iD L where it's being "stored." If you just downloaded a new wallpaper, for example, you'll see an animation that your Tamagotchi is getting a gift in front of the Interior Shop. Usually it's like this: wallpapers go to the interior shop, clothes and accessories go to Tama Mori, and food goes to the Restaurant. When you scroll around for these items, the downloaded ones are usually the first ones listed, and there's a pink heart in the corner of the screen to tell you that it's a download. On a related note, click HERE to find out what the max download storage is on the iD L, just so that you know.

Good questions! I'm afraid my answers are quite lengthy though and I hope you're not too put off by that. :p I didn't know my way around the downloads and stuff at first either, but I kind of learned how to do things on my own by experimentation, reading a ton about what others do, and lots of Googling. There's nothing like doing it and seeing it for yourself. I hope this helps out a bit. Please let me know if you have any more questions and I'll do my best to answer! :)

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2. For computer to phone, you need to make sure that you have some sort of data cable that comes with your IR phone. If you're looking for phones on Ebay, that shouldn't be a problem. Even if your phone doesn't come with a data cable, there are inexpensive ones on Ebay. I recommend searching "Palm Treo" (a type of compatible phone that has IR, one that I use) and look for ones that come with cables and stuff (you'll see it in the listing), just to make it easier. When you have that cable, it hooks to your phone and then you would hook the other end to the USB port in your computer (it looks kind of like a small, rectangular opening...if you're using a laptop, look around the sides for it and if you're using a desktop, there's usually some USB ports in the front of your desktop tower). When you hook your phone up to the computer, you should see your phone pop up on your computer when you go to "My Computer" and when you click on your phone, there should be folders and stuff where you can store pictures (which are essentially what the iD L downloads are). After that, you just drag the files from your computer to the folder on your phone. The downloads should be stored on your phone now.

3. To send the files from phone to iD L: it depends on the phone you use but on the Palm Treo, you would just select the download you want to send on your phone and there's usually an option to "beam" the file over to your iD L. No equipment needed, just your phone and your iD L. When beaming the file over, go to the connection icon on your iD L, select the 4th option, make sure your IR ports on your phone and iD L are lined up, and then select "beam" on your phone. Your iD L should pick it up.
I can't order off eBay ("too much hassle" my parents say), so do you know any shops in the UK (probably not since you probably don't live in UK) that sell Palm Treo phones cheaply? And what will this cable be labelled as in the store?

Also, I don't have a clue about phones because I've hardly ever even touched one. How do I select downloads on the phone? What kind of menus or options would the phone have? What would I need to select to get to what? Sorry I'm a total amateur at phones :(

I'll show the instructions you have for 1-4 (if I included number 5 my dad would just start asking what Tama Mori is) to my dad and he'll hopefully be able to figure out the bits I don't understand. He's good at computers :)

Thanks for the clear instructions! Thanks to all I've learned about computer from my dad in the last year I understood everything important :)

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It's just a "data cable/cord" or "USB cable/cord." I don't know about any shops in the UK that might sell IR phones, unfortunately. If you want, I can purchase one off of Ebay for you. All you'd need to do is pay me through PayPal. If you're interested and you need references from members who have purchased from me, just let me know.

Again, it depends on the phone. In general, you'd access whatever folder on your phone that contains the pictures, select a picture, and somewhere on the phone, there should be some sort of file manager menu. Under that menu, there should be an option to "beam" (at least on the Palm Treo anyway...I imagine it's similar on other phones). You can always Google the user manuals for different phone models to find out how to use IR on different models; they're readily available online.

Just take it slowly and read things carefully. You'll get it in no time. Again, please let me know if you have any other questions. :) have another question. My dad bought a Belkin IRDA USB adapter which he found on TamaZone is compatible with the Tamagotchi iD and iD L. We tried to use it, but it wouldn't work. My iD L wouldn't pick it up. The IRDA adapter is brand new and the iD L is pretty much brand new, neither is second-hand. My computer is approaching 2 years old so could that be it?

The age of your computer has nothing to do with it.

Which OS are you using? WindowsXP? WindowsXP should work, but in general, getting a USB-to-IRDA adapter to link up with a Tamagotchi-iD / Tamagotchi-iD L can be a frustrating process, requiring many retries. The easiest method to use is a compatible cell phone (which can usually be found for a good price, used, on e-bay.)

Which OS are you using? WindowsXP? WindowsXP should work, but in general, getting a USB-to-IRDA adapter to link up with a Tamagotchi-iD / Tamagotchi-iD L can be a frustrating process, requiring many retries. The easiest method to use is a compatible cell phone (which can usually be found for a good price, used, on e-bay.)
I'm using Windows XP, yes. So I just retry it loads of times? With the 4th icon? Thanks, I'll go tell my dad now. I have a baby Choribotchi waiting for downloads on my iD L so this would be the perfect time for them.

Huh, it's still refusing! My iD L is now a toddler and I tried downloading an item from the TamaDepa and a wallpaper from the Interior Shop, which are definitely available to toddlers, and it still keeps refusing the downloads! My computer detect my iD L and asks "do you want to send the files to the computer TMGC?", and I say okay, but apparently my Tama thinks the downloads are some sort of virus or incompatible thingy for the iD! How do I fix this? It does it on dad's computer too :(

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