Lost On Earth- A Tamagotchi Fan Fiction Pt 6


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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2010
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Lost On Earth- A Tamagotchi Fan Fiction Pt 1

Lost On Earth- A Tamagotchi Fan Fiction Pt 2

Lost On Earth- A Tamagotchi Fan Fiction Pt 3

Lost On Earth- A Tamagotchi Fan Fiction Pt 4

Lost On Earth- A Tamagotchi Fan Fiction Pt 5


The next morning, all of us were back at my house, in my room, sitting on the floor, about to go into Melanie’s Home iD-L. I nervously fingered my hair, I have no idea what to expect, being inside a Tamagotchi. Would everything be pixel-like or something? Or would it be clear? What about the weather and sunlight?

“I only have one duster,” Melanie interrupted my thoughts, holding a feather duster, “along with my vacuum and scrub brush,”

“We could all get our own supplies, then go back to your iD-L,” Melody suggested, quietly.

“Alright, come on Katia,” Ali held out her hand, her Home iD-L on the floor in front of her.

“Um, is it… safe?” I asked, watching her put her step inside.

Almost immediately, the screen turned into jelly, with a rainbow colored glow.

“Perfectly safe,” Ali replied, getting smaller and smaller, sinking into the screen, “As crazy as it might sound.”

I gingerly put my right foot in, lost my balance, and surprisingly didn’t fall flat on my floor, “Ow,”

I fell flat on Ali’s floor.

I sat up, I don’t see any pixels. I’m probably in Ali’s living room. Around me were dark, walnut wood floors with walls painted a softer version of Tiffany blue with white polka dots over it. Looking behind me were French doors with sunlight pouring through, the doors actually looked my height. To my far right, a doorway was leading to what I think would be her kitchen. A tall, door height bookshelf the same color as Ali’s floors was right next to it. Holding books, and containers all a uniform sharp white that Ali was going through. Then, I looked in front of me and screamed. A giant window took up a whole wall of where the back of the room would be.

What the heck?!

“What?! What?!” Ali rushed over, dropping whatever she was reading.

“T-t-t—” I stammered, pointing towards it. I could see my ceiling; Ali’s Home iD-L had been on the floor before we jumped in.

“That’s how I get in, and out, I can see out too,” She calmly walked into the kitchen, “You know all Tamagotchi can see out of the screen of their shell, right?”

“No,” I wandered over to the bookshelf she had been at, where Ali had dropped something before.

On the floor was a photo album of some kind. Glued to the front was a picture of Ali, Melody, Steven, Tori, and Melanie, all laughing, facing the camera. She wouldn’t mind if I opened it, would she? I turned the page, inside; it was like a scrapbook. Pictures of Ali, Melody, Tori, Steven, Melanie and someone else I didn’t recognize, a Mametchi, were scattered throughout the decorated pages. I turned the page; a certain picture caught my eye.

It looked like a strip of photos from a photo booth. On it, were five pictures of Ali and Steven making silly faces but holding hands. In the last one, they were facing each other, grinning.

“It is a nice scrapbook,” Ali said thoughtfully, I didn’t notice her behind me, “It was a gift from everyone two weeks ago for my birthday, I love it. I had no idea how many pictures everyone had of us together,”

“I flipped the page, there were several photos of Ali, Melody, Steven, a Mametchi, Tori, and Melanie on the beach. On the next page was a picture of Ali and Steven, smiling at the camera, Steven holding a soccer ball in one hand, Ali’s with the other, wearing a jersey. In the picture next to it, they were sitting on metal bleachers wearing winter coats, in mid conversation. Ali was laying her head on Steven’s shoulder, his left arm around her waist, half hugging her. They were smiling but blushing at the same time, I can’t tell if it’s from the cold or because of their slightly obvious feelings for each other.

“The first one was from one of Steven’s soccer games three weeks ago, the second one was from last December, at an ice rink. We were on the bleachers waiting for the ice to be cleaned,” She blushed, “We actually...kissed two days ago,”


“Found it!” Tori shouted, jumping out of her Home iD-L and landing on a pile of pillows on my floor, clutching a dust mop.

We were all about to help Melanie with her house, you couldn’t see her living room on her screen because of all of the sand. One at a time, the Tamagotchi and I stepped into her Home iD-L, holding cleaning supplies.

“Ahh!” I landed on my back this time, the sand didn’t help. There’s so much that when I recovered and tried to stand, I hit my head on the ceiling and stumbled back down to the floor. I’m only 5’2”; I’ve never really hit my head on anything before, especially the ceiling.

“Katia?! Are you okay?” Melody asked.

I nodded, “I’m fine. I can’t stand up without my head knocking into Melanie’s ceiling though. What will we do with the sand?”

“That’s easier than you think, Tamagotchi vacuums are a lot different than regular ones,” I heard Ali say from somewhere.

“How different?” I asked, I thought they would be the same, both being vacuums and all.

“Different enough to finish cleaning an entire room in a few seconds without moving much at all,” Steven said.

“That’s how we can clean a whole room in one, short animation on your screen!” Tori giggled, sitting in the sand, still holding her dust mop, “It only takes a few seconds in a Home iD-L too,”

“Okay, on three?” Ali asked.

“What on three?” I wondered aloud, what are they talking about?

“One,” Melanie voiced.

“Two,” Melody said softly.

“Three!” Tori cried.

A Tamagotchi-like beeping sound filled the room, I sat up. There was a vacuum turned on a few feet away from me. Then, I felt the sand shift. I was sinking, not into the sand but with it.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s the vacuum, the sand’s being sucked into it,” Ali answered matter-of-factly, “Just don’t move,”

I stayed still, the sand around me being drawn into the vacuum faster, and faster. Then, all at once, the rest of the sand was pulled into the vacuum.

“Ahh!” I dropped to Melanie’s soft carpet with a start; any leftover sand on the floor was gone, that quickly.

“We’re not done yet though, that was just the floor,” Melanie said after a few seconds.


Finally, two hours later, we finished cleaning and collapsed on my room’s rug. Everyone looked tired; Melody was actually asleep on my beanbag chair. We all whispered to each other, not wanting to wake her. Everything is so… quiet; it feels like for the first time this week. I still can’t believe there are actual Tamagotchi sitting next to me.

Then, my room’s door swung open.

My younger sister, Claire stood in the doorway, her mouth in an “O” shape.


Oh gosh.

Ali snapped out of her drowsiness, jumped up, closed, and locked my door. She looked as cautious as she did when she landed in my room just a week ago, reading Claire’s face as she did mine.

“Tamagotchi are… real?” Claire managed, looking directly at me.

To Be Continued…

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