The Adventures of Anperotchi 2


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Dec 13, 2009
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In case you didn’t read the previous Anperotchi story properly, EMF has let me write most of the Anperotchi series. Thank you EMF! Also, sorry this story is a major failure but I always write this stuff. On with the story!

The story starts in Tama School, when Anperotchi was having a particularly boring day. Himetchi was ill and off school today. Himetchi was her best friend; they had known each other since the day Anperotchi first came to Tama School and Harapparatchi the Tama Pet had helped rescue them from the Spacy brothers. Harapparatchi now lived with Anperotchi’s family – Perotchi (Pero for short), Anpan and of course Anperotchi.

Anperotchi had nothing against Tama School – she usually enjoyed it because she got to see Himetchi and her other friends like Madonnatchi and Dazzilitchi. But things were going badly right now. She had realised long ago that none of her friends were as adventurous as her – having Anpan and Perotchi as her parents, she was an intelligent and friendly explorer with a soft spot for sweets. However, none of her friends were like her. Himetchi was quite girly and didn’t like getting wet or muddy. Madonnatchi was bossy and not at all easy to work or agree with. Dazzilitchi was…well, a music star, which means incredibly girly and not at all keen on getting dirty at all.

But nothing had ever been as bad as this. Madonnatchi was expecting Anperotchi to support her in her fight against Lovelin – but the thing is, Himetchi, Anperotchi and Dazzilitchi all liked Lovelin and her songs. Anperotchi didn’t want to let her friend Madonnatchi down and side with Lovelin. She didn’t know what to do…

The answer came to her when she was sitting eating lunch and feeling miserable. Madonnatchi was over on the other side of the dining room, talking to Dazzilitchi about something. Anperotchi went to join them – but found that all Madonnatchi was talking about was how much she hated Lovelin, and Dazzilitchi was barely listening and looked extremely bored. “Dazzilitchi! Are you even LISTENING?” exclaimed Madonnatchi. When Dazzilitchi didn’t respond…

“HOW DARE YOU NOT LISTEN TO ME DAZZILITCHI!!” yelled Madonnatchi. “Cool down Madonnatchi! You were just ranting aimlessly about Lovelin! But you know what, will you ever see that I like her songs and WE ARE ALL FED UP OF YOUR CONSTANT HATING OF HER!” retorted Dazzilitchi. It was clear that Madonnatchi had been annoying Dazzilitchi for a while now – Dazzilitchi usually kept her temper, and it was totally unlike her to flare up like this. Madonnatchi, still in a rage, turned to Anperotchi. “Anperotchi, do YOU like Lovelin? If you do…”

Anperotchi didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to risk Madonnatchi’s temper or lose her as a friend. Although Anpan was usually brave and confident, a little bit of Pero had been like this. After all, when Anpan had asked to marry Pero, she had been shocked and ran away. Anpan had told the truth and risked Pero’s temper, but overall it ended well – Anperotchi wouldn’t exist if Anpan and Pero hadn’t got married. She thought this in an instant, and heard herself say to Madonnatchi, “yes, I do like Lovelin, but I like you as well. I like you both the same. But what I don’t like about you is that you get angry if people don’t like you. That just makes them dislike you even more. You need to earn a place in the world so people will like you. You can always be forgiven, no matter what, and people will like you if you can prove that you’ve changed.”

If you’ve never seen Madonnatchi get REALLY REALLY REALLY angry, I recommend you don’t try to give her helpful advice. Her eyes glowed a dangerous crimson as she glared at Anperotchi. Then she rushed off, pushing Anperotchi and Dazzilitchi over. She dashed into a bush and out of the school grounds. Anperotchi got that horrible feeling that she had failed.

Madonnatchi ran through TamaTown, tears in her eyes. How could such a kind-seeming Tamagotchi as Anperotchi betray her like this? All along, her friends had lied, saying they liked her when really they didn’t. Anperotchi had always been perfect, always been right. She’d never had a bad experience in her life. She hadn’t been to multiple schools and found them all horrible, and been lied to by the one Tama she thought she could trust. It simply didn’t occur to her that Anperotchi was crying too.

When Madonnatchi reached her house, she opened it with the key she kept in her pocket and crept in. Luckily, her parents were not at home. She dug through her drawers until she found some paper and a pen, and proceeded to write this message:

To Anperotchi, Dazzilitchi and Himetchi,

You are all so horrible to me. You’re so perfect and you NEVER do anything wrong, then you boast about it by trying to give me “advice”. I hate you, you are not my friends. And don’t you dare show this to ANYONE else or tell the teacher or else…


Then, barely pausing to check the letter, she rushed downstairs and out of the house, carefully locking the door behind her. She ran through TamaTown to get to Anperotchi’s house, and when she got there, climbed in through an open window. When she was through, she heard voices. Anpan and Perotchi were home! Her heart pounding, she dropped the letter on the floor and hopped out of the window.

As Madonnatchi ran down the street after her (unintentionally noisy) delivery, she didn’t realise that Anpan and Perotchi were reading her letter right now…

Anperotchi turned to Dazzilitchi. She wasn’t going to take her anger out on an innocent friend, but found it very hard not to. She managed to smile through her tears. She hated breaking up with friends, not that she ever had before – that was what was so horrible. She had hoped never to have to leave a friend, or lose her temper, but she had. She was ashamed of what she had done. Couldn’t she have been just a bit softer with Madonnatchi? No, if Madonnatchi couldn’t take her advice, deal with it. That was the wrong way for Anperotchi to think, and she knew it…but she couldn’t help it.

At that moment, Anpan was pacing round Anperotchi’s room in their house, while Perotchi was unhappily wondering what to do. It wasn’t nice of Madonnatchi to send a hate letter to one of her friends – but should Anperotchi’s parents read it, or leave it to Anperotchi to sort out her friendships? As parents, they had to protect their children, but not spoil them. Was Anperotchi old enough to see the letter and sort things out with Madonnatchi?

Obviously she was. You know parents – always worried about their children. Anyway, Anpan and Perotchi were so upset about the message that they left it lying on Anperotchi’s bed. As always, she finished writing in her diary at 9 PM and got into bed. She felt something hard in her bed – and just before turning the light out, she pulled out Madonnatchi’s message and read it.

Luckily, the message did not bring tears to Anperotchi’s eyes. Everyone else got upset about things, but she never did. Instead, she stayed sensible and thought about what to do. Should she confront Madonnatchi or tell her parents? (Of course she didn’t know that her parents had already read it.) She knew that this form of play often taken up by children was beneath her, but she was too scared of losing a friend to admit it. She remembered what she had said – “you can always be forgiven, no matter what, and people will like you if you can prove that you’ve changed.” Hopefully this could be true for Madonnatchi. She just had to prove that she had changed. Could she swallow her pride and apologise to her friends? She just had to.

Again, Anperotchi was on the completely wrong track. Of course Madonnatchi would never be able to apologise on her own. Something had to happen to help her. The problem was – she didn’t know what. She had to do this on her own. Everyone else got upset and panicked. Anperotchi didn’t.

Getting upset and panicking was precisely what everyone else was doing right now. Madonnatchi was scared that Anperotchi would get her back about the hate letter, or that her parents would find it. Anpan and Perotchi were confused about what to do about the hate letter from Madonnatchi. Himetchi had been found to have a dangerous disease and her family were worried. Dazzilitchi was worried that Anperotchi was upset about what happened with Madonnatchi. Yet, Anperotchi was the heart of it all, but she stayed calm. That was what was good about Anperotchi. She always stayed calm and never panicked.

Anperotchi woke up to the phone ringing. She rushed downstairs and answered it – Anpan and Pero NEVER heard the phone for some reason. It was Himetchi’s parents. “Hello, is that Anpan or Pero?” “No, it’s me, Anperotchi.” “Oh…Anperotchi. I’m afraid I have some bad news. Himetchi has become very ill with a disease called Tamaritis. We’re afraid she might not make it…” Himetchi’s mother’s voice tailed off. Anperotchi’s heart was beating hard. This had never happened to her. Her life wasn’t perfect like Madonnatchi said. Bad luck had caught up with her – her best friend was in danger, Madonnatchi was falling out with her, and there was nothing she could do. Her eyes filled with tears as she put the phone down. There was no use worrying her parents about any of this – she was the adventurer, Anperotchi, and she could deal with it.

Madonnatchi woke up with a strong sense of guilt. She was sorry for what she had done to Anperotchi. She imagined her friend reading the letter, her face as she read the hateful words. She felt ashamed she had done such a horrible thing to someone she called her friend. She wanted to run to Anperotchi’s house and apologise – but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t. She was too proud and couldn’t admit she had been wrong.

Anperotchi ran to school and left a note about Himetchi’s illness and that she would be late because she needed to visit her friend in Tama Hospital. She felt sick as she approached the large, white building – she thought she would never need to go there. Anperotchi trembled as she walked inside; she didn’t want to see her friend, pale and suffering, finding it hard to breathe. She stopped at the door to the ward Himetchi was in – she couldn’t do it. Then she remembered all they had done together, the laughs they had exchanged. The least she could do is say goodbye.

She would always remember this moment was the worst in her life. In her short number of years on Tamaplanet, she had never seen such a tragic sight. Himetchi’s face was beyond terrible. She was thin and wrinkled, her breath coming out in short gasps. Her eyes were closed, she had no energy to open them. Her parents were beside the hospital bed, stroking her face and trying to comfort her. She was barely conscious. Tears welled up in Anperotchi’s eyes, and she knelt by Himetchi’s bed. She whispered to her friend, “I know how it feels although I have never been in here, lying in that bed, in such pain as you are in. You don’t want everyone to see you like this, but it’s better to live and be hated than die and kill the lives of those you love. You can get better if you don’t give up. Don’t try to breathe. Don’t remember what you look like. Imagine you’re at Tama School back when we first met, finding our way out of that pit, getting to know Madonnatchi and Dazzilitchi. Remember those laughs we had and make them real. Make them real again. You can, I know you can, you know you can.” A tear appeared in Himetchi’s eye. She heard Anperotchi’s voice and understood the words. She thought of the memories she had of Anperotchi, and they were so strong, they hit her like a wave and seemed to knock her flat. She lay, gasping without knowing it, ill without knowing it. She saw herself as a healthy Tamagotchi once more. She forgot she was ill and her life was hanging from a thread. She breathed with ease and her face smoothed out. I am not ill, she told herself. I am being rescued from Spacytchi’s pit by Hapihapitchi…I am teaching Anperotchi how to skip…I am laughing at a joke Madonnatchi told…I am listening to Lovelin’s latest song…I am alive…

Madonnatchi walked unhappily to school. She would have to face Anperotchi – she knew that her half-Anpan friend was much cleverer than her, and could think of a very good way to get back at Madonnatchi. What she didn’t realise was that Anperotchi wanted to make up with Madonnatchi, and would never even think of being unkind.

Himetchi was still struggling to breathe, but she was alive as she slept, dreaming of the good times she had with Anperotchi and wishing with all her heart that they could be real again. She heard Anperotchi’s voice through the day, reminding her of all they had done. Her best friend’s voice was like a booming loudspeaker to her – but a quiet, soft, friendly, familiar loudspeaker. That day might have been the best day she ever had. Anperotchi was truly good at cheering everyone up!

Madonnatchi was surprised when she saw that Anperotchi wasn’t at school. Then she saw the note:

Himetchi is very ill and in hospital so I hope you don’t mind if I go to see her today instead of coming to school. Anperotchi

Madonnatchi instantly felt sorry. So Anperotchi was having a bad time too? And her horrible letter had only contributed to her friend’s sadness. But the poor proud Tamagotchi couldn’t find the courage to apologise to Anperotchi.

Anperotchi, meanwhile, had spent a long time with Himetchi in hospital and decided to return to school. Running down the streets of TamaTown, she remembered with resent the argument between her and Madonnatchi. Was her bad-tempered friend sorry and able to own up, or was she too proud to apologise for the horrible message? She felt the piece of paper in her pocket. She was planning to show it to Dazzilitchi at school – although it would only upset her, the note was addressed to her, too. She would not show Himetchi. Her best friend was in such a state, it would never do to worry her about Anperotchi’s fallout with Madonnatchi.

Madonnatchi sat down in her place next to Dazzilitchi. Dazzilitchi glared at Madonnatchi, and Madonnatchi glared back.

Then Anperotchi entered the classroom. She did not tell everyone about Himetchi, but instead sat in her place at the back of the classroom, next to the empty chair labelled “Himetchi”. She wondered if her endangered friend would ever sit there again.

At morning break, Anperotchi went with Dazzilitchi to the corner of the playground and showed her the letter from Madonnatchi. Of course Dazzilitchi was very upset, but she was brave to some extent and did not cry. Anperotchi also told Dazzilitchi about Himetchi – Anperotchi, Dazzilitchi and Himetchi were all very good friends (and usually Madonnatchi too). Dazzilitchi did cry about this, and after school they both went to visit Himetchi in hospital. Anperotchi had developed a terrible fear of hospitals, and Dazzilitchi felt her friend’s hand trembling as they walked into the room where Himetchi lay in her bed. She was looking a little better, although of course was very thin and asleep. Anperotchi and Dazzilitchi kept her company for a while, but they had to leave soon to do their homework.

Anperotchi was feeling very dismal as she trudged home. Her happy little Tama Pet, Harapparatchi, only made her sadder. Was there ANYTHING in her life that was going well? No? If only Madonnatchi would apologise and they could be friends, it would lift the smaller weight off her mind. But the big weight that dragged not only her heart but her whole body to the floor was, of course, Himetchi’s illness. And Anperotchi could do nothing about that.

Madonnatchi really did feel sorry for Anperotchi, and was almost as depressed. The big weight on HER mind was the note she had sent to Anperotchi. She wished she could tear it up and make everyone forget it ever happened. Madonnatchi so wanted to rewind back to when she first became friends with Himetchi, Anperotchi and Dazzilitchi, and relive those days again. A tear formed in her eye. Life never got better, only worse.

Himetchi was getting a tiny bit better. Anperotchi and Dazzilitchi visited her every day, sometimes bringing gifts for their beloved friend. But the most precious gift of all that anyone could give her were memories of her friends. She wanted to relive this before she died, and wanted her last days to be filled with the love of her friends.

But one day, when Anperotchi and Dazzilitchi visited, something was different. Himetchi was not in her normal bed, the covers were neatly folded and no nurses were beside the bed. Anperotchi gasped and Dazzilitchi almost fainted. No…Himetchi couldn’t be dead! She just couldn’t be! Anperotchi, the Tamagotchi who never panicked, burst into tears and Dazzilitchi did too. The other patients were still there – but Himetchi was not. The two friends cried, mourning the loss of their friend. All the times they had said goodbye were not enough. They wanted to see Himetchi’s face, hear her giggle, whisper to her in class. But she was gone.

Himetchi’s funeral was very sad. It was clear that she had been a popular Tamagotchi; a lot of Tamas were there. Anperotchi and Dazzilitchi sat right at the front, and they cried quietly the whole time. They had never imagined Himetchi really would die.

At the last moment, someone came rushing into the funeral place. It was Madonnatchi! She took a seat at the back, breathing hard from her run. She did not cry, but still looked very sad.

Suddenly, a loud scream broke out just outside the building. Suddenly, everything was panic. All the Tamas were rushing about as a curiously familiar voice screamed in the corridor. “I HATE YOU! WHY DID YOU CAPTURE ME LIKE THIS? WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG?!” Anperotchi heard the voice scream. In all her years of having known Himetchi, she had never listened to her friend’s voice – but this was Himetchi. Pushing through the crowd of excited Tamagotchis, Anperotchi rushed out of the building. She was dazzled by the sunshine, but ran through it like she was swimming in an everlasting sea of confusion. She was following the one voice – the voice screaming and swearing, the angriest voice she had ever heard, but the voice that was doubtless Himetchi’s. Many Tamas yelled at her for knocking them over, but she continued to plough through them. She felt a bush prickle her as she ran through it – but then she was standing in a graveyard with trees all around. There was Himetchi, screaming for all she was worth, at a rather surprised-looking Tamagotchi who had apparently been preparing to bury her coffin. Himetchi was ALIVE?!

Afterwards, Himetchi always said that she died. She felt herself becoming an Angelgotchi, floating up, away from Tamaplanet. She had fought and struggled, and the one word she registered was Anperotchi, calling her name. A tornado-strength wind seemed to be blowing her up, but she fought against it, and fell through the skies of Tamaplanet – seemingly right into that coffin.

The big confusion did one good thing: It gave Madonnatchi the courage to apologise to Anperotchi. She, in turn, darted through the bush and was soon on top of Anperotchi. “I’m so sorry!” she wailed. “I wish I had never sent you that horrible letter! Please forgive me!” Anperotchi was quite taken aback. “Of course we can make up, Madonnatchi!” she said. “And look, Himetchi is alive!”

Once everyone had realised that Himetchi was alive and Dazzilitchi had realised that Anperotchi, Himetchi, Madonnatchi and she were all friends again, life slowly faded back to normal. And Madonnatchi was wrong – it was just as good, if not better, than the old days.

*The End*

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