Kuromametchis Troubles (PART 1: It ain't easy!)


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Kuromametchis Diary

For Kuro only!!

November 23, 2012, 6:58 AM, Morning (Awesome2489 says: It is actually night right now but this was this


Dear diary,

Me, My dad, and my friend Kuchipatchi moved in to a new apartment.

Me and Kuchi share a room with a bunk bed and Obviously, I got the top!

I just have started this diary to tell you what I do with my friend! And kuchis name

is David and you know mine is Geo! I am going to finish this later bye!

The awesome guy, Geo the Kuromametchi!

Color code:

Blue: Geo the kuromametchi

Dark green: David the Kuchipatchi

Brick: Kuromametchis Dad/Papakurotchi

Bold: Diary/Awesome2489

Geo closed his book, put it on his little table and walked into the kitchen. Then he tripped

over David. OW! What the? David? What.. are you doing? I am looking for my

Ultra-bot toy-tchi! It's getting near Christmas so why do you get the new Ultra robot V2?

Oh! So that's why you're wearing that silly snowman scarf-tchi? Whatever...

*Walks into kitchen* Hey son, Hey David. *Gets up* Hey dad! I made you guys your lunches.

Thanks Kiwiwametchis dad-tchi! *Scoffs* ITS KUROMAMETCHI! Aren't you guys going to be late for

school? Huh? *Checks time* AH! I'll be late! *Grabs bag and runs off* Wait! I'm not

done packing-tchi! *Runs to room and gets pack* Wait up-tchi! And they were off and almost late!

Ahh! David hurry! Wait-tchi! *Trips and falls* *Scoffs* GIVE ME A BREAK! *Runs to help David*

They both make it LATE! *David & Geo* NooooooOOOoooOOO!

Crazy teacher: AHhHahHaHHHAHAHAhah! You're late for the 4th time! But Mrs. Crazy I--

No Buts! You both have Detention for a week! *Big gasp* *Faints* They both never had detention

last year and they were A- students, but this year, they keep being late, getting D- and F+,

and failing Music class! After recess, Geo got his book and started writing.

November 23, 2012, 10:31, After recess

Dear diary,

This is horrible! I just gotten "DETENTION FOR A WEEK!". This just stinks!

Note about School: It ain't easy! I'm getting bad grades but all of a sudden,

David is getting C+'s!!! Also, all I'm getting is D-'s!!! UGH! I'm just mad!

I'll write in here later!

Detention boy, Geo

To be continued...

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