Anyone remember the virus 'Tamago.doc'?


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Although not Tamagotchi-centric I am just showcasing that these phenomena tend to show up in almost every community and space, the more "kid-friendly" the more likely.
I'm strongly reminded of Snopes' coverage of the "Webkinz Murderer", here, which sums up this phenomenon nicely. :tongue:

That being said, I did find some documentation on it.
I happily stand corrected about its existence. :smile2: Like @Bentobuff, I wasn't really able to find anything, and having been around the online fandom back in 1997 I can say that I never heard of such a thing back then. The main file that I remember doing the rounds in chat-rooms and on fan-sites of that time was a weird little Tamagotchi-tribute Windows 95 application from the Japanese fandom, which was called "Nest". Something like this "Tamago.doc" never showed up at all.

This is the sort of thing that (obviously) would've caused a lot of upset in the fandom at the time, so I'm guessing that this virus wasn't especially widespread.
Same, I did a fair bit of hunting and couldn't find any real sources referencing it. At best I found those youtube videos and that one questionable link from another site(that I did mention). Coupled with how OP kept providing information but didn't share any sources aside from the fandom wiki, it felt like things were being made up and doubled downed. I'm sorry I was so stern to OP, but I also didn't want people to needlessly worry over what my research was showing to be a hoax.
I've never heard of malwiki before, but I'm guessing it's got a good set of moderators too?
I've never heard of malwiki before, but I'm guessing it's got a good set of moderators too?
Not entirely sure, I've just used this site for a few years. It is a bit broken at the moment, functionally speaking, since they migrated away from Fandom and are running their wiki independently now, so they're at least still semi-active. Like any wiki, just a nice collection of things.
*brings out the fisticuffs*

It's not a real virus and obviously OP is trying to fear monger with doubling down after being called out multiple times, some more tactfully than others. It could lead to an unnecessary, yet genuine, worry for other users and perpetuate misinformation in the future.

It might be time for a staff member to lock this thread. @Angotcha @Nazotchi25 @Penguin-keeper it's your call to make, but that's my opinion.
I'm pretty sure OP is merely a kid who doesn't know any better 😅 Not saying this as an insult to OP. I'm just saying they are and probably created this thread not so seriously. Although I appreciate the clarity given by @Penguin-keeper and @Nazotchi25 regarding this topic as to refrain from any misunderstanding.
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I'm pretty sure OP is merely a kid who doesn't know any better 😅 Not saying this as an insult to OP. I'm just saying they are and probably created this thread not so seriously. Although I appreciate the clarity given by @Penguin-keeper and @Nazotchi25 regarding this topic as to refrain from any misunderstanding.
They come across as such, but I wanted to refrain from calling someone a child as it's often used as an ageist insult on the internet.

Also, to some people who have more faith in humanity/may be more naive, these sorts of things can have more serious consequences to their stress levels, children shouldn't be exempt from consequences to bad behavior online(and I don't believe bullying of anyone online, doxxing, etc is a good thing to do, regardless of age, even if I may have had different perspectives years ago; I like to think I've grown up a bit myself. I personally think correcting and letting them own up to it, or shutting them down if it's dangerous is sufficient). I thought it might be an interesting video idea so I went digging. When I couldn't turn up anything of value/reliability and they doubled down and appeared to be making up more things after being challenged and essentially refused to give further sourcing(far more than what was on the wiki, so ⛳⛳⛳⛳ behavior) it comes across as being harmful to other members of the site. Their behavior versus my research is why I called on the moderators. And as you saw, one of the moderators I tagged provided more information that I wasn't able to track down myself, and that in and of itself is cool and good to know. I was happy to "eat crow" and even apologized for being so harsh towards the OP after becoming privy to more information.
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The YouTube channel Izzzyzzz touches on a lot of these types of "viruses" in community things. Definitely sounds like one of those fake things that looks like a virus. Mostly because it is going over-the-top to be creepy as it can be. Her most recent video [The Horror Of Anti-Piracy Screens] talks heavily on the concept of these, and also touched on it in [My Little Pony Creepypastas: A Deep Dive], and [Virus Or Deep Web Horror? The Story Of Luna Game].

I'm positive she's mentioned them in other videos as well, I just don't remember exactly which ones. Although not Tamagotchi-centric I am just showcasing that these phenomena tend to show up in almost every community and space, the more "kid-friendly" the more likely. I didn't provide a link to the channel as not everything is family friendly, although she typically keeps the conversation and content PG-13 at worst most the time.

To add, you're really bad at citing sources. You make claims with no attempt to say where you get information from.
That being said, I did find some documentation on it.
Even without malware protection it is highly unlikely that this would work on a modern computer system. Windows simply refuses to execute a command to delete its system files, even with the admin account.
alright, imma stop posting it again
Yeah, I think it's safe to say this thing is bunk as heck. When I did some more searching(which I did specify that I was going to do...) it doesn't come up in ANY of those antivirus virus database sites what tell you information about them and what havoc they can wreak upon your machine.
Also, the only two results that show before it gets into generic anti-virus things are this thread and that site you shared...
ALSO, when I did more digging I only found a couple of youtube videos referencing "Virus.MSWord.Tamago" so I searched it up on google trends. Surely it'd have popped up a bit more than those two videos since 2004.
There's also the widely accepted theory that nothing is entirely purged from the internet. There'd surely have been a reference to it on a virus database site.
When you search "AVG trojan", you get articles about that virus. I did the same with "avg tamago.doc"... nada. As for "avg Virus.MSWord.Tamago" I saw a link to kaspersky. Never heard of it as an antivirus tool so I doubt it's a reliable resource for information in that regard.

April 1st isn't for another few months, this wasn't cool. I thought I might have had something interesting to talk about in a video but I don't want to intentionally spread falsehoods...

My best possible, no bad intentions intended, theory is that a few people made a few videos for views, you came across them a while ago and believed them to be real, misremembered the name, edited the wiki to try and ensure it's more complete, and posted here to contribute to the discourse.

View attachment 7051

View attachment 7052
You use Opera?
You use Opera?
Opera on PC, Ecosia on mobile, although it's been giving me issues. I like that they plant trees with their searches, but with sites not loading right anymore on there, I'm tempted to switch to opera on my android as well. Why do you ask?
Opera on PC, Ecosia on mobile, although it's been giving me issues. I like that they plant trees with their searches, but with sites not loading right anymore on there, I'm tempted to switch to opera on my android as well. Why do you ask?
I have been using an extension whose logo is a shield with a white robot in the middle. It detects harmful webs too!

What this?

@babytchi96 Tell me how did you discover and remembered the virus?

And i refuse to give a try because if the virus destroy my computer,my computer will be gone.



Took this chanel to review these malware,be careful,but he also experiments windows.

What this?

@babytchi96 Tell me how did you discover and remembered the virus?

And i refuse to give a try because if the virus destroy my computer,my computer will be gone.



Took this chanel to review these malware,be careful,but he also experiments windows.
in tamagotchi fandom, also that enderman link is giving me minecraft vibes
kind of cool haha. old computer viruses are fascinating. creepy though! imagine being a child in the late 90s and getting this virus while sitting in the dark - spoopyyy! lmao
LOL i find the virus more funny than anything. and obviously i have no intents in running the virus either, there is nothing in it for me !
just saw the danoct1 video, ive seen many videos by this guy actually !!! he makes really cool videos on computer viruses ^__^
