Do You Actually Like V5?


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Jun 25, 2008
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I don't actually really like the v5. I kind of hate the whole idea of a family because I thought the whole point of a tamagotchi is having a virtual pet to take care of. With the v5 tamagotchi, you don't get a pet to take care of. You have 3, and their isn't really much to do with them... I guess I just don't really get the idea of the v5. Who else feels the same way?

HMMMM I like it but i can't wait to see what they make next! :D


I'm here to help :D

Well if you don't like the Family thing or the Job/School thing, go back to the V1-V3 or even the 1990's Tamagotchis.

I love the V5 it's sooo cute! I'm currently on Generation 5 and I have the Large Family. Next generation I want the Petite Family, then the Ninja Family, then whatever else is left that I haven't got.

I don't really like any version past V3...starting with V4 they just get really complex.

I enjoy the V5, because its just kinda fun to work to get a pure family or something like that. But I also like my older versions because you can focus on making one tamagotchi feel oh so special. I just can't decide!

No I dun like V5, the games are far too silly and kiddy, the training call is difficult to catch and the pic (pixels) are far too blur compared to version 4.5.

version 4.5 is better in their pic (pixels) and got school, work and the tama gets pay for its job done etc....much more fun for 4.5! the disadvantages are that the characters are far too little variety and the matchmaker is so difficult to catch!!

I really don't like the v5 either. It changes the game wayy too much... and I really didn't like that they couldn't connect with any other version but itself. ;)

I'll admit the V5 has it's ups and downs. I'd love to go back to those more simple tama-times like the V1/V2. However just the ability to have that tama-family is real nice. Plus I understand how weird it would be for V5 connections to connect with lower versions

I'm feeling that way too. V5 is pretty complex, and I do like the older ones better. But it's cool in it's own little way :furawatchi:

I kind of like it...but don't be sad!!! Just think of how many people out there that WANT a Tamagotchi and doesn't have one... I kind of feel bad for them. So I like it!

I love all of the versions, and especially the V5. I think the whole family thing is a great idea. Although the V4.5 is fun also, but I prefer both of them. :mametchi: ;

I love the V5! I got mine quite recently but it was worth every penny! :p For starters, the games are fun & you can play them with Father and Mother! :) Also, they are a lot easier to look after and you can leave them all day without death! B) I personally love them! :p

Bratzy T


I like them but I kinda miss the wieght, the age and all the old stuff but i like the family!

at first i was thrilled about the v5, but now, its kinda boring with only the 4 games that are not that great, the website for v5 isnt very fun either. the whole 3 character thing isnt that huge cuz u c them interact a bit, and so u hav 3 characters bouncing around on the screen...not that amazing after a while. and the jobs! i was missing the job feature a lot. So i either play w/the v3 or v4. but u know, im gonna change my mind in like a month or two, cuz im just that way. but at the moment, im not into v5, and there are many down sides to that version.

I think I missed the V4 (I just realized today that I never got that version), but I have two V3's and I actually LOVE my V5 better. I do miss the Age and Weight (well, not so much the weight) and I think v3 had more games didn't it? I know V3 had a lot more items than I have seen for V5 so far. With V5 they took away things but they also added some things that I really enjoy a lot better. Still I think the V5 is better, and I like where they are going with this family thing. Can't wait to see upcoming versions, and I hope they keep coming because I am 20 years old and still loving tamagotchis and hope they keep 'evolving'..

i completly agree! tamas have gone way to far from the "PET" idea

I'm not really sure about v5. I haven't bought one and I don't plan on buying one. I hear it some problems, but some parts are fun. I'm waiting till the v5.5 comes out. Hopefully it will be a lot more improved than the v5. But out of all my Tamas, I love my v4.5, it never gets boring.

I guess I like it, its pretty cool in the sense that you can raise new pets and there are new features. But I don't like that you HAVE to raise 3 pets. The games are pretty stupid too. You also can't name your pets, and in the old versions, that was the fun for me. I mean, it gives you the species name of your pet, but there's nothing like choosing your own name. I can't wait till the new version comes out (by the way, does anyone have an idea when it's coming out?), then maybe they can get rid of the family idea, or atleat give you the choice of raising a single, or multiple pets. The last thing I don't like about V5 is that when you play games, use items, etc., it only uses the middle pet, and leaves the other ones out. I would be fine with that if you could change who the middle pet is, but you can't, and that kind of bugs me... Anyways, I love the rest though!! Here's Hoping That The New Version Is Better!!!!!!!!



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