Do you enjoy doing other stuff while playing Tamagotchi?


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Sr. Tamatalk Guide
Staff member
Oct 21, 2021
Reaction score
I'm curious about what other stuff you enjoy doing while playing Tamagotchi.
Study? Paint? Write? Crochet? Cook? More Tamas/vPets? And etc.?
It honestly depends on what kind of v-pet I'm running at the time. Watching movies, studying, drawing is something I do frequently and the Tama(s) aren't really involved. But running one that's demanding? That can be a little rough - I remember running a Yoda Giga Pet and it being so noisy it nearly ruined a viewing of a film or two, haha.

I don't associate running v-pets with any interests in particular, though.
If I'm running a Tamagotchi, they tend to be nearby no matter what I'm doing! :smile2: So, mine tend to hang around while I'm gaming, sewing, cooking, and so on.

I started up my Sunset Tamagotchi Original back when I made this tiny little Tarakotchi sock-doll keychain, actually;

