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Jun 12, 2023
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Hello everyone,

I’m Alexis, aka Lexi (26) and kinda hoping to meet new friends because I’m in need of people who share the same special interest as me. I only own one which is the pix party.. I wish I owned more, thinking about it! But if anyone is willing to start a conversation about tamagotchis with me, that would be the dream. ^^’ And I forgot, I’m currently preordering the Uni which I’m really excited about which I hope fuels my obsession even more.
Hey there! You're around my age! Nice to meet you, glad you found your way here!!
Hello, nice to meet you as well!! I'm happy to be here, the tamagotchi community has been very welcoming and helpful so far :') and my tama has definitely made me feel less alone as well since I struggle with social anxiety.. trying to be more active though!
Yes, everyone here is so nice! ^^ Is that your tama in your profile pic?
Yes!! I currently am on my first gen. I woke up to Neliatchi yesterday morning and kinda was aiming for 100% perfect run but failed with the baby to child tama. :/ I’ve had the pix party for awhile though, but I was focused on another vpet that took most of my attention at the time. What type of tama(s) do you have?

Hello and welcome!! Glad to meet another tama fan, and someone else excited about the Uni! Which color did u preorder? :D (I preordered both cuz well, I like em!!)
Hi there and thank you so much!! That’s honestly really true ^^’ I think the Uni will really bring all of us together and give us a reason to log in every day. And that’s really cool! I hope that we love the Uni as much as we are excited about it!! I ordered both the colors and the marble lanyard, but I might purchase the black wrist band too. I’m still in a dilemma if I should keep or give the extra to someone who will use it with me.
Hi there and thank you so much!! That’s honestly really true ^^’ I think the Uni will really bring all of us together and give us a reason to log in every day. And that’s really cool! I hope that we love the Uni as much as we are excited about it!! I ordered both the colors and the marble lanyard, but I might purchase the black wrist band too. I’m still in a dilemma if I should keep or give the extra to someone who will use it with me.
Hopefully yeah!! The Tamaverse seems promising, I just hope they don't shut it down too soon. And nice, someone else who preordered both. :3c I'd say if u have someone u know that will run one with u, do it! I don't have anyone like that myself so I'm just gonna run both my Unis at the same time, lol. :p
Hopefully yeah!! The Tamaverse seems promising, I just hope they don't shut it down too soon. And nice, someone else who preordered both. :3c I'd say if u have someone u know that will run one with u, do it! I don't have anyone like that myself so I'm just gonna run both my Unis at the same time, lol. :p
As much as they’re advertising for the new tama, I hope not :( that’s why I’m gonna try to show my support by buying the new versions of the Uni when they come out (hopefully their spaced out so my wallet can breathe haha) and that’s true !! I know I have my younger brother 100% but he’s not into girly colors as he says (13 years apart— he’s way younger than me) so I might have to wait on him. But you’re always free to message me your uni adventures next month if you feel comfortable! My doors are always open ^^
As much as they’re advertising for the new tama, I hope not :( that’s why I’m gonna try to show my support by buying the new versions of the Uni when they come out (hopefully their spaced out so my wallet can breathe haha) and that’s true !! I know I have my younger brother 100% but he’s not into girly colors as he says (13 years apart— he’s way younger than me) so I might have to wait on him. But you’re always free to message me your uni adventures next month if you feel comfortable! My doors are always open ^^
Apologies for replying late omg, but!! I'll definitely reach out on my Uni adventures, and post about them in my log, too! Hope to chat more soon. :3
Hello everyone,

I’m Alexis, aka Lexi (26) and kinda hoping to meet new friends because I’m in need of people who share the same special interest as me. I only own one which is the pix party.. I wish I owned more, thinking about it! But if anyone is willing to start a conversation about tamagotchis with me, that would be the dream. ^^’ And I forgot, I’m currently preordering the Uni which I’m really excited about which I hope fuels my obsession even more.
Hii, I am also 26! I am glad to have someone my age 😂
Hii, I am also 26! I am glad to have someone my age 😂
Hey there Brisabill! Nice to meet you and hope you're enjoying your time here so far :D I am honestly so relieved that I'm not the only adult who is interested in tamas now cause I felt really silly at one point carrying them to my family's house hahah. But it's cool that there's a safe space here. You have such a cool profile picture btw, I've honestly thought about getting the R2-D2 nano!!
Hey there Brisabill! Nice to meet you and hope you're enjoying your time here so far :D I am honestly so relieved that I'm not the only adult who is interested in tamas now cause I felt really silly at one point carrying them to my family's house hahah. But it's cool that there's a safe space here. You have such a cool profile picture btw, I've honestly thought about getting the R2-D2 nano!!
I know how you feel, my husband also says I am a child at heart haha But at this point I have accepted and I am even taking my 3 tamas to work :ROFLMAO: You totally should get and R2D2 tama! In comparison to the hello kitty one, theR2D2 has a thousand times more things to do! I bought because I saw a girl on youtube showing the gameplay of it and honestly no regrets! From the 3 I have for now, the R2D2 is definitely my favorite one and I am not even that big of a star wars fan. Also I find the blue shell absolutely gorgeous :love: