How do you turn off the Tamagotchi?


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Hi abbigail

You cant turn off your tama, im sorry

Hope It Helped!


yopu put it on pause ( press 1st and last button together ) or unscrew the big screw in the back of your tamagotchi and a take out the batteries

then.....that means when the batteries run out, you have to buy new ones since you can't turn it off?

You can't turn your tama off, but you can pause it. If your tama not an adult it slows down the life cycle though. To pause it you hold down A and B. You do the same to un-pause it.

Sorry, there isnt a way to sttop the battery from running out.... sorry!! But as some people have said, you can always pause your tama so then you dont have to look after it 24/7! :chohimetchi:

yes you can pause it, but it messes up the aging, so be carful!

Glad I helped!

Im here to help!


:furawatchi: well in my head if you pause it, its growing progess will stop and if you take the batteries out then mabe ur tama will start over.and if you put the plug in it might die or restart :lol: :lol:

what i do is turn off the lights so i feel like its off :( :huh: :eek:

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