How is the word "Zum" pronounced?


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Just makin' sure, cause I don't mind it being pronounced like of how Lum is pronounced. That would be actually cute.

It is pronounced the way that you see it. It is like "Lum" but with a Z instead of a L.

So I can pronounce it as "Zoom", like of how "Lum" is pronounced? So, what you're saying that the Zum looks like a cuter version of a Lum? I usually thought that Lums were cute...but now when you put it that way...

No it is pronounced like Lum but with a Z so that means it is Zum. It is much harder to explain on a computer.

I pronounce it like gum or slum.

Because on Webkinz there's this place called "Zumwhere." And I think you'd pronounce it like "somewhere" with a Z rather than "zoomwhere."

Yeah. It is pronounced like gum but with a z so it is like zum.

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