I bought a nano puppy last week


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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2007
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Hey, my place still costs far too much!
My personal Nano Pet Test

Good things about the pet: As I am used to the newer editions of tamagotchi's, with very big screens, I was a bit concerned that I wouldn't see anything on the Nano's tinsy litle screen, but it's fine. The pixels are much bigger than the Tamagotchi's, but there are many features they display the Tamagotchi does not. My Nano puppy skips merrily around in the garden, around a fence, inside a house and under a bell, and goes to sleep in a cute dog house. The best thing about it's sleeping time is that when you switch off the light, the screen does not turn dark, but displays the dog house. It's very curious, and stops every now and then to smell the ground. It's so cute.

It is also a VIRTUAL PET, and not a bootleg product. It's the only non-bandai product I have. (I also got a 50% discount, so I only paid 5 bucks for it! :huh: not bad.)

Bad things about the pet: But I do agree it's bit boring. It's very basic, and personally I think this pet is a starter for people that wants to buy a Tamagotchi, but needs some practice as Nano's are easy to take care of and are easily satisfied. I like the food options, food and drink, but there should have been a snack as well. And when it's infant, it wakes up and wants attention in the middle of the night, no matter how much you set the clock! :huh: Like a real puppy, but I don't like electric things to be too 'organic'. It poops too much, and when it does, you have to flush it AND bathe it.

The sounds are very dull, too, and if I'm carrying it in my bag or in my jacket, I can't hear it. That's a great - .

EVALUATION: It's the only virtual pet i have that does not connect with others. I really think that they should put in just a little bit more effort. It's like a real pet, cute, but not too much fun. Connecting is always funny.

As it is it's own type of virtual pet, it's unique and makes another inner feeling playing with it than a tamagotchi. That means that Nano producers have succeed.

If it's worth it? I would say so. and it's a good pet to have if you're a virtual pet collector, as they are often referred to in virtual pet coversation.

PRICE: I got this pet for a really low price, $ 5.00. It's real cost was $10.00; which I also think is reasonable as I don't lack money, but I wouldn't have used a potential allowance on it. :wacko:

Virtual pets have a wide range of prices, so you shouldn't buy a virtual pet without checking them out. :blink: Here's where TamaTalkers are great! :huh: We can help informing you about the pet you want to buy and if it's worth it or not. you should also visit Tamenagerie.com before you buy a different virtual pet. That's the place I was recommended a Nano pet. Check out the Virtual Pet Family forum. Maybe you find

the pet you want there! Good luck.

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