My Android fan-made Tamagotchis


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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2020
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Hi guys! So as I said in my other thread, I've decided that my work on my own Android-based tamagotchi app should have its own separate thread, so here it is. I'll try to keep you up to date with what I'm doing, while also trying to work on the project and provide updates and bug fixes regularly.

My first playable version of my app is on Github, and there's a link to download the latest functioning APK. It's a copy of the P2, which is the first (only) Bandai Tamagotchi I've ever had. It doesn't play exactly like the P2, but it's about 99% identical (I've only changed a few minor things). Here are the biggest differences I've introduced:
--> Every hour, your tama might get sick: If your tama is 5 lbs higher than its ideal weight, it has a 5% chance of becoming sick. If it's 15 lbs higher, then it has a 15% chance, etc. So Tonmarutchi will have a maximum of 89% (99-10) chance of becoming sick if you let him weigh 99 lbs, whereas most adults will only have a maximum of 69% chance since their ideal weight is already 30 lbs.
--> Every time you tama gets sick, it will tend to lose hearts and poop faster. However, you can combat this by playing with your tama. Everytime you win a game when your tama is clean, has 4 hungry hearts and 4 happy hearts, it prolongs the time for hearts loss and poop. I've made this decision to give the player a reason to play even when the tama is completely content. Also, this makes it possible (in theory) to raise even a Kusatchi to 25 years old.

In case you're wondering, I don't plan on ever releasing the APK on PlayStore as an official app, since I don't want to have any problem with Bandai or Google. I encourage anyone who can afford it to support Bandai and buy real tamagotchis anyway.
However, as you know better than me, some versions, especially japanese ones, are now defunct and are only available on eBay/Amazon for very expensive prices, which motivates me to start redoing all of them from scratch. I'll be doing them in chronological order, apart from the fact that I really want to work on the Santagotchi right now. I think if I start now, I can realistically have it ready for December. Other than that, I'll be doing the Mothra (already copied a few sprites), Angel, and so on. All the classic tamas from the 1990s have the same basic algorithm, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

Initially I thought it better to have separate apps for each version, but upon starting to work I realised it was way smarter, for various reasons, to have at least all of the classic tamas in one big app.
Don't expect a post every day, I'll try to only post here when a major milestone is reached, instead of rambling too much like I did in my previous thread. A weekly post will be frequent. However, feel free to use this thread to let me know about bugs and issues you've been having with the app. :)
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In case you're wondering, I don't plan on ever releasing the APK on PlayStore as an official app, since I don't want to have any problem with Bandai or Google. I encourage anyone who can afford it to support Bandai and buy real tamagotchis anyway.
You can try to do it,Google accepts emulators,unlike Apple.
Quick update, I've copied many Santagotch sprites from AtlanticRaven's Youtube videos, but have switched to working on a save feature.


The save feature will allow the user to raise an unlimited number of tamagotchis concurrently, with each tamagotchi's data being saved in a separate file. This should prove to be very useful if the player wants to run different versions at the same time. Also, it will allow me to play with the app WHILE I continue to improve it (it's pretty sad when I've been raising a tama for 10 days and have to kill it in order to try a newly implemented feature).
After the save feature is implemented I'll be ready to properly work on the Santagotchi.

Well I use scratch so it could take a while based on motivation. After that, I will probably recreate in Java once I learn it fully
I had never heard of Scratch before, though I'm familiar with this sort of "visual programming" paradigm. It looks like you could achieve a lot rather quickly with it if you're experienced enough. If you want to learn a language, I'd suggest trying to make a web based tama with javascript. I think javascript is the easiest language out there, and web apps are available on mobile AND computers which is pretty cool.
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Thanks! I will try it
I had never heard of Scratch before, though I'm familiar with this sort of "visual programming" paradigm. It looks like you could achieve a lot rather quickly with it if you're experienced enough. If you want to learn a language, I'd suggest trying to make a web based tama with javascript. I think javascript is the easiest language out there, and web apps are available on mobile AND computers which is pretty cool

Hopefully the Santagotchi will come when December rolls around
My lump of poop looks like he is sick and he pooped himself. I cant do everything with him.
Hi guys! So as I said in my other thread, I've decided that my work on my own Android-based tamagotchi app should have its own separate thread, so here it is. I'll try to keep you up to date with what I'm doing, while also trying to work on the project and provide updates and bug fixes regularly.

My first playable version of my app is on Github, and there's a link to download the latest functioning APK. It's a copy of the P2, which is the first (only) Bandai Tamagotchi I've ever had. It doesn't play exactly like the P2, but it's about 99% identical (I've only changed a few minor things). Here are the biggest differences I've introduced:
--> Every hour, your tama might get sick: If your tama is 5 lbs higher than its ideal weight, it has a 5% chance of becoming sick. If it's 15 lbs higher, then it has a 15% chance, etc. So Tonmarutchi will have a maximum of 89% (99-10) chance of becoming sick if you let him weigh 99 lbs, whereas most adults will only have a maximum of 69% chance since their ideal weight is already 30 lbs.
--> Every time you tama gets sick, it will tend to lose hearts and poop faster. However, you can combat this by playing with your tama. Everytime you win a game when your tama is clean, has 4 hungry hearts and 4 happy hearts, it prolongs the time for hearts loss and poop. I've made this decision to give the player a reason to play even when the tama is completely content. Also, this makes it possible (in theory) to raise even a Kusatchi to 25 years old.

In case you're wondering, I don't plan on ever releasing the APK on PlayStore as an official app, since I don't want to have any problem with Bandai or Google. I encourage anyone who can afford it to support Bandai and buy real tamagotchis anyway.
However, as you know better than me, some versions, especially japanese ones, are now defunct and are only available on eBay/Amazon for very expensive prices, which motivates me to start redoing all of them from scratch. I'll be doing them in chronological order, apart from the fact that I really want to work on the Santagotchi right now. I think if I start now, I can realistically have it ready for December. Other than that, I'll be doing the Mothra (already copied a few sprites), Angel, and so on. All the classic tamas from the 1990s have the same basic algorithm, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

Initially I thought it better to have separate apps for each version, but upon starting to work I realised it was way smarter, for various reasons, to have at least all of the classic tamas in one big app.
Don't expect a post every day, I'll try to only post here when a major milestone is reached, instead of rambling too much like I did in my previous thread. A weekly post will be frequent. However, feel free to use this thread to let me know about bugs and issues you've been having with the app. :)
While looking for some information about the Gen 2 app, I found this post. I had to say how awesome and well done the app is that you made! It is very easy to use and understand. Thank you for this!

Any updates on this or other Tamagotchi related apps you are working on?
Thank you very much for your compliment, it was a lot of work and I've always felt like it never gathered too much attention. I haven't "technically" stopped working on this project, and still want to implement many other versions, but I've started a few other small projects, such as a snake game in Javascript. Last thing I did was implementing a system to handle multiple save files. It works fine, I could raise 2 tamas on my phone the other day, but I was still ironing out a few minor bugs. I haven't worked on this project since around November/December 2022, but I haven't given up either.
Thank you again for your interest!
You're welcome, and thanks for replying. Like I said, it's a great app! I look forward to any other projects/updates. Since I am a big Godzilla/kaiju fan, the Mothra pet sounds very interesting!