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nano pets are much like tamagotchis, but instead of little aliens, you raise either a kitten, a puppy or a baby. I myself had a nano kitty a long time ago. I miss it so much. My cousin pretty much killed it by dropping it in the sink or something. >.<

I have one running now. Its a Nano Kitty.

They do not pause. They are fun, but if you are looking for growth like a tama... Its very basic.

The two games are Choose a side (In which it is very simmilar to an original tamagotchi game) The other game is Chase. (Which you go to catch a mouse in 20 sec.) Very simple games.

It will let you know when it is doing something of value (Or lack of......bathroom) With a ?! symbol. It shows up when it goes to the bathroom, needs cleaning, is thristy, needs food or discipline. Or when all the hearts are not filled in. (Like a tamagotchi levels of happiness/hunger)

When in has no hearts, after a while it can/will become sick and will need to go to the doctor. At that time, it will not eat, play or take any cleaning.

When it needs cleaning. Pawprints will show the screen. Eventually it becomes important to do so. To be fully clean at that point, it needs to be cleaned 3 times... Maybe less depending on how long it has been like that.

It will fall asleep at random times. Then it will ask you to turn off the lights. (The ?! will show) Then again when it wakes up fairly soon. Then will resume play.

I guess if you have other questions you can ask me. I think I covered basis though as nobody has responded to this for a few years now....

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Back when Nanopets were still being sold in stores I preferred them over GigaPets and Tamagotchis, they are low maintenance pets, and there was never a pause.

I'm playing my NanoPuppy right now! They're easy to take care of. They poo about ever 20 minutes-30 minutes. They need to be bathed occasionally, have a shot if it's sick, be fed like 8 times when it's hunger hearts are empty, be given a drink, be scolded when it's discipline is low, and be played 1 of two games with. The first one is (for puppy only I think, both of the games) guess which way the puppy will point. The second is chase after a ball and catch it. Extremely easy. Turn off the lights when they take naps. No pause button, probably because you can leave it alone for over 9 hours (I think... it never ran away on me.) and it'll be there. You can turn off the sound. I love Nanopets because they're adorable and low-maintenance. I run them with 2 tamas. I bought mine 4 years ago in Target for 10$.

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