Need help in some question


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Feb 6, 2016
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Hi tama member.

I'm new to this forum and been playing tamagotchi on and off for some years.
Regarding about my question, i'm been searching around with google about my question, yet i can't any answer i need.
Also been looking for Tama Live Chat to resolve my doubt. yet to find 1 too.

Recently I bought a 2nd hand Tamagotchi 4U+, and got a Neenetchi. Found out that at weight 25g, she's able to change its form to "Thin Neenetchi".

Therefore I'm having issue to cut down her weight. May I know what's the proper and fastest way to cut down the weight.

I would like to collect all sorts of Wears/Toy[item] and Food. From my past experience it seems to appear in park, back yard and maybe other place.
I would like to know for 4u+, whats the specific Time and location for buying those item where Tamadepa did not sell.

I'm appreciate for anyone to help me about my doubts. it will be best if there's link about my question/issue.

My Sincerely


Welcome to the forums! ^_^

To make your Neenetchi lose weight, you can play games with her. I don't know much about the 4U+, so I'm unable to answer your 2nd question.

As Hapihapitchi said, you can make Neeneetchi lose weight by playing games, including the dance game in the park.

From 7AM - 10AM, a random merchant will appear in the park. It can be either one who's selling clothes, one who's selling accessories, or one who's selling items. You can only buy one item a day. Make sure you reach them on time! Or, you can just adjust the time and date of your 4U so you can buy lots of items in a short amount of time. Tedious process, but worth it I guess.

Hope this helps!

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