Oh no!


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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2005
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Well, outside today my Mom found a drowning bunny in our backyard pool! She pulled it out and I wrapped it in a towel. He seems to be alive, but he also seems kinda...'out of it'. So anyone here, please pray for him to be ok. It would really mean so much to me and my family. I'll post back later to let everyone know if he's alright.


Thank you. We're trying to find a place to take him. Like an animal hospital or something. D:

Oh, poor bunny. The bunny shall be in my thoughts.

How is it doing?

AWWWWE poor bunny good thing you saved it!

My freind found a dead one in her pool and my aunt found a dead rat in hers.

Thanks so much you guys! The prayers worked! He dried off and got warm and eveything. I have a picture of him. I'll upload it later. Anyway, and we released him in the fields! (We live on a farm...) He lived! Again, thanks everyone. Today, I saved a baby bunny. :3

Aww, that's great! I was just about to pray for the bunny... oh well! Guess it could still use our prayers somewhere...

That's great! Da bunneh lives!!!!!!!!!

How'd he get in the pool? o.o;

I found a dead squirrel in my old pool a few years ago. It made sense because there was a tree next to it.. but bunnies can't climb o.o; Or really jump that high..

D= That's so sad!

I'll just pray that it won't happen again since he's better already ;)

Your such a life-saver TamaGirl!

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