Talking Nano??


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My lil Star

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2005
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Has anyone heard of the Talking Nano. I saw it at wal-mart yesterday and i had to get it to try it out. Its like a tamagotchi but its a nano pet. I got one and there c00l but not as good as tamagotchis are.

*Moved :D by Bell Sprout: Topic belongs with other Nano stuff! ;) *

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basicaly it comes down to this i hate tamagotchi replicas soooooooooooooooooooooooo unless tere is someything super special about it i really have no inttentions to go out and buy one

Nanos are just Tamagotchi copies.They aren't that intresting.

Yes but Nanos are VPet and Tamagotchis are too but they came out first so there for they are techinaically 'copies'.

Or maybe you perfer to call them Tamagotchi's 'cousins' beacause they are both VPets.

You might want to go to the Tamagotchi Cousins section to talk about Nanos beacause they are not Tamagotchi Ansestors.

Yea, I agree, I would not call them rips, they arent copies, the gameplay is TOTALLY different and you cant get a different adult every time. Speaking on behalf of regular NaNos i LOVE THE MOVING BACKGROUNDS!!! I could watch it all day!! LOL. BUt yeah, Cousins, NOt rips. ANd they ARE the BEST cousin of them all. I was around for the originals so i had old tamaz and Nanos, they were great!

The talking nanos are great they take only 2 AAA batteries so easy to get! I used to have a kitty and baby. I have no idea where they are. XD. They ren't copies at all they aren't trying to be tamagotchis they are unique!

I LOVE Nanos!

Yep, I also love the backgrounds.

I have all the original talking ones and regular ones and they are just great! I'd never get rid of them. :(

They have a different feel than tamagotchis. A friendly feel. They are fairly predictable and easy to take care of.

Just thinking about them makes me want to start one up!
Oh, but yeah, the talking Nanos are really great too. They practically tell you what they want. The animations are cute and it's a very interesting concept.

I have a couple of other talking virtual pets like that but the Talking Nanos are really the best talking pets out there.

yup they are not copies of tamagotchis :D save one of these today

Nanos are just Tamagotchi copies.They aren't that intresting.


they are not tamagotchi copies, they are another type of virtual pet and personally I think nanopets are really cool and they look really fun! I am going to get a nanobaby. Thanks Reda!!!!

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Nanos are just Tamagotchi copies.They aren't that intresting.
Nanos are NOT tamagotchi copies. Tamagotchis and Nanos have NOTHING in common! Nanos are real animals, like cats, bunnies, puppies, etc. While Tamagotchi are these aliens from planet Tamagotchi.

Just because they're both virtual pets does not mean nano copied tamagotchi! I have a nano kitty and 3 tamagotchis, and they are BOTH fun. Don't say anything bad about nanos unles you've played with one and took care of it before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok, since you think they are copies, I guess Nintendogs is also a copy, eh?


i wonder if you can respond to what the talking nano looked like even though this thread is old. I used to have a talking nano when I was 10.. course that was 7 years ago. It was acctually the best nano I ever had I had the talking kitty one it was great. It's been the only thing besides the tamagotchi that I like. I know mine was about the size of *ponders* well if I put my pointer fingers touching and then have my thumbs over each other thats about the size my talking nano was.. and the talking nano I had didn't really talk instead of beeping like the tamas when it cried it had a crying sound like it was acttualy crying and it said yay and uh uh those kinda things.

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