Tama Ocean/umino log?


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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2012
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Does anyone know of a tamagotchi ocean log? Im really interested in that tamagotchi and i would l

ike to find a log about it but after searching for a really long time i still havent found any. Does anyone know of any thanks!

You can go to the TamaTalk logs section and do a search for either "umino" or "ocean".

The search function is most helpful in such situations. :D

You can go to the TamaTalk logs section and do a search for either "umino" or "ocean".

The search function is most helpful in such situations. :D
I did already thank you and I was not asking how to search it I was asking if there where any. You have snottily replied to a lot of my posts and I do not like it. If you're not gonna help please don't reply.

I did already thank you and I was not asking how to search it I was asking if there where any. You have snottily replied to a lot of my posts and I do not like it. If you're not gonna help please don't reply.
Oops! I'm really sorry, I wasn't aware I sounded that way. I apologize for that. :mellow:

Yes - you weren't asking how to search; I'm just suggesting that you do and gave you the link to the logs section so you could get a good start. :)

Going back on topic... let me do a quick search...


OldSchoolTama did log about her Umino here: clicky clicky linky

And a few folks on Tama-Zone did a group Ocean hatch a while back: linky clicky

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Hi! Just wanted to follow up with what ichiro.malfoy recommended. If you're interested, I do have a more successful (than the one that was linked previously) run of my Oceangotch later on in my log, even to adulthood! You can find it here. As ichiro.malfoy also mentioned, I too recommend using the search function. Not because we're thinking that you didn't try the search function or that you don't know how to use it but because it's really helpful in this occasion; most people don't log about just one type (unless it's something like a hatch, like mentioned above) of Tamagotchi in one log (for example, in my two years of logging, I've logged all my color Tamagotchis, my Music Star, a few vintages, and so on), and so by searching for specific terms, you get more results that way, not just for logs that are straight-up Oceangotch ones, but logs that also include Oceangotch runs, among others. Hope that makes sense! Good luck! :)

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Hi! Just wanted to follow up with what ichiro.malfoy recommended. If you're interested, I do have a more successful (than the one that was linked previously) run of my Oceangotch later on in my log, even to adulthood! You can find it here. As ichiro.malfoy also mentioned, I too recommend using the search function. Not because we're thinking that you didn't try the search function or that you don't know how to use it but because it's really helpful in this occasion; most people don't log about just one type (unless it's something like a hatch, like mentioned above) of Tamagotchi in one log (for example, in my two years of logging, I've logged all my color Tamagotchis, my Music Star, a few vintages, and so on), and so by searching for specific terms, you get more results that way, not just for logs that are straight-up Oceangotch ones, but logs that also include Oceangotch runs, among others. Hope that makes sense! Good luck! :)
Thanks ill check out your log. And yeah i tried searching but all it brought me too were topics or posts that mentioned the tama thanks though!

I did already thank you and I was not asking how to search it I was asking if there where any. You have snottily replied to a lot of my posts and I do not like it. If you're not gonna help please don't reply.
He wasn't being snotty in the slightest. The way he wrote does not come across as snotty at all.

Anyway. Look at what Ichiro linked and just around the Internet in general. There is numerous websites with whole directories based on the Umino and numerous logs.

He wasn't being snotty in the slightest. The way he wrote does not come across as snotty at all.

Anyway. Look at what Ichiro linked and just around the Internet in general. There is numerous websites with whole directories based on the Umino and numerous logs.
Im sorry but it wasnt this but on my other topics he has just stated the obvious and if hes just gonna do that dont comment. Of course i searched first and i even said i did

Im sorry but it wasnt this but on my other topics he has just stated the obvious and if hes just gonna do that dont comment. Of course i searched first and i even said i did
Hmm... maybe just take a moment here to chill... because actually... that's not really true.

He has only replied to one other topic you have made and he provided you with information relating to the question you asked. Same as he has done in this topic.

We're all here to try to help each other out.

We all freely share info and yes, sometimes it is repeated but when you post a topic asking a question on the TamaTalk Help forums, members usually try to post helpful answers.

No one here is purposely out to try to mislead you or be unhelpful here ;)

Honestly - if you have a genuine problem with another member who is causing you a problem or being mean or rude you can report their reply and the staff will look into it for you and take any action they decide should be taken - check out our site rules and a heap of other useful topics in the Users Guide to TamaTalk forum area.

(I am not posting this to state the obvious - it just seems that the way you are wording your posts here suggests that it has been a while since you refreshed your memory about TamaTalk site rules / behaviour, etc.)

Seeing as the question has been answered pretty comprehensively with some useful info, tips and links and we are all getting off topic, I am going to close this thread for now :)


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