Tamagotchi On battery type question


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Apr 27, 2020
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I just ordered my Tamagotchi On, and I am psyched to receive it! I got the Magic Purple one! I have been doing quite a good amount of research, and reading about it, and it sounds like it eats through batteries, so I was going to go the rechargeable batteries route. I found the manual online, and it states in the 2nd Page, under Caution, 4th tick:

"If you use rechargeable batteries please use only the appropriate nickel-hydrogen rechargeable batteries, and be sure to observe the recharger instructions regarding how to recharge."

Can someone clarify and help on what are 'appropriate nickel-hydrogen rechargeable batteries'? 

Searching around, I can only find rechargeable nickel–metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, NOT nickel-hydrogen :/

I don't want to be doing damage to my Tamagotchi On. The NiMH rechargeable batteries I have are Maxday (pic attached) or link: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/N-IAAOSwEUVZYfmM/s-l1600.jpg

Btw, the batteries I have state 2700mah, just want to make sure that's safe, cause from what I've been reading, other people's batteries are usually in the 750 - 900 mah range :/

Thanks for any help and clarifications! Really looking forward to use my Tamagotchi On!! :D

To the best of my knowledge, there's no such thing as a "nickel-hydrogen" battery. Going by the recent standard of Bandai's manuals, I would guess that this is a misunderstanding or a mistranslation. :p

I've never heard of Maxday, so I can't comment on their batteries because I don't know if they're a reputable manufacturer or just a Chinese-made no-name brand with all that that entails. But mAh refers to "milli-amp hours", which is basically the capacity of the batteries in this case.

Rechargeable AAAs range between 500 to 1000 or so - not 2700, which is impossible for that size of battery. Rechargeable AAs can go that high, as AAs have about triple the capacity of AAAs.

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Hello Penguin-keeper! Thank you so much for your reply, GREATLY appreciate it :)

Hmm, yeah, I did some more research and reputable brands (like Eneloop, Duracell, etc) all don't have AAA batteries which skip the 1000 mah mark, so I'll give the Maxdays a miss and will get some AAA rechargeables from a reputable brand just to be safe.

I was looking at these for batteries: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Panasonic-Eneloop-BK-4MCCE-4LE-Battery-White/dp/B07HZKY7D3/ref=sr_1_10?crid=3VLX9O1WWYIH&dchild=1&keywords=eneloop+aaa+rechargeable+batteries&qid=1588078345&sprefix=enel%2Caps%2C767&sr=8-10

and this as a charger: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Duracell-Minute-Charger-Rechargeable-Batteries-Black/dp/B008W8C60E/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=battery+charger+duracell&qid=1588078399&sr=8-3

Will that work fine?

One more question, I have read a lot about the reset glitch, mostly on the Meets rather than the Ons, and that would be so upsetting if it happens :( Will it be ok if I sometimes use the Eneloops and other times the Duracells, or will this give me higher chance of the reset glitch happening due to different brand (maybe slightly different voltage?).

Thank you so much for any help and clarifications :) Really appreciate it, and sooooo looking forward to receiving my new Tama xD

Hey, no problem! :)

I'm not an expert by any means, but going by the descriptions for both, it looks like that combination of batteries and charger should be fine, as the Eneloop cells can apparently be used with normal NiMH battery-chargers. Just be sure to buy from Amazon themselves and not from third-party sellers, as there are a lot of counterfeits of this sort of thing out there (as some of the reviews mention). :)

As for the reset glitch, I'm afraid that I have no answer to that, as I use non-rechargeable batteries with an imported Meets, so I don't have any experience with the effects of rechargeables on this. I did try to do some research on it after seeing it speculated that this might be the case, but I ultimately hit a dead-end with it, so I still don't know. Sorry about that!

I hope that you enjoy your Tamagotchi On when it gets to you! :D

Hello again Penguin-keeper!

Thank you so much for your informative replies, I really appreciate all your help, and how welcoming this community has been :) I just placed my order for the Eneloop batteries and the charger! Nothing left to do now but wait for everything to arrive! *soooo anxious* xD Can't wait!

Wishing you the best, and thank you once again :D

Thank you Eggiweg for pitching in also. I purchased the Eneloops from Amazon yesterday though, just waiting for everything to arrive now (including the Tamagotchi On itself!). I thought that the Maxday ones are a bit fishy stating that they are 2700 mah, when AAA usually go up to around 1000 mah, so I didn't want to risk it in case it does damage to my tama, so I went for the Eneloops just to be safe. Thank you for your reply though. That is a very interesting video about the Laddas and the Eneloops.

I just googled nickel-hydrogen batteries. and it seems like they do exist. But idk if there are rechargeable ones.
I've looked it up too, and it seems that they're industrial batteries, which are used in satellites and space-probes due to their energy being stored as highly compressed gas - they're certainly not for consumer applications! :lol: They really did just mean Nickel-Metal Hydride.

I would love to know how they goofed on this in those instructions. :p

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