Tamagotchi School tips


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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
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Ok, I have your advice.

If you're taking your tama to school, here's some tips:

Hiding them during class:

Do ya have a pencil case? Keep 'em in there!

DON'T let anyone look in there, this boy called Leon saw my tama (but luckily lots of ppl were chattin') and started singing this stupid song: Tama-tama-tamagotchi-why have you got your gotchi!?

Girls, got a cute pocket purse or shoulder bag? That's a place!

Boys, have a wallet? Use that!

In my boots, I have a pocket, ideal for a V3!


Outside the classroom

I'm only in year 5, below high school and we have lockers. The year 3/4 classes also have lockers, my friend Sian has a square locker, stuff your coat, bags, books, whatever, and bring along a small box or something, pause them.

Check on them at playtime (Recess) only or have an excuse like, Miss/Mr/Mrs/Ms please may I go to the toilet?

If you don't have a locker, and have a cloakroom, hang up ur coat and put ur tama in the pocket and ZIP IT UP!!!!

:p ~Girlytama107~ :D

We have to wear i.d. badges at my school and I brought mine on my lanyard and my teacher got so mad at me! I haven't carried it with me since then. But those are good tips though.

the ideas are great but you could always set its time to bedtime and leave it at home so it's still growing but you don't have a chanse of it being toking away!!

hope i helped

ps i always wanted to bring a tama to school but im too afrade it will get taken!!!

welll sorrry i do have a pocket and pencil box but i ALWAYS PUT IT THERE!

i'm in middle school and i just put it in my purse and i feed thim and play with thim during class and i never goe in troble

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i could use those only if i had the right things ;) oh welll.......
all i do is hide it in my bag or under my coat and hide it in my desk and when im done my work i pretend to read while playing it and the guy beside me dosnt even care and i sit like, 3 desks away from my teacher and he dosnt notice and i bring it out at recess and even the principal saw it once but he also didnt care so ya but if ur school is strict DO NOT BRING UR TAMA TO SCHOOL :rolleyes:

I'm In middle school and I have taken my tamagotchi to class b4 :p

Usually I keep Pioko (My tama) in my locker during class, but sometimes he gets REALLY needy so I put her on silent and put her in the back of my binder since it's empty in the back and she's well hidden

I suggest putting them in a secret spot in your binder that's hardly used or empty. An Idea that I've tried that works is to turn the sound off and put your tama on it's clock setting and attatch the keyring to a zipper on your binder, pencil case, or anything with a zipper or extra keyring.

Good luck with having your little tama in class


Little Pioko wuz here...

my school said no Tamas allow! so we put in our pockets since my teacher wont check and we off the sound :p ;) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

If your desks are the front open design (the lid does not lift, but there is an open side to let you put things in), just put the tama on the lower ledge and you can see it and check on it easily, but your body blocks the opening - No one else will see it, or know that it is there.

I personally am in middle school, and we don't have front open desks - I leave mine on my desk, in plain sight. I work very hard in school, and get fairly good marks, so the teachers don't mind at all. My math teacher has made a habit of looking at my tamagotchi each class - He actually asks me about the characters and evolutions! I'm gonna buy him one, I swear.

Just carry it around your neck and if your teacher doesn't know what it is, turn it into "clock mode" and tell the teacher it's a clock. But with me, my teachers don't care. One time my teacher said "Aren't you too old for this?". LOL. And another one said "Put your Pokémon away." Hehe, that was hilarious.

Lol! Teachers think everything is Pokemon :) . But I have bad luck with hiding things. One time I hid my vid-cam in my inside jacket pocket-you couldn't see it or see a clump! But a yard manager told everyone in our table to take our jackets off and she checked our pockets. Now I have 1 strike. 3 and I'm suspended.

im in elementry school my school one time said in grade 2 that no tamas allowed but ever since the nobody cares the pepole in my class dont care but some will tell cuze the hate me and my friends we have a club and we are friends with some of the other clubs but the most of the girls in my class call me a nerd but we ARE NOT the other qurter calls us dum dums i hate them like heck but some are friends with me at freetime my friends and me take out our tamas and take care of them one time one teacher saw my tama outside and told me to put it in my poket and i was just CHECKING ON IT

I wear my "Twilight" sweatshirt usually all day so I use the pockets on there and angle my tama up so the light shines on it. No one even notices. Especially in health. Nobody likes sitting near me (Long story short,They think i 'm gothic when I'm not,so they think I'm "Weird":/) so that's an advantage. :(

I only use my tamagotchi in class to check the time, so my teacher doesn't really care about it. Even when it's got mail and the sound's on, she doesn't complain about it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

