Tamagotchi School tips


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Ok, I have your advice.
If you're taking your tama to school, here's some tips:

Hiding them during class:

Do ya have a pencil case? Keep 'em in there!

DON'T let anyone look in there, this boy called Leon saw my tama (but luckily lots of ppl were chattin') and started singing this stupid song: Tama-tama-tamagotchi-why have you got your gotchi!?

Girls, got a cute pocket purse or shoulder bag? That's a place!

Boys, have a wallet? Use that!

In my boots, I have a pocket, ideal for a V3!


Outside the classroom

I'm only in year 5, below high school and we have lockers. The year 3/4 classes also have lockers, my friend Sian has a square locker, stuff your coat, bags, books, whatever, and bring along a small box or something, pause them.

Check on them at playtime (Recess) only or have an excuse like, Miss/Mr/Mrs/Ms please may I go to the toilet?

If you don't have a locker, and have a cloakroom, hang up ur coat and put ur tama in the pocket and ZIP IT UP!!!!

;) ~Girlytama107~ :D
HI I have tried all of these things but they don't work!!! :)

I always take 2 of my tamagotchis to my high school. I put them in a tiny see-through pouch big enough to fit them and stuff in other things like tissues and flash drives to fill up the whole pouch. Tissues and flash drives faces the teacher. If a classmate or anyone asks (some of them don't recognize tamagotchis), I just tell them that I use it as a clock -- which is kind of true.

I make the pouch stuffy so that I can easily press the buttons through it without taking my tamagotchis out, and I also have some advantages in class:

- old, dense teachers maybe

- classmates who don't care what I'm doing (beware of tattletales)

- back seat (I tried this in classes where I sit in the front too and it also worked)

I am still able to watch over my tamagotchis but I don't look at my pouch too often, in case the teacher gets suspicious. When the teacher isn't looking, I press some buttons to feed it and clean up after it poos. I never press the buttons when the teacher is looking at the whole class though, its risky.

And, I always pause my tamagotchis when it is time for gym.

NOTE: My school isn't really strict. I've seen people playing with their tamagotchi out in the open with the teacher there.

hang up ur coat and put ur tama in the pocket and ZIP IT UP!!!!
In 4th grade, I did that, and some boy named Tony went up to my coat and took both my V2 and my sister's V2; I can't believe I didn't notice. I was actually crying about it. I got mine back, but somehow the teacher didn't find my sister's. :( Though my sister isn't interested in Tamagotchis anymore.


Whoops, didn't add the rest.

My teachers have NEVER caught me with it. The only person that caught me was the principal, he only give me a warning and whacked me with a folder with a little smile. (LOL! It was only a little tap, don't protest on him, I think he's nice for a strict guy who's yelling at everyone most of the time). :p

In 1st period, I don't play with my Tamagotchi really. My teacher doesn't care though. He's pretty strict though; that's why I don't play it in there.

In 2nd period, my teacher doesn't care one bit, even when I'm playing with it. I leave it on the desk so I can watch it when I doing work. She also allows MP3 players, so I guess that's why.

In 3rd period, the teacher takes away ANY toy. Luckily, I sit in the back table where all the students are blocking the table (Yes tables, this is Science class).

In 4th/5th period (Both periods are in the class), I sit in the front of the class (vision problems). The teacher sits right in front of me too. I play with it most of the time in here too. I put my arms in my sweater, and play in my sweater. But I have to lean back a little bit so she won't get as suspicious.

In 6th period, the teacher is in her office most of the time, so I play when she's in there or when we're watching a movie.

In 7th period, I can't take care of it, because it's P.E. What am I gonna do, hold it the whole time? I keep my backpack in the lockers.

I have an after school program ( :eek: ). Sometimes I play in the classroom. During the enrichment (The fun stuff), I can play with them without the teaching giving a care. Sometimes when we're at the black top, my Tamagotchi buddy and I would play with them. However, he doesn't want to admit he has a Tamagotchi; he says he has a "reputation" to keep. So whenever other people see him with his Tamagotchi, he pretends he has no idea what it is and pretends it's mine.

Some tricks to try:

-Play in your sweater

-Place some fancy charms on the keyring. Your teacher might think it's just some decoration. Don't forget keys!

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In 4th grade, I did that, and some boy named Tony went up to my coat and took both my V2 and my sister's V2; I can't believe I didn't notice. I was actually crying about it. I got mine back, but somehow the teacher didn't find my sister's. :( Though my sister isn't interested in Tamagotchis anymore.


Whoops, didn't add the rest.

My teachers have NEVER caught me with it. The only person that caught me was the principal, he only give me a warning and whacked me with a folder with a little smile. (LOL! It was only a little tap, don't protest on him, I think he's nice for a strict guy who's yelling at everyone most of the time). :p

In 1st period, I don't play with my Tamagotchi really. My teacher doesn't care though. He's pretty strict though; that's why I don't play it in there.

In 2nd period, my teacher doesn't care one bit, even when I'm playing with it. I leave it on the desk so I can watch it when I doing work. She also allows MP3 players, so I guess that's why.

In 3rd period, the teacher takes away ANY toy. Luckily, I sit in the back table where all the students are blocking the table (Yes tables, this is Science class).

In 4th/5th period (Both periods are in the class), I sit in the front of the class (vision problems). The teacher sits right in front of me too. I play with it most of the time in here too. I put my arms in my sweater, and play in my sweater. But I have to lean back a little bit so she won't get as suspicious.

In 6th period, the teacher is in her office most of the time, so I play when she's in there or when we're watching a movie.

In 7th period, I can't take care of it, because it's P.E. What am I gonna do, hold it the whole time? I keep my backpack in the lockers.

I have an after school program ( :eek: ). Sometimes I play in the classroom. During the enrichment (The fun stuff), I can play with them without the teaching giving a care. Sometimes when we're at the black top, my Tamagotchi buddy and I would play with them. However, he doesn't want to admit he has a Tamagotchi; he says he has a "reputation" to keep. So whenever other people see him with his Tamagotchi, he pretends he has no idea what it is and pretends it's mine.

Some tricks to try:

-Play in your sweater

-Place some fancy charms on the keyring. Your teacher might think it's just some decoration. Don't forget keys!
actually i tried it and it worked but in the first place why would Tony be messing/snooping around your coat.

i have an idea you could try to go to the toylite and play it thats what i did i have never been caught expet in 3thrd grade playing it in the play ground (BAD IDEA) here in australia we all ways have tabels and we dont have tolite passes.

the ideas are great but you could always set its time to bedtime and leave it at home so it's still growing but you don't have a chanse of it being toking away!!
But then the date gets messed up and it's annoying to try and fix it.

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the ideas are great but you could always set its time to bedtime and leave it at home so it's still growing but you don't have a chanse of it being toking away!!
I use to do that.

Your tamagotchi does age but it misses out on things like training bar opportunities and stuff.

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I just pause my Tama when I go to school, then I just leave it paused for the rest of the school week. Then I play with it after (this is only on Fridays) school is done. Then I usually play with it on the weekends too. For those who go to church for Sunday School here's a tip!! Bring your Tamagotchi to class and your teachers will find it as a decoration! :D

Just don't play with it 'cause I brought my Tamagotchis to church multiple times and there were times where teachers nearly took them away. o_o"

Just mute it and let it hang on your neck (if you have a lanyard or something) or keep it in somewhere that's easy to access it and hard for your classmates and teachers to see. I hope this helped! ;D

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What I have been doing lately is I have been putting my Tamagotchi on mute and pause, and then putting it in the side pocket of my backpack. I play with it once all the classes are over for the day. Also, I need some help, because I have some strict teachers, and some nice teachers. Should I play with my tama and hide it in every class or what? I need help answering this question. Thanks!


High school is dumb; they take away everythingg.

They think everything electronic is used for cheating. :/

I just put mine to sleep and keep it in my pocket and onlyy check it when I go to the bathroom.

Or the library:) On mute of course though.

I took my v3 to school with me today. All I did was turn the sound off, stick it in the front pocket of my jeans, and I wore a long, baggy shirt to hide the general shape of the tama. I didn't get caught, and I'm lucky, because they are banned at my school. ;)

These are excellent ideas. My favorite is putting it on mute and checking on it while "digging" throuh your backpack..

Also, if your teacher likes Tamas, he/she could watch your tama for you. I've never tried this, because they are banned at my school, but I still take them anyway. :eek:

I used to keep them in my desk with the sound off when I was in elementary swchool...

the last time I brought mine was in 7th grade at the beginning of the year.

Thing is, though, in 7th grade, my classmates are the kind of people who look out for everyone else, so when we were doing a group project and I checked on it, my friend pretended to show me a book so the teacher wouldn't get suspicious and she was watching me asking how it was doing :ichigotchi:

man I love her, my friend is so cool xDDD

and to make it better, the group I was working with kinda crowded in a little to hide it :3

anyway, when i was walking between classes that year, I would keep it in my front pocket.

I had to pause it if I didn't bring it simply because I didn't have time to do it :<

I had gotten a mametchi out of the in-class taking care of.

so I guess the classic sweatshirt would work well if you can memorize the buttons :ichigotchi:

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I am going to middle school :) next year and have 7 :angry: Tamagotchis. How do i care 4 then without pausing them? Feel free 2 PM me.

Well ok if you read this you guys will proberly say if your school lets you take them to school why are you reading this well don't cause I wil tell you somthing in my school we have big desk you know the one that open up well if school has desk like that just leave your tama ( with sound off) inside and every time you need to get something (or pretending to) look care for it.

p.s If someone already said something like this soz I didin't read all of it.

p.p.s soz means sorry

p.p.p.s I'm also in yr 5 actully year 6 cause of the summer holidays in september I'll be year6 but techniccly argh y'know what I mean

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when i bring mine to school, i change the time to 9pm so it falls asleep, then at break times (i have 3 breaks LOL :D ) i wake them up and play with them!!!!!! :p

for this to work they should always be on mute! :p

