Where are Mutsus sold?


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i think u can order them, :D :lol: :( but if there sold some were its probably Japan but theres American ones too. if ya whant to know what they are there little water pets that u bye a little tank for them *not a fish tank* but a speical mutsu tank they swim around and u play whith them and they play whith other mutsus, sorry thats all i know about them.............. hope this helps! :( :p :furawatchi:

I got my Japanese fish-bowl style one from Yahoo auction sites Japan.

Go to https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp

Type or paste in: ウォータールーパー

Right now there's one that some guy has been trying to sell for a couple of months.

I used a site called www.crescent-shop.com that buys stuff for you from Japan for a small fee.

i bought mine off of e-bay and paid about 40 dollars but my aunt gave it to me for christmas. it was soooo cute! i still have it, i should start it up and show you guys pics of it!

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