My friend


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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2010
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Okay, so I have this friend who is in my class, and recently she came to camp with me and the rest of my class. She said we should stick together through the next four days. When we were doing the high ropes and everything, I got scared, so I chickened out for a bit, and she was fine. On that day, I had gotten my period, and I'm really heavy, so I get really tired and grumpy. The next day, when we were on a tramp, when we got to this shelter building, I got scared because of a spider. I freaked out, and so she laughed at me, made fun of me and called me a wuss. After that, we always argued, and she said I was feeling sorry for myself, when I was reacting to her nastiness. She also turned my other two friends there against me, locked me out of the tent and got annoyed with me if I managed to get in, talked about me behind my back, and called me names and was swearing at me. Oh yeah, I told her that I was afraid of heights, and she was ok with that. On the last day, we did caving, and we had to climb up this really high wall, and climb up this bit at THE VERY TOP before going through a hole, and climbing down this really high bit. I freaked out of the first two bits and started crying, and the rest of the group (including her) could hear me. After making through, because I felt strong, I had heaps of confidence. And, she called me a wuss again for crying, and said that I was a baby and wouldn't talk to me, and that made my happiness and self esteem crumble. And when I sat near her, she was said, "why are you sitting next to me, go away baby". That really hurt, and what made it sting more, was that she said I was always wrong. After she said she was kidding, and I was all "Saying just kidding doesn't help, because you hurt my feelings badly" so she went to my old friends, and said "Would you be offended if I hurt your feelings and then said just kidding?" and that really irritated me. She had no right to insult me and pass it off as a joke.

oh yeah, one of those two girls told me she was pretending to be mean to me.

I'm so confused, can you guys help?

-Sugary :)

I think she's insecure.

Whilst I'm still not sure why, but insecure people have a tendency to 'bully' others. I think you should just sit down (or something) with her and ask her straight why she's being horrible. Then ask your old friends why they've decided to hang around with her when they know she's being mean.

Don't be too upset if they don't respond maturely. Not everyone has reached that level where they're comfortable with themselves and aren't trying to please people. Remember, you will find new, better friends if things don't work out. :)

Thanks for the advice :)

And about the new friends thing, I have a few other friends who dislike her and apparently she ripped a chunk of hair out of one of their heads.

But I'll try it :3

Okay, so I have this friend who is in my class, and recently she came to camp with me and the rest of my class. She said we should stick together through the next four days. When we were doing the high ropes and everything, I got scared, so I chickened out for a bit, and she was fine. On that day, I had gotten my period, and I'm really heavy, so I get really tired and grumpy. The next day, when we were on a tramp, when we got to this shelter building, I got scared because of a spider. I freaked out, and so she laughed at me, made fun of me and called me a wuss. After that, we always argued, and she said I was feeling sorry for myself, when I was reacting to her nastiness. She also turned my other two friends there against me, locked me out of the tent and got annoyed with me if I managed to get in, talked about me behind my back, and called me names and was swearing at me. Oh yeah, I told her that I was afraid of heights, and she was ok with that. On the last day, we did caving, and we had to climb up this really high wall, and climb up this bit at THE VERY TOP before going through a hole, and climbing down this really high bit. I freaked out of the first two bits and started crying, and the rest of the group (including her) could hear me. After making through, because I felt strong, I had heaps of confidence. And, she called me a wuss again for crying, and said that I was a baby and wouldn't talk to me, and that made my happiness and self esteem crumble. And when I sat near her, she was said, "why are you sitting next to me, go away baby". That really hurt, and what made it sting more, was that she said I was always wrong. After she said she was kidding, and I was all "Saying just kidding doesn't help, because you hurt my feelings badly" so she went to my old friends, and said "Would you be offended if I hurt your feelings and then said just kidding?" and that really irritated me. She had no right to insult me and pass it off as a joke.

oh yeah, one of those two girls told me she was pretending to be mean to me.

I'm so confused, can you guys help?

-Sugary :)
Wow. If I were you I would punch her in the face ask her why she suddenly turned on you.

Its very odd that she suddenly did that.

She must be going through a hard time. Depending on how old she is, you may be more mature, and she may be still maturing. The "Go away, baby," thing wasn't really mature, maybe she's on her period and wants to be left alone. You know how some girls are. Especailly adolescents. They may be going through rough changes. Leave her alone and give her time to settle down and hopefully it'll work out.

Good luck!


I say we get all our friends and confront her, since most of us are reconizing her new behaviour.

Its because of her hanging out with 'him 'I think.

Shes evil D:<


She doesn't seem like a very good friend for you. I know if any of my friends made fun of me while I was upset, I'd be furious. You need to hang out with people who are going to support you and be friendly with you.

I'm not saying to shut her out of your life completely, but give her some space for now, don't be too trusting, and maybe she'll come around.

She must be going through a hard time. Depending on how old she is, you may be more mature, and she may be still maturing. The "Go away, baby," thing wasn't really mature, maybe she's on her period and wants to be left alone. You know how some girls are. Especailly adolescents. They may be going through rough changes. Leave her alone and give her time to settle down and hopefully it'll work out.

Good luck!

Actually, she told me she wasn't xD

And, thanks Gotchigirl.

Sadly, she's in my class, but I'll try to avoid her.

Okay, you guys probably know the topic I started earlier about my 'friend' that came on camp? Well, things got worse.

This girl at my desk group left for malaysia, forever right? Well, the girl I told you about moved to my desk group. The horror. As soon as she saw me, she went on about how I had no empathy, and how her mom was sick, she had to always move everywhere, blah blah blah. I felt sorry for her at some cases, and I knew the pain of having your mom in hospital most of your life. She said that I didn't know that feeling, and I was feeling sorry for myself. I was so enraged. She was feeling sorry for herself. Worse, she said that her case was worse. Her mom had a mental disability. My mom is on the verge of death. And she didn't give a *removed*. Someone keeps on kicking my desk, and it moves, right? They say it wasn't them, but if I put my hand near it, they would move it and put the blame on me. And, sometimes she pushes me so far, I start to cry, and she says "Ugh, you're crying. You're such a baby". And, the following are things that enrage me so much, I want to punch her in the face. Whenever she thinks she won a conversation (which is stupid, conversations aren't a competition), she's block her ears and cut me off whenever I say something, and if I'm talking to someone she tell me to shut up, and she tells the person I'm talking with to stop talking to me and to ignore me. The worst part is this. I confronted her about it, and told her that she was forcing me into a bad mood, and she didn't care. I quote this. She told me, she knew she was putting me into a bad mood, for her enjoyment. She didn't care how I felt, and liked seeing me so upset. That made me so mad, I really wanted to slap her. How could she be so cruel to say that? She liked seeing me upset, and she didn't care how upset I was? Really, it's gone too far.

Should I contact the school, or sort it myself?

*TM Edit: Topic merged with existing active thread already posted on the forums*

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Never try to sort out such a big issue by yourself, you need to tell someone about this. Start by telling your guidance counselor or a teacher at school whom you trust. This girl obviously needs to be dealt with. In the meantime, whenever she talks to you, just don't respond to it. Don't even say a word to her unless you absolutely have to. If she can't get a reaction out of you, then she will stop.

I don't think you should try and sort this out by yourself. I don't know if you can do this at your school but I would leave an anonymous note to your teacher asking to please remove the girl from your table due to bullying reasons. I have a friend who's like that too, the "winning conversations" thing, and it's really annoying.. usually I just say things like "ok there" and "sure.." to avoid starting a debate over something stupid. Just try and ignore her whenever she tries to throw an insult at you and avoid her as much as possible, and don't get offended..because obviously she's pretty insecure and only tries to put you down to make herself feel better, so it's not like you should really take what she says to heart.

Your "friend" sounds pretty immature to me, and you should be the one feeling sorry for her so don't worry. She isn't really worth getting uset about;)

Okay, thanks guys. To be honest, I've done some stuff in the situation that I am not proud of. I blurted out my friend's secret without realising, and I shouldn't have done that.

I should apologize... Next year. School finished

By the way, the problem is resolved now. If it happens again, I'll just apologize for my actions.

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