I just realized...


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2010
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I feel... bad.

I just realized I ordered a tama from Japan and more directly... from Sendai-City which is where the earthquake and tsunami hit hardest...

First and formost... I hope the person I won the auction from is okay. :( If not, I'll feel really badly...

I didn't even think about that when I bid on the item.

If they are okay, I hope the item is okay.... I really wanted that tama..... ;_; this is a double wammy sort of situation.

Don't feel bad. I too have bidded and won two things from a seller on e-Bay who lives in Sendai. But to up one on you I e-mailed them asking for combined shipping... I feel a bit rude now as I too did not notice who I was buying from.

But on another side of things... I don't really want to pay until I have heard from them. That might seem really rude but I do not want to be out of pocket either.

Really there is not too much we can do other than see if we hear from the seller.

Don't feel bad. I too have bidded and won two things from a seller on e-Bay who lives in Sendai. But to up one on you I e-mailed them asking for combined shipping... I feel a bit rude now as I too did not notice who I was buying from.

But on another side of things... I don't really want to pay until I have heard from them. That might seem really rude but I do not want to be out of pocket either.

Really there is not too much we can do other than see if we hear from the seller.
Actually, I already paid them too. >_> I mean, I'm not worried about getting my money back if nothing happens or... worse they never respond cause... ya know. Ebay has been good about refunding money for all sorts of reasons. I actually sent them a message stating that I understand if they need more time to ship it than normal and that people all over the world are worried about them and what is going on. I just hope they are okay. :(

I will be paying for my items tomorrow. I was worried about being out of pocket but I went and asked on Tama Zone what I should do. Binary was nice enough to help me out so I feel more confident about paying now if I can recover my costs if something happened to the seller (I really hope this is not the case though!) or the items (This I am not so worried about) I am sure the seller is okay and we will hear from them soon enough I hope. Just need to be positive about things from here on out :ichigotchi:

Don't worry about your items, guys.

Think of your payment as a donation to make sure they have food and clothes, make sure that they're okay.

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