Wanna know something really sad that just happened at Target?


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Jul 22, 2011
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I bought four tamagotchi figurines and a tama-go for about $7.

They were on CLEARANCE, no one must be buying them.

The figurines were on sale for $0.98, and the tama-go was $2.48.

Though this was a suppeerrr deal for me,




when i went to target to buy my tama-go, they were ALL out of stock and told me they'd never have more coming in. so i went and ordered one online for almost $30!!!


Well... at least that's better for bandai's future?? =/

Apparently no one in my town likes tamagotchis!

That doesn't sound good. I really hope Tamagotchis aren't about to disappear from store shelves for good. Last time I was in Toys R Us the TamaGos were still $22. That's been a few weeks ago though. Things may have changed since then.

W-what??At my Target,Tama-Gos are already on sale for $10.You can get a gotchi figure for $1 each. :eek: But $2.48 and 98 cents??*sniff* Thats...sad. :(

Here is my prediction/popularity history for Tamagotchi:

Release up to 2006 - THE most popular new trend.

2007 - popularity starting to wane

2008/2009 - popularity basically gone, TamaTown replacing Tamas

2010 - popularity different in each country, but in UK and NZ at least, almost fully gone

2011/2012 - ridiculous sales, popularity has fallen a lot

2013 onwards - TamaTown shuts down, Bandai America stops selling Tamas, Bandai Japan continues but making prices so high nobody can afford it

Don't kill me for predicting TamaTown's death or near death so soon, or Tamas in America having such a sudden fate, but I'm afraid we've got to face the facts: Tamagotchi's death might be in less than five years. I know it seems so unrealistic to all you older Tamagotchi fans, but...well...you WILL kill me for saying this, but there isn't anyone left to be heartbroken when Tamagotchis are discontinued. Except us tiny handful, us one per cent of the fans they had when Angelgotchi was released. Soon most of us will give up to all the new gadgets and there will only be five people left who still use Tamas. That is the way it will be, eventually, and we can't stop it because we are such a tiny percentage of the world's population.

I know they won't listen but we should email Bandai telling them not to discontinue tamas. -_-

This is all so very sad, but I must say predictable. There are so many other gadgets around today than there were when Tamas were first released. No Ipods, Ipads, smart phones, or anything of that nature. I'm off to check my Target in Prescott (Arizona), and see if I can get a screaming deal on the Tamago, since I don't have one.

NO FAIR I want a Tama-GO so bad but they are twenty five dollors that I am not willing to spend:{

Here is my prediction/popularity history for Tamagotchi:

Release up to 2006 - THE most popular new trend.

2007 - popularity starting to wane

2008/2009 - popularity basically gone, TamaTown replacing Tamas

2010 - popularity different in each country, but in UK and NZ at least, almost fully gone

2011/2012 - ridiculous sales, popularity has fallen a lot

2013 onwards - TamaTown shuts down, Bandai America stops selling Tamas, Bandai Japan continues but making prices so high nobody can afford it

Don't kill me for predicting TamaTown's death or near death so soon, or Tamas in America having such a sudden fate, but I'm afraid we've got to face the facts: Tamagotchi's death might be in less than five years. I know it seems so unrealistic to all you older Tamagotchi fans, but...well...you WILL kill me for saying this, but there isn't anyone left to be heartbroken when Tamagotchis are discontinued. Except us tiny handful, us one per cent of the fans they had when Angelgotchi was released. Soon most of us will give up to all the new gadgets and there will only be five people left who still use Tamas. That is the way it will be, eventually, and we can't stop it because we are such a tiny percentage of the world's population.

Ahh :( I never thought about it like that but it makes so much sense!!! How sad :( :'( I'll still use Tama's even if this happens

Here is my prediction/popularity history for Tamagotchi:

Release up to 2006 - THE most popular new trend.

2007 - popularity starting to wane

2008/2009 - popularity basically gone, TamaTown replacing Tamas

2010 - popularity different in each country, but in UK and NZ at least, almost fully gone

2011/2012 - ridiculous sales, popularity has fallen a lot

2013 onwards - TamaTown shuts down, Bandai America stops selling Tamas, Bandai Japan continues but making prices so high nobody can afford it

Don't kill me for predicting TamaTown's death or near death so soon, or Tamas in America having such a sudden fate, but I'm afraid we've got to face the facts: Tamagotchi's death might be in less than five years. I know it seems so unrealistic to all you older Tamagotchi fans, but...well...you WILL kill me for saying this, but there isn't anyone left to be heartbroken when Tamagotchis are discontinued. Except us tiny handful, us one per cent of the fans they had when Angelgotchi was released. Soon most of us will give up to all the new gadgets and there will only be five people left who still use Tamas. That is the way it will be, eventually, and we can't stop it because we are such a tiny percentage of the world's population.

You're probably right. If that really takes place, then I'm going to FREAK OUT. I've been into Tamagotchis since I was 6!!!! I'm 11 now, so THAT'S saying something. They're getting like Digipets. They were these pets that you got to raise an animal, you know the type. Anyway, they used to be in ALL the stores, but only like, 40 percent of population enjoyed it. That's because it was REALLY cheap!! I had it. It was so horrible and overpriced, I dropped it on purpose so it wouldn't constantly make these REALLY annoying noises. I didn't regret a thing, it was THAT bad. Soon, all the stores started to get rid of it, it got cheeper and cheeper, until it was only 50 cents for five. But no one would buy it, so every store got rid of it. Everyone now makes snide jokes about it and stuff. It was a Tamagotchi wanna-be. Sadly, the same thing is happening for Tamagotchis. Iv'e been obsessed with it for the pass 5 years, and I really think they are wearing off. EVERYONE used to have them, but 99.5 of the past fans have gotten rid of them. Like Dazzilitchigirl said, there won't be ANY Tamagotchi fans to be heartbroken about the fall of Tamagotchis. Bandai is still creating them, but what with all the new products, including the refresh of Digimon after its huge sucess, they think of it as a little side thing, almost. They will keep it going, but fewer and fewer people are buying, so fewer and fewer Bandai executives think they should keep Tamagotchis running. It's the sad, bitter truth. It's already happened in NZ and UK, as Dazzilitchigirl said. And other countries too! It's about as popular in Japan as it was in America at the time of, let's say, 2007. And, even though it hurts to type, Tamagotchis are getting to be the same as Digipets. Theyr'e already gone from all the Walgreens in my town.

I live on the outskirts of los angeles went to over 6 targets, 3 toys r us' & 5 wal-marts. none of them had tamagotchi's but they all had the figures on clearance sale :(

One Tamagotchi is worth a thousand of those other stupid gadgets. I love Tamas and I'd hate to see them discontinued.

One Tamagotchi is worth a thousand of those other stupid gadgets. I love Tamas and I'd hate to see them discontinued.
I totally agree. I can't believe this might be happening! I hope that I grow up soon to have a job and make money so I can buy Tamagotchis online... LOL. One very good reason to want to grow up.

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