Does Mimitchi have a tail?


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2010
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So, I'm trying to remember if Mimitchi has a tail or not. I've seen one pic online with like a little bunny tail, but other don't seem to have one. I can't remember if I saw one on him as a I was playing one a while ago - like on his sprite and I can't find one online atm.

So, does anyone know by chance?? I will give you an internet cookie if you know! :D



Up until V2, Mimitchi had a long-ish mouse-like tail. On V3 and above, Mimitchi has a small, round, rabbit-like tail.
Thank you! I appreciate it! I was trying to figure it out lol and couldn't find it anywhere - you're the best! *gives internet cookie to you*


well it depends on if you're talking about the cartoon, or the sprite. Because i've had Mimitchi on my v3 not to long ago, and when you play Sprint you can see his long tail, he still looks like a mouse lol

nevermind...i'm wrong, i thought it was curled up or something...why did they have to change both mimitchi's tail and mametchi's entire sprite?? sheeesh way to ruin things (for me anyways), nope, they can never just leave things the way they are.. last comment, don't fix it if it ain't broken.

^tamaguyjayy's rant for the day^

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