How do I draw Tama characters?


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Dec 13, 2009
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I am a complete fail at art and I want to get better, and I'm going to start by drawing Tama characters. I know practice makes perfect, but practicing every day from ages 8 to almost 11 doesn't seem to have had much effect. I can't draw Tamas and it's really frustrating me! I've seen some awesome drawings on here and I just can't do it like them. I always get something wrong with Mametchi's ears, or make Violetchi's eyes too small or flowers too big, or make Mimitchi look like Mametchi or something. Please can I have some tips on drawing Tama characters?


~ Dazzmina ~

Practice does help, but there are other techniques for improving artwork. Try tracing the characters to get an idea of their overall shape and size, and maybe even use a ruler and other tools to get a more precise drawing. Professional artists do in fact have to practice a lot, but drawing well-done art takes time - drawing a Tama may seem easy, but by drawing little by little very slowly, it should eventually turn out to be pretty good. So basically (in my opinion when I draw stuff), draw Tamas very slowly and very carefully. By planning out the exact shape, size, proportions, and using tools like rulers, compasses, protractors, it should be possible to make a very good Tama drawing - it works, but it takes time and lots of practice.

Try reading another site on how to draw tamas. Here's the link.

This is my picture.

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Well, try using your own style! I sometimes draw tamas in my own style... like giving them dot eyes and stuff. You'll be surprised at the results when you draw tamas in your own style! Also, the anime versions of the characters are easier to draw than the normal versions... but maybe that's just me.

Oh an art question! I love art and drawing. :ichigotchi: I want to give you a helpful tip that always helps me out when I want to draw something new. If you're having trouble drawing a certain character I would say draw a geometric shape and work around that. It gives you a starting point and then you can add more shapes to the first one. Several Tamagotchi characters are made from simple shapes or resemble everyday objects. Lets use Mimitchi as an example. :mimitchi: She's a bunny and really round, so to draw her I would start with a circle, then add 2 small circles for her feet, large ovals for her ears and small ovals for her arms. You can even use your own flare or style when doing this technique and that way it'd be easy to draw her again and again. :)

i saw a lot of good tips in this thread i agree with like practice tracing to get an idea of the shapes and starting with basic geometric shapes to draw around. as long as you stick with it you will get better. I was always considered a really good drawer but i don't practice anymore so i haven't been getting better. My best friend to put it bluntly used to be really bad but has been practicing daily and goes to an art college she is now better than i am! :)

I usually copy off the computer, but sometimes I use my own artwork too. :)
Your drawings are amazing...

Oh an art question! I love art and drawing. :ichigotchi: I want to give you a helpful tip that always helps me out when I want to draw something new. If you're having trouble drawing a certain character I would say draw a geometric shape and work around that. It gives you a starting point and then you can add more shapes to the first one. Several Tamagotchi characters are made from simple shapes or resemble everyday objects. Lets use Mimitchi as an example. :mimitchi: She's a bunny and really round, so to draw her I would start with a circle, then add 2 small circles for her feet, large ovals for her ears and small ovals for her arms. You can even use your own flare or style when doing this technique and that way it'd be easy to draw her again and again. :)
Thanks, but that's not really my problem. My main problem is not the shape but the proportions; I have a particular problem with making the eyes to small, too far apart or the mouth to small. I also often make the body too small. When I try to make them bigger, they end up too big! Sorry, I didn't fully explain the problem in my first post...

~ Dazzmina ~

Hi! I love drawing things but I'm not very good.

My teachers and friends have taught me something that helps improve drawing.

Usually, tracing helps, tracing images can help you get the hang of the lines and shapes.

Then you can try a copy, where you take an Image and use it as a reference and just draw that image, but without tracing it.

After you've gotten really good at those (I do apologize for my awful grammar, I'm half asleep) you can try a freehand drawing, and draw whatever you feel like however you feel like (One time I did 2 tracings, 2 copies and a freehand drawing in one day to help improve). I've done this and it's actually contributed to helping me get better at my art. I love art, I used to fail at drawing stick figures but now I'm drawing little Anime people and celebrities quite well. I'm not that good, but I feel like I've improved a lot in the past few years.

Another great method of drawing is using your own style, like what loads of other people have said.

Hope I helped as well as I could


OK, I tried again...sorry I keep doing Mametchi, he's just the easiest...


I tried to use a bit of shading and colour variation there, but there's still just something wrong somehow. I can't spot it...

OK, I tried again...sorry I keep doing Mametchi, he's just the easiest...


I tried to use a bit of shading and colour variation there, but there's still just something wrong somehow. I can't spot it...
Perfect. Getting better.Much better than mine. :D :D :D

Perfect. Getting better.Much better than mine. :D :D :D
Thanks. :)

That Tamagotchi Sketch site is REALLY hard to use! Maybe you should use Paint or normal pencil and paper instead? You'll get much better results. Not that your current drawings are bad, of course. ;)

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I have no idea if this is going to help or not, but I think you're being too serious about it. You're trying to hard. I'm a decent artist, but my specialty has never been tamas, it's been humans. I can draw tamas ok, but just because you can't draw them as well as you like doesn't mean your not good at other types of art. First, find some kind of art you're good at. It could be paper mache, or balloon animals, painting, or even drawing something else like humans, animals, or cartoons. Once you've mastered that, step it up to tamas. Start with the most simple tama you could think of, like one of the babies, then keep on drawing a new character as the life cycle goes on. Try checking out a growth chart, and start with the baby until you've drawn everything in order. Baby's are usually easiest, and adults are usually hardest, and everything else falls in place. It's the method I use, and I think I can draw well now. And as for purportions, just try drawing a line going up and a line going sideways across the characters face before beginning, then erase the lines later. I'd also say you should start out with a pencil instead of a computer.

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I have no idea if this is going to help or not, but I think you're being too serious about it. You're trying to hard. I'm a decent artist, but my specialty has never been tamas, it's been humans. I can draw tamas ok, but just because you can't draw them as well as you like doesn't mean your not good at other types of art. First, find some kind of art you're good at. It could be paper mache, or balloon animals, painting, or even drawing something else like humans, animals, or cartoons. Once you've mastered that, step it up to tamas. Start with the most simple tama you could think of, like one of the babies, then keep on drawing a new character as the life cycle goes on. Try checking out a growth chart, and start with the baby until you've drawn everything in order. Baby's are usually easiest, and adults are usually hardest, and everything else falls in place. It's the method I use, and I think I can draw well now. And as for purportions, just try drawing a line going up and a line going sideways across the characters face before beginning, then erase the lines later. I'd also say you should start out with a pencil instead of a computer.
I have to be too serious about it. I just feel that I've tried for years to do exactly what you said, and I even fail at drawing the babies. Practicing for 3 years and I can't even draw a little white blob with eyes. I can't draw people either. I'm OK at dolphins and my drawings of horses are okay, if a little on the bad side. And I try with a pencil. The image just seems flat and thin and stiff - I don't know, but I think I've got all the help I can. Thanks.

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