iD L questions


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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2011
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1) Does the download files for the iDL work for a computer Windows XP using infrared red?

2) Does Bluetooth, Packet data, or USB data cable on a Nokia/ TMobile phone work for the infrared red

feature of the iDL files download?

(Sorry, there's alot of features of my cell phone that I have no knowledge about. I don't even know what they are. They're just there. And I don't have time to explore them, cause I don't wanna end up messing up the phone.)

Would I suggest you do -

1). I don't really know whether those are compatible with connecting with the Tamagotchi iD L via infrared. I would purchase the iD L first and test it out and see if it actually works with your computer and/or phone.

2). If your having troubles with connecting it and it seems as if you cant get it to work, I would click here. What this topic is, it explains how to transfer files with using only a USB to IrDA. They cost around 5 dollars and you could save a lot of money. :)

- TamaTamatchi

Would I suggest you do -

1). I don't really know whether those are compatible with connecting with the Tamagotchi iD L via infrared. I would purchase the iD L first and test it out and see if it actually works with your computer and/or phone.

2). If your having troubles with connecting it and it seems as if you cant get it to work, I would click here. What this topic is, it explains how to transfer files with using only a USB to IrDA. They cost around 5 dollars and you could save a lot of money. :)

- TamaTamatchi
1) I understand that I have to purchase an USB to IrDA. But I really don't wanna upset my mom even though it's cheap like 5 bucks or even less, cause I had already spent enough money $81 on an iDL. If I make another purchase, it's gonna make us even poorer cause we already have a very low income, bad financial status, and we have to depend on food stamps. (I didn't mean to get all personal or anything.) But the idea is that it's gonna make my mom even more upset that I don't use my money wisely. I spent it all away on toys and fashion. One day we're gonna end up broke... all because of Japanese me.

2) I might as well use the old fashion way without the USB to IrDA. Hey, do you know how to tell if a phone has infrared red?

Hey, do you know how to tell if a phone has infrared red?
If it has it, it'll be mentioned in the users manual. If you don't have the manual, you'll most likely be able to find a .pdf version of it on the phone manufacturer's site. If the phone has IR, how you get the file onto the phone usually doesn't matter; cable, bluetooth, SD memory card; I've used all three methods successfully (but SD memory card was the easiest.)

If it has it, it'll be mentioned in the users manual. If you don't have the manual, you'll most likely be able to find a .pdf version of it on the phone manufacturer's site. If the phone has IR, how you get the file onto the phone usually doesn't matter; cable, bluetooth, SD memory card; I've used all three methods successfully (but SD memory card was the easiest.)
1) On my cell phone, there is a Connectivity feature (which I assume is the closest that it can get to IR), .....and under that feature.....

it gives me a choice of selecting Bluetooth, Packet Data, and USB data cable. Can they be used for IR? If so, which one?

2) I only have a Sony memory stick of 32 MB. I'm not even sure if this could even be compared to SD card.

(My family is so poor right now, that's the reason why I know very little about technology. We couldn't even afford a laptop. We are

still using one of those old box-looking computers.)

1) On my cell phone, there is a Connectivity feature (which I assume is the closest that it can get to IR), .....and under that feature.....

it gives me a choice of selecting Bluetooth, Packet Data, and USB data cable. Can they be used for IR? If so, which one?
If IR is not mentioned, then your phone does not support infrared communications.

If IR is not mentioned, then your phone does not support infrared communications.
1) If i don't make any downloads, does the iDL get boring?

2) If I DO download, how many games are there total?

3) Why can't the Japanese include all the features/ files on the iDL without having us to go through all that trouble of downloading?

1) If i don't make any downloads, does the iDL get boring?

2) If I DO download, how many games are there total?

3) Why can't the Japanese include all the features/ files on the iDL without having us to go through all that trouble of downloading?
1. Not really. There are built-in features that are unlocked as you progress through the generations (assuming you raise characters to TaMaToMo level, and don't simply marry them off as soon as possible.)

2. The Tamagotchi iD L can hold up to 4 games. (Two built-in plus two downloads.)

Ask around. There's bound to be somebody your family knows who has an older cellphone with an IR port, that they don't use any longer and are willing to give to you for free.

1. Not really. There are built-in features that are unlocked as you progress through the generations (assuming you raise characters to TaMaToMo level, and don't simply marry them off as soon as possible.)

2. The Tamagotchi iD L can hold up to 4 games. (Two built-in plus two downloads.)

Ask around. There's bound to be somebody your family knows who has an older cellphone with an IR port, that they don't use any longer and are willing to give to you for free.
Too bad, my mom's cell phone doesn't have IR. And my other relatives live out of state. Really far away.

Some office supplies / electronics stores have a bin for people to put their "recycle" electronics goods, such as cell phones. If there's one of these nearby, have a peek in and see if you can spot anything that might work. If you can, ask the store manager if you can take something from the bin.

Some office supplies / electronics stores have a bin for people to put their "recycle" electronics goods, such as cell phones. If there's one of these nearby, have a peek in and see if you can spot anything that might work. If you can, ask the store manager if you can take something from the bin.
My iDL just arrived yesterday!

1) Just curious. Does the iDL really respond to the actual Earth weathers? Cause I realized that when it was raining outside, my iDL was raining too! So coincidental!

2) Does iDL have a pause feature?

3) In iDL, what is that brown- looking thing that I assume to be a sponge in the Tama Depa that costs 500 Gotchi points? I think it's a sponge, but I'm not sure.

4) At what level can my tama start collecting happy seals?

My iDL just arrived yesterday!

1) Just curious. Does the iDL really respond to the actual Earth weathers? Cause I realized that when it was raining outside, my iDL was raining too! So coincidental!

2) Does iDL have a pause feature?

3) In iDL, what is that brown- looking thing that I assume to be a sponge in the Tama Depa that costs 500 Gotchi points? I think it's a sponge, but I'm not sure.

4) At what level can my tama start collecting happy seals?
1) It's more of coincidental. iD L's weather patterns are based on Japanese seasons.

2) While it does not have a Pause feature, you can "pause" its growth by going to the clock screen and pressing both A and C at the same time.

3) It's a scrub, you use it to clean the bathroom when it becomes dirty.

4) You can start collecting happy seals once your Tama becomes an adult (Friend stage in iD L).

1) It's more of coincidental. iD L's weather patterns are based on Japanese seasons.

2) While it does not have a Pause feature, you can "pause" its growth by going to the clock screen and pressing both A and C at the same time.

3) It's a scrub, you use it to clean the bathroom when it becomes dirty.

4) You can start collecting happy seals once your Tama becomes an adult (Friend stage in iD L).
What does that transparent flower pot do? It's in the TamaDepa and it costs 800 Gotchi points. After I press/ select it, then it gets watered with 'red' chemicals, then it goes through an evolution phase, and then it dies. It dies everytime I go through the process of selecting it. What's going on? Is it meant to die like that? everytime?

What does that transparent flower pot do? It's in the TamaDepa and it costs 800 Gotchi points. After I press/ select it, then it gets watered with 'red' chemicals, then it goes through an evolution phase, and then it dies. It dies everytime I go through the process of selecting it. What's going on? Is it meant to die like that? everytime?
It doesn't always do that... (hint: try again later when you have a raised a different character.)

The plant is one of Mametchi's happy symbols, if you want to know. There may be other characters who have this as a happy symbol, but I'm not sure.

There are hundreds of games available to download to the iD L, but you can only hold two downloaded games.

1) When I get to the level where there will be fortune telling (Gypsytchi), will she be telling my tama's fortune in Japanese? (I got a japanese iDL). How am I suppose to understand her? Will I be missing out on anything if I don't comprehend?

2) My tama is already adult- Lovelitchi. WHere and when can she adopt pets?

3) When I was feeding Lovelitchi, she started crying and looked all upset all the while she was eating. What's going on? Is the certain food not suitable for her?

4) Does anyone know all of the evolution times/ schedule for the iDL?

Adults can adopt pets at the park. Sometimes when you visit the park, a pet will appear. Play with the same pet several times, and it'll want to come home with you. Different pets are there at different times of the day.

No adult likes your cooking. They'll make a fuss if you give them something from the refridgerator. They like to eat out. Also, each adult has some favorite food they like, so they'll be excited to eat it. Conversely, as you've seen, each adult has some foods that they absolutely hate. They'll eat it but they'll put up a fuss about it.

Questions 1 and 4:

1) Yes, you will unlock Gypsytchi somewhere along the line, although it is past 20 unique characters (I believe that she is unlocked after 24). Yes, everything will be in Japanese, the iD L was released in Japan, after all. You miss a little if you don't read Japanese, but not much. There are members here who know how to read Japanese, they might be able to translate for you. Don't let the whole Japanese thing bother you; if it really does, take a picture of the conversation, look up a Hiragana and Katakana chart online, and Google Translate away.

4) Baby to toddler: 1 hour

Toddler to Teen: 24 hours

Teen to Adult: 24 hours

Adult to fourth happy symbol: 48 hours

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