Odd battery smell coming from Music Star


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The problem might be that the pressure on the battery is too high?

The slightly bent-up metal thingy that the battery pushes down when inserted might be bent up too high maybe? Try pushing it down a tiny bit. ;)

I've actually had similar problems with several tamas when I was younger, and left them with the battery inside for a longer time; no leaking, just a funny smell.

I think that it has been the pressure though... :lol:
Hehe, might be that. The bent-ish contact is a bit too high. I'll try to find a way to push them down. ^_^

EDIT: Oh, wait. I can't push it down. It's bent down enough. (Or is it? I don't know.)

EDIT2: I was gonna test it out with a new Hongwei battery. But as I held it, it smelled as if it were on fire. It had a

small red thing, and it almost got on fire! It almost burnt my hand, so I had to throw it to the floor, so it would stop. Mom said she'll look for brand batteries for me.

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EDIT2: I was gonna test it out with a new Hongwei battery. But as I held it, it smelled as if it were on fire. It had a

small red thing, and it almost got on fire! It almost burnt my hand, so I had to throw it to the floor, so it would stop. Mom said she'll look for brand batteries for me.
Whoah, creepy :eek:

Was it the battery or the tamagotchi that almost caught fire? Sorry, I didn't quite understand that part... :mellow:

Okay, um, I dont really know what to do if it smelled like fire and almost literally caught fire. If thatr happened to mine, I would....hm...lemme think here.....after I had thrown it to the ground, I would of left it there a while longer like my flashlight(same thing happened a LONG time ago, had to throw it away...but thats cuz batteries exploded) I would of then, when it cooled off, I would of put it in a safe place and wouldnt do anything to it until the next day....hope I helped :mellow:

It had a small red light-ish dot. And it smelled as something that was burning. That's all I can remember :eek:

I forgot to add that the battery did that. (Erm... Cheap batteries? :rolleyes: )

It sounds like either the batteries were not constructed right or the unit has a short in it. If it's the latter it's possible it could be causing the batteries to get overheated. What that means is, the unit could have something funky going on with it, which could drain the batteries faster than what it's supposed to, and that quick drain can cause them to run hot. Same thing happens when you charge batteries. If they're of poor construction, this can be potentially dangerous.

Or, if not a short, again, poor battery construction, being drained too quickly by the vpet, ergo overheating. The smell is outgassing of the chemicals inside.

It does seem rather strange though, that there would be something wrong with several batteries in a row...

But hey, even if the problem is in your tama, don't throw it away whatever you do! :wacko:

Get some proffessional at an electronic shop to take a look at it maybe? ^_^

It does seem rather strange though, that there would be something wrong with several batteries in a row...

But hey, even if the problem is in your tama, don't throw it away whatever you do! :wacko:

Get some proffessional at an electronic shop to take a look at it maybe? ^_^
Yeah, that's really odd... But the smell is gone now. I hope it doesn't happen again! ^_^

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