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I want a sewing machine. So much.

Or rather "sew much" haha you may fire me now

Also the capability to get better grades. But nooo, ADHD hates me.

  • Tamagotchi Santaclautch
  • A Sailor Moon plushie!! :3
  • My brother's approval for keeping his Tamagotchi v3
  • A Vintage Tamagotchi character plush
  • A Mudkip plush.. :D

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My list is in order from most to least wanted.


Tamagotchi Idl-e (in blue, pink ,or purple.)

Tamagotchi purse with lanyard ( Lovelitchi)

Tamagotchi Familitchi ( Not sure which kind yet)

Tamagotchi movie cd

Littlest pet shop adoption center playset

Littlest pet shop rescue tail center playset

Littlest pet shop Blythe airplane playset

Littlest pet shop panda triplets playset

I want a gaming laptop and a few accessories for it such as a turtle beach headset and a gaming mouse like the R.A.T

My Christmas wishlist only had one thing on it, which was a month-long exception to all my computer limits. I'm not allowed that, so my parents have no idea what to get me. Probably the usual assortment of books, money and dolphin stuff.

And as for what I want but can't afford...BETTER INTERNET AT SCHOOL, PARTICULARLY IN THE YEAR 7 DORMITORY! And, if that happened, boarding at school two or three nights a week. Which I also couldn't afford. In fact, my family can only afford one night a week because I got a scholarship (money off school fees) when I did the entrance test.

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A funky furby and original furby baby.

Who am I kidding, I want all of the furbies.


DELFIN (German)

DOLFYN (Afrikaans)

海豚 (Chinese Traditional)

Basically, my wish is: For translate.com not to take so long translating the word dolphin into as many languages as possible.

Owl City merch

random owl related stuff

ipod with Owl City songs in it or CDs with Owl City songs in it (albums: Of June, Maybe I'm Dreaming, Ocean Eyes, All Things Bright And Beautiful, The Midsummer Station)

lava lamp

Tamagotchi v4.5 Puzzling Pieces

((Yes, I know its past Christmas, but still...)

Any iDL or iDL-E....I cant afford either of these and I really want one! ;^;

And ANY. And I mean ANY Homestuck stuff.

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Hopefully she'll be next in my one day collection of four lovely dolls. ♥

My goal is to get a small display case, a nice dark wooden color, with glass doors that open and four seperate spaces for a display. In each with be one of my future dolls for the collection, and a set of a room they live in. Their rooms will be crafted by me. No, no buying fancy doll beds and such. All will be made special.

...Hey, I can dream, can't I?

((Yes, I know its past Christmas, but still...)

Any iDL or iDL-E....I cant afford either of these and I really want one! ;^;

And ANY. And I mean ANY Homestuck stuff.
Haha be jealous I have a Terezi shirt! >:]

Anyways, all I want now is more Homestuck stuff/cosplay stuff/the ability to go to a con

one of my hobbies includes watching con videos and crying over the fact I can't be there

Haha be jealous I have a Terezi shirt! >:]

Anyways, all I want now is more Homestuck stuff/cosplay stuff/the ability to go to a con

one of my hobbies includes watching con videos and crying over the fact I can't be there
That is SOOOOOOOOO UNFAIR!!!! xD How much was it? xD

Haha be jealous I have the ability to go to a con this March! >:]

((Why cant you go to a con, anyways?))

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