What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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I dunno why but it REALLY bothers me when people don't have a profile picture and just use the grey faceless person XD

+2 Karma and posting stuff like this

This is why I need to use the Greasemonkey profanity filter.
If you don't like it, don't read it!
If you notice, that is posted in the "Girls!" Thread. The girls thread is for girls (and whatever physical complications they may have) and that stuff is not awkward unless you make it awkward! As you are evidently not a girl, you probably haven't had the need to find help for things like this online. Girls often have a lot more questions to ask. Yes, you can post these questions on places like Yahoo Answers, but some of the people on that site can give you inaccurate, embarrassing, or rude information. With TamaTalk, people could get their answers from a forum that is well-moderated and not entirely public, and they can be informed by more reliable, friendly people. :)
I guess all I'm trying to say here is that there is no shame in posting stuff like what she posted, but I would hesitate to talk negatively about other people's posts.
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My cousin. My great-aunt is seventy-eight, is in a lot of pain, and isn't walking very good due to a knee replacement and not moving the knee. She happened to be out with my mother going to an appointment when her fifty year old son calls. Thinking she is still home he wants her to walk into the kitchen to make him food. Your mother can barely walk and you want her to cook for you too? Get off your butt and do it yourself! Not only does he do that but he is always asking for her pain meds and for money which my aunt usually gives him because she feels she has to take care of him I suppose. He should be taking care of her not the other way around. Hes so selfish.

People with overweight tamagotchis..sorry.

just because they're digital doesn't mean it's okay..

don't be lazy..

My cousin. My great-aunt is seventy-eight, is in a lot of pain, and isn't walking very good due to a knee replacement and not moving the knee. She happened to be out with my mother going to an appointment when her fifty year old son calls. Thinking she is still home he wants her to walk into the kitchen to make him food. Your mother can barely walk and you want her to cook for you too? Get off your butt and do it yourself! Not only does he do that but he is always asking for her pain meds and for money which my aunt usually gives him because she feels she has to take care of him I suppose. He should be taking care of her not the other way around. Hes so selfish.
i couldn't agree with you more, but usually those sad, energy-sapping relationships are usually a result of emotional issues that haven't been worked out and instead buried over the years.

i'm not saying it's okay, but those situations are usually horribly complex.

i couldn't agree with you more, but usually those sad, energy-sapping relationships are usually a result of emotional issues that haven't been worked out and instead buried over the years.

i'm not saying it's okay, but those situations are usually horribly complex.
Your right for my aunt, she was not the best mother. Half of her kids are on drugs. She does for them to keep them coming around.

As for the cousin in question I think he is narcissistic. It has to be about him and making himself look good.

Clients that dont answer you design questions and constantly make silly changes.

  • People on Tamenagerie Lounge who post stuff in the wrong section, and mods who leave it there for 8 years until I come along and sort it out. But by then, there's 20 pages of it.
  • "iD L" having the wrong letters in capitals (e.g. ID L or id L or ID l), Tamagotchi P's being spelled as Tamagotchi P or Tamagotchi PS, other incorrect names for versions of Tamas

Kuchipatchi being spelled Kutchipatchi. What makes people think it's spelled that way anyway?!
  • What makes people think it's spelled that way anyway?!
...probably the fact that every tamagotchi's name has a "T" thrown in around the end.. It sounds like a reasonable mistake to me. Personally I know better, but that mistake sounds about right.

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I get really annoyed when people say "whatever or w.e." in a conversation or argument .
I find it to be very rude and disrespectful towards what I am trying to say.

My boyfriends Dad:

He told my boyfriend that I was going to break up with him because he plays WOW, which is a complete lie and I never said anything of the sort :/ he really horrible a lot of the time. He also shares a birthday with me and this year stopped my boyfriend from coming to see me even though we had planned something, he also farts and burps in public and blames it on me or my boyfriend.

Rudeness. I work in customer service and we get a lot of people who are really condescending. I feel like it doesn't that *that* much effort to at least try to be decent/nice.

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