Minecraft Poll: Your Favorite MC Mob


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What Mob Do You Love Best?

  • Creeper

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Enderman

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Ghast

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Cave Spider

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spider

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blaze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Magma Cube

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Skeleton

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Silverfish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zombie Pigman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slime

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Zombie

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
If I forget any Mobs, let me know, and I'll add them to the poll.

Aside from this, what's your favorite mob in the Full version of Minecraft? Mine is the Ghast. Though they look creepy, their moans sound cute.

What about these mobs: chicken, pig, sheep, cow, jungle cat, cat, wolf, dog, bat, villager, zombie villager, squid, snow golem, iron golem?

Of all the mobs...

Most useful: the cow. From it, you can get steak for food, and leather for armor & books.

Most annoying: the enderman (followed closely by creeper), because of their ability to destroy my landscape.

Cutest: jungle cat kitten. (However, at one point my pick would have been skeleton. True story from when I first started playing minecraft: I dug a shallow shelter into the side of an extreme hill, closing off the entrance with blocks of glass and a dirt "door". Of course I had no bed, so had to wait out the night, watching zombies, skeletons, spiders, and creepers wander around just outside my shelter. As the sun started to rise the next morning it began raining and into view wanders a skeleton wearing a "yellow rain suit". Only some time later did I find out that it wasn't a rain suit; it was gold armor.)

What about these mobs: chicken, pig, sheep, cow, jungle cat, cat, wolf, dog, bat, villager, zombie villager, squid, snow golem, iron golem?

Of all the mobs...

Most useful: the cow. From it, you can get steak for food, and leather for armor & books.

Most annoying: the enderman (followed closely by creeper), because of their ability to destroy my landscape.

Cutest: jungle cat kitten. (However, at one point my pick would have been skeleton. True story from when I first started playing minecraft: I dug a shallow shelter into the side of an extreme hill, closing off the entrance with blocks of glass and a dirt "door". Of course I had no bed, so had to wait out the night, watching zombies, skeletons, spiders, and creepers wander around just outside my shelter. As the sun started to rise the next morning it began raining and into view wanders a skeleton wearing a "yellow rain suit". Only some time later did I find out that it wasn't a rain suit; it was gold armor.)
I usually get caught by Endermen when in Survival Mode. It is said that they are hostile when you look them in the eye. But sometimes the crosshair doesn't go low enough, and I'm still getting caught. I hate it when they made this weird noise when they see you. Well, due to their name, "Enderman", Mojang decided to make the Endermen have Slenderman noises, as "Enderman" is derived from "Slenderman", except "SL" is taken off. I read that on the Minecraft Wiki. But here's the thing. The Minecraft Wiki says that the Enderman are hostile in Survival Multiplayer when you look at their upper legs or body. But in Single Player Survival, it says head or torso...are they different ways to provoke an Enderman?

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Generally, just don't allow your crosshair to go onto any part of their body. Although, sometimes, when I was playing SkyBlock and trying to provoke an enderman, when I looked at them straight in the face, they would shake and scream, but not approach me. It was necessary to hit them with an arrow before they would become enraged enough to attack me. (Of course I had an overhang I could back up under, so they couldn't reach me as I poked them in the knee with my sword.)

Generally, just don't allow your crosshair to go onto any part of their body. Although, sometimes, when I was playing SkyBlock and trying to provoke an enderman, when I looked at them straight in the face, they would shake and scream, but not approach me. It was necessary to hit them with an arrow before they would become enraged enough to attack me. (Of course I had an overhang I could back up under, so they couldn't reach me as I poked them in the knee with my sword.)
Their screams sound REALLY creepy...whenever I hear them, I get chills down my spine! Yeesh...imagine an Enderman appearing in Rayman Legends! That's even more scary...

I love how easy it is to kill endermen once you've defeated the ender dragon in The End. I use a trick called "The Poor Man's Endermen Farm" by Sethbling in this one world that I've been playing for about a year now. It kills them really fast and gives me tons of enderpearls which are really handy when I fall in lava in the nether. Endermen are my favorite mob because they're abilities to teleport is pretty cool, and the enderpearls they drop. For peaceful mobs, I like the ocelot because it is tameable with fish which are really easy to get, has really cute skin(s) when tamed, and I don't have to worry about them falling in a ravine and dying when I'm exploring caves because they don't take fall damage. Though, lately I haven't been able to tame ocelots, which really sucks :(

My username is smartdroid134. I know, really odd name, it used to be my brother's account but he got another one and I payed him for this one.

Most useful: the cow. From it, you can get steak for food, and leather for armor & books.
I'd say chickens are the most useful, they are much easier/faster to breed than cows (requiring only seeds instead of fully grown wheat), They produce meat for eating, eggs for cakes (or hatching more chickens) and feathers for arrows. I would also probably say that given a choice between leather armor and arrows i'd choose arrows 100% of the time, I rarely even bother with leather armor as an iron set is much simpler to aqquire and arrows will be used throughout the entire game. Books can be made with wood so leather isnt really needed, and with the new update horses also drop leather so it is no longer cow exclusive.

Long live our chicken overlords!

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