what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3


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@SailorRosette: Thankyou! Although I have since opened and played with most of them :p

@VioletEyes: The devils were $150 each, brand new (Yahoo Japan). Also - I love your mesutchi! I adore see-through shells, and the green and orange set are simply stunning :)

One of my pierces was delivered today, but I wasn't home.. so they just left me a re-delivery slip. :c

My P's still hasn't arrived anyway, though. Still playing the waiting game!

Tamagotchi Melody Pet Sopratchi


My BF bought it for me as a Christmas present. ;w; I don't mind that it came a little late :wub:

@SailorRosette: Thankyou! Although I have since opened and played with most of them :p

@VioletEyes: The devils were $150 each, brand new (Yahoo Japan). Also - I love your mesutchi! I adore see-through shells, and the green and orange set are simply stunning :)
Man! Super jealous! Such a great deal!

Looks like I'll have to take a peek on Yahoo.jp! &lt;3

I got my Sanrio pierce i'm the mail yesterday.

I haven't used it yet since my batteries were dead and wasn't able to go home after I got out of work...so hopefully I'll be able to today.

T_T a v4.5 and only now realize I overpaid because I was impatient! Everyones items are so cool :D

What do you mean by overpaid? Maybe it was a rare shell?
https://www.ebay.com/itm/BANDAI-TAMAGOTCHI-CONNECTION-V4-5-VIRTUAL-PET-AUTUMN-LEAVES-NICE-ENGLISH-/121246941628?pt=Electronic_Battery_Windup_Toys_US&amp;hash=item1c3ae181bc well i got this one for 25$ and it wasn't new and looked a little scratched up but i really liked the design :/


on a better note i'm going to be getting an iDL in the mail soon &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3

Carol_tama I still love your petopuppy haa! The shell is so funny :puroperatchi:

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