Foreign languags


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2015
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Which foreign languages apart from English (if you aren't from an English-speaking country) do you guys (and girls) speak?

I'm weird, so Latin. In highschool, my friends and I used it conversationally as well as for passing notes. I'm about 10 years out of practice, but I still remember a decent bit of what I knew no enough to speak casually, but we'll enough to read.

I have been meaning to learn something more practical and maybe a little less dead. Italian would be easiest because it is the first Romance Language, and I have a fondness for Japanese. Those would be my two most likely suspects.

I only know very little of Spanish, and I know a little Japanese. Although, I'm fond of learning Japanese more than Spanish, even though I haven't gotten into learning Japanese lately..But I can translate some words, but I'm not an expert, YET.

I can read and speak Mandarin! I want to learn Japanese though hahaha

Spanish, but it isn't really "foreign" to me since I live right on the border of the U.S. and Mexico. It's practically the second official language of where I live.

im learning japanese right now and i just think. why did i hurt myself like this?
Is it the grammatical structure or the fact that you have to learn characters and vocabulary essentially at the same time That you find the biggest challenge?

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I'm weird, so Latin. In highschool, my friends and I used it conversationally as well as for passing notes. I'm about 10 years out of practice, but I still remember a decent bit of what I knew no enough to speak casually, but we'll enough to read.

I have been meaning to learn something more practical and maybe a little less dead. Italian would be easiest because it is the first Romance Language, and I have a fondness for Japanese. Those would be my two most likely suspects.
Salve, amice! Dicere Latinam cum meis amicis non possum quod nunc Latinae non student, sed fabulas et carmina legere possum.

I also study French, Swedish, and Chinese to an extent. I'm not very good at any of the languages I study, though.

Learning Polish and Korean. I was in Spanish for 2 years at school, but I have a better use for Polish and Korean.

My Family has Polish descent and some of the elderly relatives of mine speak it and my mom grew up listening to it and decided that i wanted to learn so I could speak it around my kids and family giving them the same feel my family had back in the day.

The use I have for Korean is I have been in Tae Kwon-Do since I was 6 and I am now more than ever into Korean things. ever since high school I started listening to k-Pop and just trying my best to enjoy the Korean culture and I decided that i wanted to learn it. I really want to learn it because when I am in Tae Kwon-Do they use Korean terminology to communicate to us what we're supposed to do. They don't always use Korean, but they do every once in a while and I just want learn the basics to get started and get used to the sounds and way it is spoken.

Right now those are the main two languages I'm trying to learn I actually am really interested in linguistics and how languages work to be honest.

I know Filipino since that's our primary language but I'm more fluent in English. I can also read, write, and speak a bit in Japanese. Also know a little bit of French because my mom used to study French and she kinda influenced me to do some studying.

Salve, amice! Dicere Latinam cum meis amicis non possum quod nunc Latinae non student, sed fabulas et carmina legere possum.
Laetissime sum ire amicam tuum! Oblitus sum multior quam sciesebam, sed ama mea tibi Latinum do!

Seriously, I have no idea if I remembered how to conjugate those verbs, but i caught spelling errors in words I KNOW I remember anywy, so i assume that's a butchery.

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I learnt French for three years in high school, but I don't really remember much of it. I know a few basic things but that's about it.

I also know a very small amount of Japanese, and in 2012 I tried to learn Polish but I gave up because the different letters and stuff were too complicated for me

Is it the grammatical structure or the fact that you have to learn characters and vocabulary essentially at the same time That you find the biggest challenge?
Well as a start, my old teacher (he left about two weeks ago, haven't been taught by our new one yet) went a bit fast for my liking, and didn't really pause to make sure we all understood which didn't go well with me ;w; but it's mainly structures - only the ones we've learned prior to this year stick in my head, and along with my teacher's style, it's been difficult keeping up :0c

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