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May 28, 2015
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
Hey, this is my first time posting on this site so if I'm not putting this in the right place or if I say something that's not allowed please let me know so I can delete/edit anything sufficiently.

Anyway, back in the day I played with the Connection from v1 up until v4 before deciding I had grown out of the hobby. (This was at around age 13/14). I am now 20 and have recently been seeing a lot of Tamagotchi related things on tumblr/facebook/ect and recently having moved to Japan for the year I have had a realization that Tamagotchi still exists, there is still a big fan-base and that the hobby is going strong (here and in the West...kinda). I got to googling and found this forum, which I've been reading through for a few days now, and after some thought I ordered an Angel Tama and a Mothra Tama on

The Angel Tama came today and I've only been playing for a few hours but it's so much fun! Its functions and sounds are so nostalgic and I'm considering getting a bit more serious about collecting.

So my question is, after Mothra, where do I go next? Do I stick with the vintage collecting or move into the Connection (and possibly colour screen) Tamas? Do I keep buying from or is ebay cheaper/easier to get better deals? I still feel like a total newbie/under-educated about a few things and I just wanted to see if anyone had any advice/tips or anecdotes about the matter.


If you still wanna collect connection tamas, the I'd suggest to keep on continuing collecting the connections :) .

And if you wanna keep on collecting vintage tamas, you should get the P1/P2s if you don't already have them.

There is also a new Tamagotchi here in the US called Tamagotchi Friends, but I'd suggest that you should buy a Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town since it has ALOT more features than the Tamagotchi Friends :) .

If you still wanna collect connection tamas, the I'd suggest to keep on continuing collecting the connections :) .

And if you wanna keep on collecting vintage tamas, you should get the P1/P2s if you don't already have them.

There is also a new Tamagotchi here in the US called Tamagotchi Friends, but I'd suggest that you should buy a Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town since it has ALOT more features than the Tamagotchi Friends :) .
I hear the best Connection tamas are v3 and then v5 and v6. I loved the v3 a lot (probably my favourite).

I want to track down some P1/P2s but what is a good price for 2nd hand? I see them for around 3000 JPY - 5000 JPY on Amazon but I hear you can get them a lot cheaper.

I really want to try the new Tamagotchi Friends! I heard the initial model was a bit lack luster, but if the Dream Town one is better (and if I can find a good price/site to buy it) I would love to give it a try!

I should mention I'm not fussed on whether the tama is Japanese or Western.

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Yeah the v4.5 is based on the uratama and v4 is based on the entama.

I would personally recommend the v4/4.5 over the Japanese counterparts. The J ones take a lot longer to grow, have less inbuilt games and no games related to the jobs. Also the items on it aren't as interactive. On the 4/4.5 you get cute animations of the tama playing with clothez, plants, toys etc but the en/ura have limited animations and just tend to stare at items.

Regarding buying online: No set rules. Its advisable to shop around. Sometimes ebay is cheaper, Sometimes amazon.

You can get the P1/P2 NIP on ebay cheaper than you've seen.

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I would personally recommend the v4/4.5 over the Japanese counterparts. The J ones take a lot longer to grow, have less inbuilt games and no games related to the jobs. Also the items on it aren't as interactive. On the 4/4.5 you get cute animations of the tama playing with clothez, plants, toys etc but the en/ura have limited animations and just tend to stare at items.
I disagree. Although these may be lows of the Entama, there are many things no V4 can do, for instance, the Entama has Hatena dating cards, more characters, and the ability to cook. Also, quality over quantity! The gameplay on the Entama and Uratama I think is better. Besides that, you don't keep ending up with universal characters on the Japanese versions. Additionally you can purchase these medicines which can increase GUT points, reverse care mistakes, reduce chances of sickness and more! Also the Uratama has blue pixels unlike the V4.5 which has black pixels. I really like the idea of this.

Personally I recommend the Entama and Uratama over the V4/V4.5. Besides, they are my favourite versions, of course.


Anyway you could also try out the Keitai Tamagotchi series, they are quite similar to Tamagotchi Connection/Plus, but have different characters, three different games, have different foods and more animations. Also the Red Keitai is definitely a good one to collect because it's got different foods, a few different characters and red pixels!

Then you have a special series called the Hanerutchi Tamagotchis which have characters from the TV Show Haneru No Tobira. There's one based on the Keitai and one based on the Entama. The one based on the Entama is called the Hanerutchi 2 and it's really good!

Then you've got the V5/Famitama and the V5.5/Royal Famitama, which involves raising a family.

Each version has good things about it, but take your pick!

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Oh wow! Thanks for the replies!

After reading these I feel like I have a lot to learn about the Connection series, but it sounds like fun!

The Keitai is similar to the V3, correct? (Just with mobile phone communications, which I assume are no longer accessible.)

In any case, I guess I'll have to try a few to get a feel for what I like and don't like. It seems people have differing opinions on different versions.

Hey! Just posting to let you know guys know I ended up finding a new in-box Entama for 1980 JPY (free shipping(I live in Japan)). I thought that was quite cheap, maybe around 20 dollars or so.

I think I decided the best route to go is to see if I can try 1 of everything (within financial reason) and see what suits me

Again, thanks!

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