stuff you regret doing to/doing with your tamas?


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As of two days ago : bringing my v4 in from the rain. It's dead.

As of two days ago : bringing my v4 in from the rain. It's dead.
I did something similar just a few days ago but my problem was with sun.

So I brought my tamas (V4.5 and V3) outside with me and put them in the shade so I could hear them if they called for me. Then we started filling water balloons for the 4th of July weekend. After about 20 minutes we headed inside, I go to get my tamas and THE SUN WAS BEATING DOWN ON THEM! (And I had put them in a place with a lot of shade, so the sun had moved really fast). I quickly picked them up and they burned my hands. Then I noticed their pixels were DARK black. I rushed inside to take their batteries out and let them cool in front of the air conditioner for 45 minutes. After putting new batteries in them the moment of truth had come... they still worked! It's been a few days and they are still working just fine. ^_^ Sorry for the long story... :rolleyes:

I did something similar just a few days ago but my problem was with sun.

So I brought my tamas (V4.5 and V3) outside with me and put them in the shade so I could hear them if they called for me. Then we started filling water balloons for the 4th of July weekend. After about 20 minutes we headed inside, I go to get my tamas and THE SUN WAS BEATING DOWN ON THEM! (And I had put them in a place with a lot of shade, so the sun had moved really fast). I quickly picked them up and they burned my hands. Then I noticed their pixels were DARK black. I rushed inside to take their batteries out and let them cool in front of the air conditioner for 45 minutes. After putting new batteries in them the moment of truth had come... they still worked! It's been a few days and they are still working just fine. ^_^ Sorry for the long story... :rolleyes:
A long story with a happy ending is completely fine. I'm so glad that your's still work.

I did something similar just a few days ago but my problem was with sun.

So I brought my tamas (V4.5 and V3) outside with me and put them in the shade so I could hear them if they called for me. Then we started filling water balloons for the 4th of July weekend. After about 20 minutes we headed inside, I go to get my tamas and THE SUN WAS BEATING DOWN ON THEM! (And I had put them in a place with a lot of shade, so the sun had moved really fast). I quickly picked them up and they burned my hands. Then I noticed their pixels were DARK black. I rushed inside to take their batteries out and let them cool in front of the air conditioner for 45 minutes. After putting new batteries in them the moment of truth had come... they still worked! It's been a few days and they are still working just fine. ^_^ Sorry for the long story... :rolleyes:
Bless technology that can be soothed with a little tlc :) I'm glad they're back!

When I got my first v4 around the year 2007, I used to chew on the antenna and now it has permanent bitey-markings around the ball thing. I also half accidentally scratched off many letters of the word Tamagotchi on the top, so it says just 'Tamago' now.

I also really, really regret it how I ruined the tiny screws of my original Tamagotchi (v1?) by using a too large screwdriver. The + markings of the screws are completely destroyed now, and I have no idea how to get them out or change them. :(

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Dropping my P's when I was rushing back to the car in the rain. It still works but there's a pretty nasty gouge in the plastic from landing on the concrete.

I remeber once that I wanted something of my brother's really bad. Usually at this age if I or one of my brothers wanted something that another sibling had, we would trade various items for it... Yeah, my brothers and I were little adults when it came to fighting over toys. Well I don't quite remember what I wanted of his but I do know that he had wanted one of my tamagotchis for a while. However all mine were pink or other various girly shades. So what did I do? I took a green sharpie and colored one of my pink V5 tamagotchis sharpie forrest green. He ended up accepting my offer but years later didn't want it anymore. I was able to reverse most of the damage by using a little trick that I learned as a kid. If you ever put sharpie on smooth plastic cover whatever is covered in that marker ink with expo marker and it will all wipe right off! Still works to this day and has saved a couple of my tamagotchis too!

Letting a friend and her kids borrow some of my v4.5. Her kids's ended up in the washer and then shortly after a family dispute we stopped being friends. I had lent her one of my favorite ones too. I think it was a v5? It had a cherry blossom design on it. Oh well. Ever since then I don't loan them out anymore. I barely let others touch them too.

I regret resetting my tamagotchi p. I did that bcuz I accidentally made it get married and go to tamagotchi planet with his wife. So i panicked and reseted it.

As a child I borrowed it my neighbour to carry. But we were playing outside the pool and she just jumped in with my firstTamagotchi...I still feel the pain haha.

As a child I borrowed it my neighbour to carry. But we were playing outside the pool and she just jumped in with my firstTamagotchi...I still feel the pain haha.

My biggest regret was randomly deciding to down-size my collection over the years :(
I have given about 9 Tamagotchis to Goodwill over the years, and probably lost about one or two. I really liked the designs of the ones I gave away, too! I really miss my constellations V3, my globe v4.5 and my cotton candy V5 -_-
But you made someone else happy. Think that's totally worth it! (-:

I constantly dropped my Connection v4.5. I would straight up hold her in my hand, flick my wrist, and either throw her a few feet or drop her onto my hard tile floors. I think she got thrown out, but I'm not really sure.

I have a plain white V1 with yellow buttons that I had the genius idea of painting gold when I was younger. The proper way to paint it would've been to take out the insides and spray paint the shell, but since I wasn't old enough to deal with spray paint, I used some sort of gold fabric paint. When I applied the paint, it was very sheer so to make the paint more opaque, I just dotted it on in big clumps all over my Tamagotchi.

No paint got inside of it so it still works, but it looks incredibly horrid and it has an awful texture. Maybe one day I'll try to fix it and spray paint it a different color. :D

When I was in like 4th grade I flushed my V2 down the toilet and cried when I had to tell my dad what I did, then cried even harder when the plumber came and removed it from the toilet because the screen was completely cracked :angry:

Throwing away my very first tamagotchi (i.e., P1) which I got as a kid when I moved house. If only I could turn back time... :(

Throwing away/giving away all my tamas and tama cousins when I was a kid. Gonna rebuild my collection though!

Edit: Aw man, I just noticed that I've already posted the exact same thing here before, so I'll just hide it for now... Is it possible to delete posts? :eek:

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