What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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My brain isn't intelligent enough to understand anything about my math homework. I've been trying to do those stuffs for at least two hours and still nothing.

interrupting :angry:

chewing sounds :angry:

changing subjects suddenly :angry:

Those are my biggest, from most to least. :angry:

My 3ds already has a little scratch on its lower screen (regardless of being so small, it still irritates me at a high level), so I'm afraid I have to go to the store I bought it from and change it for a new one. I still have the receipt with me, so I guess it'll be okay.

My great aunt right now

Lately she has gotten weird with food and me. I decided to place six wings aside for me so I could put something different on them. Lady had a total meltdown. A lot of people live here so we buy big amounts of food. There was more then enough chicken wings for everyone.

One day she was shredding mozzarella cheese. I happened to ask if I could get a slice. I was told no. So I said ok and that I was going to open the of pack of mozzarella cheese for a slice. Woman had a temper tantrum and didn't cook anything.

I got attacked for taking two small ice cream sandwiches out of a SAMS Club sized box. I also was blamed for eating them all. Those two sandwiches were the only ones I had even taken.

And Yet her son can:

Drink all the milk in 3 days(we buy four gallons)

Eat ice cream in 3 days

AND she says nothing (has a soft spot for her boys, and non for her girls)

And she wonders why her one daughter never calls her

Something I have a major problem with is people who are on their phones or smoking while driving.

Now, I can learn to drive in September, but I wouldn't feel safe learning when so many people are on their phones and driving.

I'm in the UK and this is illegal but it just happens so often, just yesterday I was with my mum and we saw 3 people on their phones and they weren't driving properly. These people had vaguely new looking cars and phones, so they clearly had a bluetooth feature they could have used so they could drive with their two hands down a tight road (cars parked on either side of the road. Eh, common thing here) and not almost crash into us.

I also have a problem with people picking their noses in public, it just grosses everyone out, at least use a tissue. And the other week I saw someone who looked about 30-40ish picking their nose at a bus stop... and eating it. Eugh it made me feel so sick.
That's a huge deal here as well.. people do strange things while driving.. As long as you're safely away from them, it's interesting to watch. I was on a field trip one day back in high school and we got to watch a lady contouring her face while we were at a stoplight. Adults picking their nose while driving is very common here as well. It really is disgusting.

As for my latest pet peeve.. if I am driving the speed limit, (for example, lets say 55 mph) and some car that is waiting to pull out decides to wait until I am probably no more than 10 feet away before pulling out and then proceed to go about 20 mph, that bothers me to no end.

When I read articles online about stuff from the 90s and they use a Tamagotchi connection or 2012 furby for the 90s ones. It really bugs me. I love both of these versions but they look different from the 90s ones.

When I read articles online about stuff from the 90s and they use a Tamagotchi connection or 2012 furby for the 90s ones. It really bugs me. I love both of these versions but they look different from the 90s ones.
Since I can't go back and edit my older posts I'm going to treat this like a add on to my top post.

My biggest pet peeve right now is others treating me as if I'm not human because of my weight. It upsets me and now I'm back trying to eat under 900 calories again. (I want to be able to ride roller coasters again)At least maybe I'll lose 30 lbs like I did last time.(and I kept it off) (note I do not recommend anyone to be doing what I am doing, as it is unhealthy/I not skinny and I am considered morbidly obese)(this crash diet isn't healthy for me either)

I have been so sleepy for the whole day, and when I finally made it back home from school at around three, I couldn't help it but sleep for a while. A while, I say? I slept for two hours, which made me feel just a whole lot sleepier. I didn't even stay up too late last night, so I can only wonder what I did wrong...

Anyone telling me to use Google Chrome.

If you tell me to use it, you will get an instant

absolutely not.

I will always be clicking the fox surrounding the earth.

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Being sick with a cold. It wouldn't be even half bad if I didn't have problems with breathing or my whole face hurting. But oh, both of those things are happening right now, so I'm not okay with this.

- Large Smacking Sounds

- Being called the opposite gender pisses me off as well

- when people think their better than you in art but their really not

- when people claim they have read the rules yet they brake all of them

- when children try to act like adults

- when ever someone tries to claim something about you yet its the opposite of the situation ;/

Food police. You don't know and you have no business telling others how or what they should be eating. This goes both ways: Don't tell someone skinny to go eat a cheeseburger, also don't tell a heavy person to eat a salad.(though if someone told me that I'd LMAO, I love salad/the kind with just veggies)

As a bigger person I've had this happen a lot :

I was dipping my fork in salad dressing before stabbing my salad when an old coworker used me as an example of how not to eat. Because I didn't measure my dressing exactly I'm a stupid fat person.(because dipping my fork in dressing from a container on the side of my salad is smothering my salad in dressing :rolleyes: )

I commented that I dislike hard boiled eggs to another old coworker. They asked me if I wanted to be healthy. I looked at her like she was crazy. My egg white and garlic spinach scramble is less calories and doesn't have the yolk in them and is cooked with cooking spray. (because I'm a poor fat person I must think that eggs can only be fried bacon fat and a stick of butter... <_< )

Seriously don't assume you know what people eat. Do I eat junk? Yes sometimes I do, but everyone does that sometimes. Could I eat better? Yes and I try to.(reasons why I haven't gained more weight)

pet peeve run over about my hate of hard boiled eggs: seriously when I dye eggs at Easter, I dye them raw/ don't you judge me I like to make zombie eggs with food coloring markers (they want the other eggs yolks instead of brains)

- Being called the opposite gender pisses me off as well
I second this because I'm a male with long hair, and people mistake me for a female sometimes, it's rather annoying. I'm trying to grow some actually visible facial hair.

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The sheer number of creepy people online is depressing.

And the fact that so many, pretty much most of, the MLP fans support or approve of the inappropriate fan arts and stuff. It's...disgusting. I at least decided to actually be reasonable and disapprove of indecent stuff. Too bad the same cannot be said for those who have decided to just keep digging and digging themselves into the ground.

And those who think that people cannot realize their mistakes and change. Maybe that is true for many... But I used to not completely disapprove of bad stuff like the MLP fan art, thanks to the many "fellow bronies" of whom I talked with who acted like it was okay. But now I hate it and will never return to any of that terribadness. Thank heaven for saving me from it. :D

20 and up people on the internet that flirt/date with 10-15 year olds and feel like it's ok and it's not pedophilia because it's on the Internet, not irl.
Its really disgusting. They are still a pedophile and have no business talking to young children period. I worry for the kids of today. I remember watching those To Catch a Predator episodes and feeling grossed out by those men. In the back of my mind saying "GOOD they caught those sick pieces of toxic waste."

My pet peeve of today:

Today someone poked fun at me and not in a good way, about my tamagotchi habit.(a coworker) They asked me if I was over 20 years of age and acted like I was a weirdo. :(

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My pet peeves are:

-when someone (anyone, literally) enters the bathroom where I'm in doing my business or bathing

-when i see spiders in the tub\in the corners of my room

-when I get told i weigh too much although i know it already and then the person who told me that tells me they're doing it out of love

-when my phone stops working properly , especially in public

sudo apt-get install *insert program here*

Unmet dependencies. Try using apt-get -f install

sudo apt-get -f install *insert program here*

Unmet dependencies. Try using apt-get -f install

Oh, how I wish the Ubuntu software centre was in Kodibuntu, so I can install emulators on my home theatre PC without having to deal with dependencies.

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