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First off, thanks Jhud! I'm glad people are enjoying the log, and I'm glad I can keep it positive. Life's not the easiest sometimes, and at work and in my free time I hope I make it a little easier/more entertaining for people. Also, as far as my wife goes, I'm lucky I have HER. She's way more organized than me, and she's super smart but way too humble to ever admit it. I marred up. XD


Started out in the DMV. We had to check some paperwork for me; I have diabetes, and I have to send in paperwork every year saying I won't pass out behind the wheel. I never have (and never will since I manage it well), but the paperwork always seems to get a little snagged up. We also had to do some paperwork stuff for my wife's car because even though it wasn't in that bad of shape, it was considered totaled because of how old it was. Not the best way to start the day, but I just said that DMV stoof for 'Day of Many Valentine's' and it was so lame that my wife cheered up. XD

We also got to spent a bunch of time at the Mall of America (she likes it, I'm pretty lukewarm since they lack good toy stores) , and she got to go check out a lot of stuff she likes while I played Pokemon Go and took care of my tamas. I DID end up finding 2 really obscure Gundam kits at Barnes and Noble (they have stuff from G-Unit now! G-UNIT! Nobody's even HEARD of G-Unit... outside of rap, I guess XD) so that was pretty good. We also got to eat at one of her favorite restaurants, so despite the wonky start to the day, the rest was great.

Also, I ordered a few more tamas since I got a bonus at work the next day. Well, I ordered an Angelgotchi, and then a Raku Raku Dino Kun (since my neighbors had one back in the day and NOSTALGIA) as well as the little dragon quest slime v-pets and a thing that like hooks up to your headphones and grows based on that? Got 'em all of of JapanYouWant, so it was pretty cheap. We'll see how the slime and the music one are.

OH AND THEN I TOTALLY BOMBED IT ON THE ICE WHILE TAKING OUT THE TRASH AND HAVE A GIANT BRUISE ON MY KNEE. It looks a lot worse than it feels. Mostly because it's kind of in the shape of New Jersey,

Anyway, UPDATES:

Not a TON of pics this time around since there's not a lot of new stuff to report and this week was super busy, but here goes!



Bilotchi married a robot. As much as I like robots, there's a part of me that's like "Bro..."

And then he had a son!

See, again, this is what I like about the V3 over the mix - even though I'm getting son after son here, I can still get almost any of the tamas on the device in the long run!


Well, the day of being left at home made the care dip down TOO far, so no Kusatchi this time. Instead, I got a Whaletchi.


Wait, that's supposed to be a whale??

I keep thinking it's like a mound of dirt with a little plant growing out of it...

Anyway, cool design! There haven't been a lot of cool animations to show off with this one, especially since it's hard to make money since the games are kinda frustrating to me. Still, I look forward to the next generation!


Working towards my Rust Tyrannomon! Currently, I have a Black Tyrannomon and a Monochromon:


Happy about something...


Yellin' at the wall


FINALLY got the one I wanted! Tentotchi!!

Duck/Ladybug. So rad. GREAT animations, too!


walkin' around




mad (I didn't get the other mad animation... will try later)



I really like the morino. It's such a good variation on the old P1/P2 sort of mentality. I've got the attack times down to when they'll happen, but since I'm usually in meetings for one of them, it makes it tricky. Still, despite getting stepped on a couple times, Tentochi is in the 'best' care tree, so I should be able to get to anything at this point... the weight thing is still a little nebulous, but I found some good guides...

And once again, let's close it off with a snowy day scene:


I really do like seeing these. I wonder what it'll be in the other seasons! A lot of you probably know, but I've had so much fun discovering all the things that these guys can do.

Anwyay, hope you're all having a great day! Thanks for reading. :D

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Well, winter weather is in full swing here in Minnesota. Slid all over the road on the way home from work. Err.... I mean... drifted. That's what the cool kids do, right? They drift?

My little sister is crashing at my place for a few days for a job interview, and my little brother and his wife were over as well, so we watched a movie and had Chinese food. My little brother and I also spent some time in my Transformer room talking about robots. It's nice to have family around, and considering I have a house near a major airport and 7 siblings, we get a lot passing through (especially where one of my brothers lives in Korea and another lives in Japan).

Anyway, something non-tama to be proud of!


The figure on the left side of the screen is Diaclone Big Powered GV, which my wife got me because I've been a good husband while she's had her rough month for the last month. I told her she didn't have to, but she's stubborn, and it's SUPER COOL! Basically, Diaclone was the precursor to Transformers in Japan, and Takara (the Japanese company that owns Transformers) is bringing it back. The cool thing about is that Big Powered is basically 5 vehicles that are all modular so you can combine them in about nine billion ways. I currently have it in base mode sitting next to my only other Diaclone: Diabattles V2. I love it, and since I know my wife looks at this log from time to time - THANKS, SWEETIE! :D

Anyway, just wanted to share that.


First off: since I was saving up for Big Powered and now don't have to.... I got a used M!X anniversary edition and a Mothra tama from Japan You Want. I know I basically complain about the M!x all the time, but it really is a good tama. I think being up to my elbows in old-school made me realize that it does have some pretty novel ideas, and with the Anniversary, I can unlock all the remaining locations on the Spacey I have (I'll have to reset the Anniversary a couple times, but that's NBD).

Speaking of....




She seems pretty psyched about it.

I think I might have her marry Mametchi just to see what happens, but otherwise I think I'll hold out until the AniM!x gets here to do much more with it. Pulled the batteries out of my Digimon Xros Fusion Loader to get it started. Man, that was NOT a good Vpet. The screen was soooo baaaadddd.


One step closer to Rust Tryannomon!




Metal Tyrannomon!

Now, if I can just keep the care mistakes away for a couple days, I'll get the last evolutions to get Rust!


Not a ton to update here. Frog moved on, and now I have Robo (named after the Chrono Trigger character and because his mom was a robot), who first evolved into a Mizutamatchi and then into a Hinotamatchi because a water droplet evolving into fire makes complete and utter sense.

Also, I love how Hinotamatchi is fire but also the tried-and-true Tama mentality of 'well, let's slap a duck face on it!' So cool.

ALSO! I haven't been taking the best care of it (obviously) due to work, and it got a TOOTHACHE. No pic, but there was a little tooth next to it! Does that happen if you don't play games and only feed treats? I haven't had time to actually play with it! HOW DOES FIRE HAVE TEETH?!



Best dang fire duck I've ever seen, lemme tell ya.


...why are you taking a bath you are made of fire...

Wait are you just boiling water??


Continuing our trip through the logical world of Tamagotchi, Whaletchi had a daughter after marrying a plant.

But I don't have pics of that.

I do have pics of Whaletchi, tho!




I still think he looks more like an island than a whale.


I love it when they come up to the screen. :D


Still Tentotchi. I really like that guy. No new pics though since I've hit the pic cap on the post. XD

I think once I get my new stuff I'll still try to only run 3-4 tamas at once. Being able to pause is nice, but I find if I do too many at once I start losing interest in all of them and get less attached to any given character. The Digimon especially, but I feel like that's because the whole deal with the Digimon is just seeing what new stuff I can unlock. Still a lot of fun, though!

Anyway, tomorrow I've got a ton of meetings, so hopefully no one suffers too much. We'll see what I'll get!

Have a great night, everyone!

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Big Powered looks very cool! I always wanted to collect Transformers, I was a fan of the cartoon as a kid, but I wasn't allowed any of the toys... And now I already have too big of a collection of other things, including dolls that take a lot of space. Oops. Maybe one day, when I don't have a puny tiny room.

Toothache happens generally when you feed your tama too many sweets in a row. I love how chubby Salary Duck's daughter looks! And you're going to like the Anniversary version, it has a lot of familiar characters and no location which you have to unlock with connecting, which is neat.

I'll have been collecting TF's for 20 years in July, and man, it has grown and changed so much just in the last decade what with the movies and 3rd party and all that sort of thing. I grew up pretty poor, so a lot of my adult life is kinda indulging in the kid in me that never really had stuff growing up (though I do have the first transformer I ever got, which was a birthday present in 1987 and one of the only originals I have). I hear you with space, though. I need to stop buying tamas so I can buy some shelves. XD

That said, I think I'll get a nice little tama cabinet as well with pegs I can hang them from and display them. That'd be neat. :D

And yeah, I wish I had known more about M!xes in the first place when I got into tama collecting. Prolly would have gotten the Anniversary first. On the other hand, now I can unlock the other 2 locations in Spacey as well, so it's a win! :D

Man, I wish I had more to report, but it's pretty slow going!

My Tentochi on the Morino passed away (I really wish they didn't have that 'fading heartbeat' thing. O_O), and my V2 and V3 have yet to evolve due to being paused most of the day (busy days at work). Debating starting the Morino up again since I should be getting some new stuff fro JYW relatively soon, but I suppose it'll probably be on its way out when my new stuff gets here...

Anyway, I'll have a real update as soon as stuff happens! :D

Welcome back, everybody!

So, my wife's car ended up getting totaled. It wasn't that the damage from her accident was all that bad, it was just that repairing it would have cost more than that car was worth. Still, because she took really good care of her car, she got a good payout from insurance and already replaced it!

....with a car that looks EXACTLY the same as mine. XD (it's 2 years older, but for real, we both now have dark grey honda Accords)

Also, I've been busy for the last couple days because my best friend found out the place he works is closing in September, and he wanted to hang out. Ironically, where I live now is about a mile from where he grew up, despite the fact that we met each other in a completely different place. We spent yesterday hanging out on the couch and watching my brother casting Overwatch League for Blizzard.

Saw Black Panther last night as well. It was good! One of the better Marvel movies. I think it's waaaaay overhyped, but I totally understand why. The music was really good, but I think the supporting characters totally outshone the main character. Like, a LOT.

Anyway... what else... OH RIGHT TAMAGOTCHIS!

Waiting on a slew of stuff from my bonus/using my Big Powered savings on something else:
Dragon Quest/Warrior Slime V-pet (Looks pretty rad:
Otoizm (the only info I could find on them was here:
RakuRaku Dino Kun (My neighbors had one when I was little and it was cheap on JYW, so why not?)


Motha Tamagotchi (I looooooove the Godzilla universe)

Anniversary M!x

So yeah! I'll have to figure out how my rotation is gonna work, but we'll make it happen.


Morino: Nothing here. Currently in Inotchi stage. For as much as I like the morino, I wish there was a LITTLE more variation before the adult phase, as it gets pretty monotonous. Either more child stages, different teen cocoon sprites, or just faster growth would be cool. 20 years too late, sure, but it's cool. The fact that I have a brown-and-yellow tama that has bugs in it is great.



Granddaughter of Salary Duck!

Ended up pairing her with Mametchi like I was thinking. The yellow coloration is showing in teen stage, but I'm not sure what the adult will look like. We'll see!



Mugendramon and Aegisdramon, as planned!

And because I got those 2:


Jogress to Rust Tyrannomon!

I find myself not getting as attached to the Digimon since 1) the sprite design is kinda busy (but cool), and 2) I'm so focused on getting to the end 'mon that I don't really pay a ton of attention to the stages in between. And something like Aegisdramon... it took me so long just to find its face! It'd be cool if they made a newer one in the same vein as the mix, but Digimon seems to have never really made that jump. (Maybe? I don't know a TON about what happened with their Vpets)


A lot has happened here....



I took great care of her. Got the hang of the jump game so she wasn't just eating treats, and all my hard work got me a...



...wait what? I was taking good care of it! What gives? I know that something screwed up last night because it was paused until like midnight and then it evolved in the middle of the night and went back to sleep so I didn't get to turn the lights off, but I think that was it? Maybe?

Apparently, I made enough care mistakes, but it's okay, because this guy is great! Yet another duck face design, clearly identifies as an attack helicopter.


Derp derp derp

Man, old school design. *chef kiss*


Since I already had a Hinotamatchi, I decided to just go for one of the bad care tamas, and I was not disappointed!



So on one hand, he's a tiny floating sumo guy which is rad. On the other hand, he's more human, which... *SHRUG* we'll see how his animations look. Either way, everyone was right. The V3 and V2 are awesome!

Anyway, that's all for now. Gonna go watch some Overwatch League. Have a good one, everyone!

Quicker update tonight -since there's been no change on most of the current running Tamas (except the Morino, which croaked for some reason... maybe stepped on?), I'm gonna just do an update on some new stuff!! :D


A big haul! Most of this stuff was super cheap on JYW. Basically, the Angelgotchi itself was as expensive as the other three. >> Unfortunately, the screws on my Angelgotchi appear to be a bit shot, so I'm going to hit up JYW and see what they say. If not, it's unused, so maybe I'll be able to run it until it goes dead once. =/ Oh well, at least the pearlescent blue looks gorgeous.

Raku Raku Dino Kun, Angelgotchi, Dragon Quest Slime, and Otoizm!

Since I don't wanna run a million things at one, I'm starting with the Slime since I've been excited to get it. I like Dragon Warrior/Quest, and the slime design is always so simple and fun. The speaker on mine is a little wonky, but it still sounds good.

Anyway, first off, the background of the Vpet is a map, because it also has a pedometer! The first menu option is to send the slime in a direction, and then you can follow along on the map that he comes with to see where he's going:



Before you set the clock, his eyes look all around. I like how the orange buttons are made to look like a Dragon Quest slime smile. Nice touch, even if you don't get this screen very often.


The default screen.

The strips along the left and right are the terrain he's currently in. The coolest thing is that when the pedometer ticks, these scroll in the DIRECTION you told him to move. It's a cool effect you'll probably hardly ever see, but a nice touch! This little black blob is his base form.


Eating a flower. He has 2 food options at any given time. The local flora, or bread. Sidenote: I LOVE this shell design.


Game win screen. This game is annoying. I'll provide a link below with how it works, but basically it's total random chance. That said, when you win, he gets really excited!


Sometimes, he gets into fights! Right now, it's with a bat. There's not much to this screen. I don't get HOW the fights work. They seem random, but I won this one, and when I did, I got an item:


Using it made me sick, so I dunno what the deal is there.


Sometimes he falls in a pit as well and you need to answer his call to help him.

The status menu is a standard V-pet-esque menu. The interesting thing w/this is that he has a hunger bar you have to keep full, and a stress bar you have to keep EMPTY! Playing games and such will empty it, so it's not that crazy, but it's something different for sure.

Also, instead of a discipline bar, he has an evolution bar that raises when you feed him/make him walk. Apparently, where he is on the map when it hits a certain level determines how he evolves, so you have to walk to get what you want. Cool!


Mine already evolved into a more tradition DQ slime as well... and when he did, it played the level up music from the game! Nice touch.

It doesn't seem to sleep, so we'll see how that goes as well. Right now, the landscape disappeared and now there's just weird bars on the side of the screen, but it still seems to be running, sooooo...?

Overall, he's SUPER cool. We'll see how I feel once I've had him for more than a few hours, and now we'll be back to our regular tama broadcasts. As soon as someone evolves...

For more info on this guy, check out:

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Congratulations on taking your first few steps (haha) into the realm of non-Bandai virtual pets! ;) I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with all of your new acquisitions!


Sorry it's been a few days, but hey, lots of stuff to talk about!

My last of the giant wave of stuff I ordered (and the last I will be getting for a WHILE) got here today. 20th Anniversary M!x and Mothra. I was bummed at first when I got the mothra because I thought the pics of it were just w/weird lighting, but NOPE, when I got it, it was SUPER yellowed by the sun....

And then I opened it and found out it was just the packaging that was yellowed! Woohooo!! We'll add that to list of "Tamas to be started later"... I still can't get my Angel open and the screwdriver I've used on all my other vintages won't even remotely fit my Mothra... but hey, I'll just get some JIS ones off amazon or something.

As for some of my other stuff, unfortunately my Raku Raku Dino Kun is already out of the rotation due to having completely reset on me TWICE in the two days since I got it. I'll probably see what penguin keeper thinks since he knows all kinds of stuff about those guys, but for now, it's sidelined. I think it just really hates being in my pocket or one of my other tamas is somehow pressing the reset button?


Dragon Quest Slime:

Hasn't evolved yet. Is now trekking through a swamp:

(The little swamp bubbles are animated)

This guy is pretty low-maintenance. He gets in fights (usually loses if I don't notice), doesn't eat much, doesn't get too stressed... Just kinda runs around and does his thing. It's an interesting mix between a traditional v-pet and a pedometer type thing. It's interesting when it gets towards bed-time too, because black lines start appearing at the edge of the screen symbolizing it's night time, and stay that way until the next morning when the normal terrain comes back and you wake him up with his alarm clock. He's fun to check every now and then, and it's easy to have him in the rotation while taking care of more intensive pets.


Anniversary M!x:

After resetting this a few times to unlock some stuff on my spacy, I settled on a son for my first generation so I could get Shimashimatchi (which you do by taking TERRIBLE CARE of your tama, unfortunately. ><)


Sorry, my son. You are not gonna be this happy again until you're a weird bumblebee-mouse-lookin'-thing. But hey, I've had my best times as an adult, so you'll be fine. For real, I feel a little bad, but... it must be done, as you can only get the terrible care adults in the first generation. Which is kinda dumb.

Spacy M!x:

Meanwhile, over on this one, Granddaughter of Salary Duck is in a much better place. Two new places, in fact! Finally, all locations and marriage options opened! Woo!!!


The turtles have accepted Salary Duck III to their kingdom. Good thing she is a duck and can hold her breath for a while. (She's yellow because her dad's a Mametchi)


Ducknapping by the Gozarutchi.

Speaking of Gozarutchi:


I got Gozarutchi!


It is great, isn't it?

So like, if you leave Connections paused a lot, does that affect care levels? Because aside from the fact that my V2 and V3 have been paused basically all day for the past few days, I thought I took pretty good care of her...

Anyway, Terra (v2) and Robo (v3) are gonna have kids. It's an arranged marriage, sure, but I figure a ninja and a sumo wrestler belong together because reasons. Considering Robo's parents were a duck and a robot, he should feel pretty good about this arrangement.

As always, the V2 has awesome animations:


Sleepy ninja.


Humongous boots. Perfect for sneaking, right?

Hey, I wonder what she looks like when she eats considering she's wearing a ma...



I have gazed into the abyss, and lo, it is the fang-filled mouth of Gozuratchi eating a scone or whatever that is.

Welp, that's all the new pics for now. Hopefully, some things at work should slow down a little and I should be able to juggle a few more things on the tama front. As always, thanks for reading! You all rock!

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A lot of my Connection knowledge has faded into Vague Feelings That This is How It Works, but you might be onto something with the pause feature. I always felt like it was easier to get the "bad care" or "average care" characters when I'd leave it on pause for a while/frequently as a kid... but I don't have anything concrete to back that up. Since it's an actual feature in these Tamas (instead of going into the clock set stuff), it's possible that it tracks whether you've paused it or not.

Good luck on getting your Angelgotchi open! I ordered mine recently off JYW and am hoping it arrives in good shape.
Thanks! I'll probably run the angel until it's out of batteries so I can say I at least got 1 go at it before it broke. Worst case scenario, I just get another one. They're still pretty inexpensive compared to a lot of other ones. I'm just happy I got the blue shell because it looks cool. XD

Quick update:


Not sure what's going on the left side of the screen here. It showed up on both my M!xes and Miri mentioned it as well on her log. There's always some sort of thing for holidays, but what holiday is it supposed to be? I'm trying to find out. I messaged my little sister who taught in Japan for a number of years, and I'll hit up some coworkers with a lot of JP knowledge to see what I can find out.

In other news... since the Raku Raku Dino Kun is out of commission for now, I think I'll start up the Angel after work tonight and see how it is. :D

I love your detailed entries, and some of your commentary on the goings-on with your tamas is hilarious :D We share the same love for Batabatchi, and your posts about your Morino have brought my wanting one back to the forefront... although the Fading Heartbeat feature as you described sounds like it would stress me out, haha. And coming back to tamas as an adult is indeed great- I used to read the logs of all the cool tamas other people could buy when I was a child, and now I can waste all the money I please on them myself. :tarakotchi: Looking forward to your next entry!

From what I know, the older Connections have a slightly different pattern of care. It's not common knowledge (it's mostly known by the Japanese fans), but there are two types of care- emotional care and physical care.

This is explained by SA311 on his tumblr:

Maybe this helps?

As for the holiday on the M!X, it's Hinamatsuri in Japan.

As for some of my other stuff, unfortunately my Raku Raku Dino Kun is already out of the rotation due to having completely reset on me TWICE in the two days since I got it. I'll probably see what penguin keeper thinks since he knows all kinds of stuff about those guys, but for now, it's sidelined. I think it just really hates being in my pocket or one of my other tamas is somehow pressing the reset button?
Heh, I'm female, actually. ;) And yes, that means that I must be a crazy-penguin-lady! :lol:

Anyway, I have two guesses here;

1: Whether this virtual pet was new-in-box or used, check the battery-contacts. You might need to get a small flat-head screwdriver and VERY carefully bend them up, as long-term use, or long-term batteries-being-left-in-there is likely to have pressed them down. I had this problem with my version 1 Digimon, when I first got it, and this fixed it.

2: I saw a Dinkie Dino unboxing

As Jhud notes, this is to do with Hinamatsuri - also known as (and sometimes present in localised anime as) "Girls' Day". Apparently some also refer to it as "Dolls' Day", but I've never heard of that until grabbing the Wikipedia link for this reply, myself. :p

It's a really interesting tradition that's well worth taking the time to read about.

Anyway, I must say, that's a pretty funny, and very typically modern-Tamagotchi-style, depiction of the hina-dan and the Emperor and Empress dolls, there. :lol:

Scroll a bit further down for the updates, but first... replies!

I love your detailed entries, and some of your commentary on the goings-on with your tamas is hilarious :D We share the same love for Batabatchi, and your posts about your Morino have brought my wanting one back to the forefront... although the Fading Heartbeat feature as you described sounds like it would stress me out, haha. And coming back to tamas as an adult is indeed great- I used to read the logs of all the cool tamas other people could buy when I was a child, and now I can waste all the money I please on them myself. :tarakotchi: Looking forward to your next entry!
Glad you like the log! :D The heartbeat thing happens with some of my other tamas, too. It's the WOOOORST. XD

From what I know, the older Connections have a slightly different pattern of care. It's not common knowledge (it's mostly known by the Japanese fans), but there are two types of care- emotional care and physical care.

This is explained by SA311 on his tumblr:

Maybe this helps?

As for the holiday on the M!X, it's Hinamatsuri in Japan.
Thanks for the info! Where i'm usually kinda overly-attentive to my tamas, this was a good chance to get some of the other characters for once at least XD

Heh, I'm female, actually. ;) And yes, that means that I must be a crazy-penguin-lady! :lol:

Anyway, I have two guesses here;

1: Whether this virtual pet was new-in-box or used, check the battery-contacts. You might need to get a small flat-head screwdriver and VERY carefully bend them up, as long-term use, or long-term batteries-being-left-in-there is likely to have pressed them down. I had this problem with my version 1 Digimon, when I first got it, and this fixed it.

2: I saw a Dinkie Dino unboxing

Whoops! Sorry about that. >< I need to not assume, especially considering I'm probably one of the only guys on the board. (Not that it matters - everyone's allowed to enjoy tamagotchis :D )

Thanks for the dinkie dino info as well. It's probably the button press as stuff in my coat pocket probably gets mashed a bit, and the Dino has so many more buttons to mash. >< I'll still leave it out for now, but it'll definitely get picked back up again (I did also bend up the contacts a bit)

Thanks to everyone about the Hinamatsuri. I guess I didn't find it when I was looking because I was searching specifically for March 1st, not March 3rd. I love learning about other cultures and history and stuff. Partly because it's always cool seeing how things affect the art we make now, and partly so I can sound super smart when my random trivia is needed. XD I was actually just talking about this with a coworker in terms of Mecha anime, and how we figure that a big part of why so many mechs tend to have 'personalities' in anime ties back to the traditional idea of yokai and everything having a spirit, so it makes sense that zoids and Gurren Lagann and gundams have spirits in the minds of most of their writers...

Where was I.... Oh yeah. THANKS! :D


I didn't end up starting anything new tonight because my wife and I were catching up on Darling in the FranXX (it has robots). Still, some stuff happened:

M!x Spacy:


Salary Duck III got married to Prince of Space over here. Now begins the conquest of Mermaid and Gozaru towns... So happy I have them unlocked!

They had a yellow daughter. She's probably going to marry a ninja.

M!x Anniversary:


It's a chestnut guy! The neglect continues... I feel bad, but it MUST BE DONE.

Does anyone know where to find a growth chart for the 20th Anniversary tama?

Dragon Quest Slime:


These are the lines that start to show up as night falls. When it's fully night (which will still take a bit), the right side turns into z's and the left becomes a moon and stars.

I really, really like this guy. He does get hungry/stressed without walking, but the more you walk, the more active he is. Now that it's not like -10 outside (without the wind), I think I'll go for more walks. Honestly, it's less effort and more time. Well, and the fact that my right leg is one giant bruise after falling on the ice. (I'm fine. It just LOOKS really bad)

Anyway, Slime's been exploring a swamp and his evolution bar is almost full, so hopefully tomorrow we'll see a new form! :D



Had a moment of utter terror earlier when I pulled my V3 out of my pocket and saw this. Thankfully, I was able to get it to come back by popping the battery out and putting it back in. Sumo has returned and he's A-okay. Still... it was a good reminder that these things are mostly old. Man, maybe it would be good to have a smaller bag to put them in..?

OH! OH! Also - can V2 and V3 not interbreed? I used the love potion on my V2 and had Terra hang out with Robo like 10 times, and NOTHING HAPPENED. The matchmaker has been pestering my V3 all day, but I really want the great combo of sumo and ninja...

Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks everyone for being awesome! I would have liked all your posts, but it won't let me like any more posts today. ;_;

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Oh hey everyone! Late night post.

My best friend is over because he's flying down to Georgia to visit his folks at 3:30 am in the morning. I imagine he'll be up and on the road before I even go to bed XD

Anyway, splitting this into 2 posts because I gave in and started the Tamagotchi Angel up last night. It's super cool! Except for the game. THE GAME SUCKS. More on that in post 2.

So, let's get right to the updates:


Spacy - not much to report here. Same thing as usual. I had to do a ton of work tonight so I got home only shortly before it went to bed. Definitely gonna see what happens when I marry her off to a ninja. :D

Anniversary -

Got this little guy with a fishbowl for a head. I don't like most modern tama designs (as is well documented here XD), but this one grabbed me somehow. Totally the fishes living in his head.


Unfortunately, the neglect continues. ><

Man, why didn't they make it so the "only in the first generation" character is from PERFECT care instead of garbage care? No one wants to mistreat their tama right off the bat!


Poor little guy got left at daycare because he's first-gen and I got stuck working late. > <

Dragon Quest Slime:

Slime evolved while he was in the swamp and turned into... a Bubble Slime! (he's the character on the bottom right of the shell)


Gettin' psyched to play the stress-relief game! Whenever you start the game, the slimes take a few seconds to pump themselves up. XD


Aww yea! Bust them boards!

The game is basically pure chance, but seems to err to a win more often than not. It seemed frustrating at first, but it's not bad.

Anyway, now that my slime evolved in the swamp, he's on his way to the forest!


But first, a nap.

V2 and V3

Remember how I was wondering if these two can breed?


They can!


Mom terrifying the kids...


Apparently, it's family TV time...

Anyway, it'll be cool to see what I get next! Two daughters this time, so they'll have to find romance elsewhere.

...Upon thinking about that, I have realized it's for the best. XD

Alright, next post... Angel Tama!

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AWLRIGHT! Part 2 - Angel Tamagotchi.

So... I like this one so far. Dunno if I like it more than the Morino yet. I love me some bug designs, but there's more diversity on the angel. That said, the Angel's game is the WORST. You press B. That's it. The timing is kinda wonky. It's... it's just not GOOD.

Still learning the different mechanics, too. Like, what's the deal with AP/TP? Seems like you're supposed to have it as high as possible, but why? Also, my Angel has yet to 'go on a stroll'. Is that just an adult phase thing?

Anyway, all that aside, it has fun, weird, old-school tama design. You know I dig that.

Also, the shell! THE SHELL!! The pearlescent blue is unique and looks great, and the molded angel wings give it that little tactile kick. I feel like most pictures just make them a steely grey, but they're definitely more this really nice metallic periwinkle. Just fantastic. One of my favorite shells, for sure.

SO, let's run through what's happened in JUST ONE DAY:


It died.

I still think it's great the Angel starts with this. XD Meanwhile, my neglected Anniversary Mini has this screen for real, so we'll just pretend it migrated over to the Angel...


Happy little Obaketchi!


The eating animations on this thing... they're GREAT. XD


Evolved into a Maruten! I think it's funny that the eschewed the usual tama naming patterns for this one. I get why, but it's still interesting. Did they really ever do that for any other tama?


For being a ball with wings, they sure managed to give Maruten great personality.


Go away, stupid bats... I like the tapping thing, same as the Morino, but I feel like sometimes it just doesn't work for some reason. Still learning! :D


He hates that bat SO MUCH. XD


And then he evolved into a Kotoden on the way home from work, but I wasn't able to get a pic before he konked out of the night!

Anyway, Not sure if I'll try for Kuriten or Genjirotenshi. My heart says Genjirotenshi, but I do kinda wanna just get futagotenshi on the first round as well...

We'll see! Either way, tons of fun so far. Except for the game. XD

As always, thanks for reading and being supportive and cool! It's been great really being able to share this hobby and see all your logs as well! Even if I don't always comment, you can assume that I check out every new entry! I feel so far behind most people here, but in a way, it's really cool getting to discover this whole thing all over again. As I've said before, it's SO cool how far things have come, and I'm glad you're all hanging out with me as I catch up. :)

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Honestly I never noticed before that all names on the Angel aren't usual tama names. There are several other tamagotchis that don't have a name ending with -tchi, like Makiko and Majorite, but not that many!

I really like how the Tamagotchi Angel names all end with "tenshi" (or at least the shorthand, "ten") - it's the Japanese word for "angel". :D

Happy Weekend everyone!

Well.. end of weekend anyhow. Hope you had a good one. Mine was pretty chill since the next few are gonna be busy. I made dinner tonight, basically like a shrimp-potatoes-andouille sausage-corn thing. My wife loves it when I cook, but since I'm really tall, every counter in the world is too low for me. Sometimes, it's worth the back pain, but when I get my dream house someday it's gonna have tall counters at least in part of it. XD Anyway, caught up on Voltron, Darling in the FranXX, and Pop Team Epic.

But you're here for the tamas! AND I SHALL DELIVER!


M!X 20th:

So, after all the neglect, I got....

Shimashimat-- wait... hang on.


wait WHAT???

AFTER ALL I DIDN'T DO FOR YOU!!! Mametchi is 0-2 care misses!! It must have been because even though I neglected it all day, it still only counted as ONE care mistake. I wish I could find a 20th Anniversary growth chart so I could actually tell if I'm getting the right tamas at the various stages...

Anyway, restarted, which is frustrating but hey I really wanna get them Shimashimatchi genes...


But at least I have this cool snail guy right now! Makes me think of the snail guys from Uzumaki.

....Uzumaki is a horror manga. DO NOT READ IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE HORROR. XD

M!X Spacy:


Space girl! She has her grandmother's eyes and her father's everything else. The Salary Duck genes have faded for now. Almost time to marry a ninja...

My wife really likes this one because she's a huge fan of space stuff. XD


Got a Chestnut Angel (Kuriten)! Let's see if I can get the twins next:


For some reason, every time there's a bat attack, I'm reminded of a Kate Beaton comic....


Also, have I mentioned how I'm not a huge fan of the game on the Angel?


Because I am not a huge fan of this game. ><

Also why does he poop whenever I praise him? What message is this divine being sending me?!

Kuriten: "Behold mortal. A miracle."
Me: "Oh hey, cool. Good work dude."
Kuriten: "Behold mortal, my poop."
Me: " are not a very good deity"

V2 and V3:

Not much to report on the V2 since the battery went dead on Saturday (it came with a battery included, so I'm guessing it was already low), but hey now I know the low battery screen looks like this:


Anyway, here's Gozarutchi being good at ninja things:


V3 (which has been named Marle, continuing the Chrono Trigger theme), meanwhile, evolved into a Mizutomatchi. Pretty sure I've posted pics of that, so we'll pass until something more interesting happens!

Dragon Quest Slime:

Made it to the forest!

We'll see what happens next! But first, some shrooms:


Alright, that's everything for tonight! It seems like there have been a lot more active logs lately. Granted, I've only been here for about two months, but I feel like Tamagotchi is catching on a little more! Hopefully that app that's coming out in a couple weeks helps with the revival.

Other than that, hope you're all having a good weekend, and thanks for reading! :D

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