What is your opinion on tamagotchi friends?


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Mar 29, 2018
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With mametchi
So my first tamagotchi came today, witch is a tamagotchi friends! A lot of people seem to dislike it, so I was wondering what are others opinions on tamagotchi friends?

I don't have one but I've considered getting it. It looks very interesting to me.

I'm one of the rare folks who will sing the praises of the TF (and the TF Dream Town version) all day long. I have three TFs, two Dream Town and one initial release (I have a problem...).

First of all, the TF is nigh indestructible. It can clunk around loose in my too-full purse and be no worse for wear. Drop it on the floor and have it skitter across the room? Oops, silly me! Battery corrosion because you forgot about it for eons? Spray some contact cleaner on that and we're ready to go again. Bandai got the formula right with these ones as far as durability goes.

I love all the Dream Town characters - the cutest in the franchise in my opinion. But for those who aren't Dream Town obsessed like me, there are enough characters for it to be quite interesting, and their pixel renderings are very good. I also think the TF mini games are really fun, and it's not because I'm easily amused - the games on the V3 or M!X for example make me feel like my time could be better spent doing literally anything else.

It's an extremely forgiving and low-maintenance version, so it can be hard to get the characters that you can only get by taking "bad care" of your Tama, but if you're really busy then it's a good version for you as your Tama will still live even if you ignore it all day.

I seriously don't understand the accessory-collecting mechanic (it's stupid and girly) but that's a small gripe about a version I think people should give more credit to :)

Honestly very easy care for me, but never really been too fond of the girlier looking characters and premise... but that's just my opinion. As TheYatagarasu said, they really are built like a brick, I dropped mine on pavement and somehow its still trucking through. I honestly never really got why it gets so much hate, it's really not that bad and actually kind of fun!

I feel the reason why it gets so much hate is because people are used to color versions, that have way more features. Again, this is my first tamagotchi, and I adore it, so I am thinking about getting a mix

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I feel the reason why it gets so much hate is because people are used to color versions
Oh, absolutely. The TF was released when the Tamagotchi P's (one of the most liked Tamagotchi versions of all time, I would say) was at the height of its popularity, and EVERYBODY here in North America was gunning for a colour release too. The fact that Bandai came up with yet another black-and-white version was a huge disappointment to many.

Because it's your first Tama, no wonder you have a more positive opinion of it! I'm kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum - my first Tama as a child was the O.G. P1 version, with six characters and one game, so I'm not bothered by simplicity.

How is the Ps? I want to get a color version soon, so I have been eyeing the m!x, because its cheaprer compared to some of the others. What is the best color version in your opinion?

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I don't think people hate the TF because they're used to color versions. If that was true people wouldn't still play with Connections, and connections are most people's favorite- not just by nostalgia factor. And some people even like vintages more than TF.

The truth is the TF is worse than most connections, it has less options than even a v1 does.

It's just meh. Bad screen, it's chunky, the ways to get characters aren't obvious, you can only collect jewerly which doesn't do much (an item shop is a big selling point for tamas for me, personally).

P's is definitely the best color version because of infinite possibilities with VDPs and downloadable stuff. But M!X isn't bad.

What is the best color version in your opinion?
I'd have to say that the P's is my favorite color version. The games, characters, and locations are all really great and keep me entertained. Also, it seems to be the only color version in my collection that I enjoy using long-term. Awhile back I was running all my color tamas (iD, iD L, P's, and Melody M!x) at once, but the P's is the only one that's still active right now. Of course I love all the color versions I own, but the P's seems to be the one I prefer lately.

I'd have to say that the P's is my favorite color version. The games, characters, and locations are all really great and keep me entertained. Also, it seems to be the only color version in my collection that I enjoy using long-term. Awhile back I was running all my color tamas (iD, iD L, P's, and Melody M!x) at once, but the P's is the only one that's still active right now. Of course I love all the color versions I own, but the P's seems to be the one I prefer lately.
Ive been looking at a p, mostly because English patch and stuff like that. They arent cheap though lol. Eh, Ill see, but considering that my friend has a p and a mix and she prefers the mix, I might go for a dream mix. Im still undecided, I plan on getting a color Tama when I go on summer break. Ill see then, its not a priority right now.

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Psst, P's is a full name, not a plural. The tama's name is pronounced "piisu".

I personally don't think that English patch matters at all, there's not a lot to read or understand there, it has a lot of more to it than just being able to be patched in english. For instance, if you get bored of all of the raisable characters, you can just install new ones, as well as install new games, clothes, whatever you'd want- so the gameplay pretty much doesn't end. You can even make your own and it's not hard at all. I think in this way it's worth its price.

If you want to go cheaper, I'd honestly reccomend iD L over the M!X. I haven't heard of a lot of people that didn't get bored with the M!X after the first few generations. Especially since the older color versions have stuff you can unlock, making them a bit more exciting to run. You'd think that the mixing thing on M!X would be eventful, but it does get old fast.

Psst, P's is a full name, not a plural. The tama's name is pronounced "piisu".
I personally don't think that English patch matters at all, there's not a lot to read or understand there, it has a lot of more to it than just being able to be patched in english. For instance, if you get bored of all of the raisable characters, you can just install new ones, as well as install new games, clothes, whatever you'd want- so the gameplay pretty much doesn't end. You can even make your own and it's not hard at all. I think in this way it's worth its price.

If you want to go cheaper, I'd honestly reccomend iD L over the M!X. I haven't heard of a lot of people that didn't get bored with the M!X after the first few generations. Especially since the older color versions have stuff you can unlock, making them a bit more exciting to run. You'd think that the mixing thing on M!X would be eventful, but it does get old fast.
Yeah, I was wondering on a Id l. I wanted a P’s but with my situation, A ID L seems like a great option. I wanted the m!x more so because me and my friends Tamas could marry, but I will most likely go with a ID L.

iD L is a great version, I like to run mine. I especially like the seeds you can buy you can grow food or items out of, aside from the original +Color this kind of an option wasn't continued onto any other version sadly (aside from 4U+ but there it's kind of watered down).

In the M!X marrying is pretty much all you do there...

I wanted the m!x more so because me and my friends Tamas could marry, but I will most likely go with a ID L.
Well you said your friend had a P's, right? The P's and iD L can still connect and marry, so you don't need to worry about that!
The iD L is a really fun version and I can highly recommend it.

Oh yeah, M!X only connects to another M!X, not other color versions.

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