What do you want a new tamagotchi to be like?


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Since I live in the US and only speak English (mi Espanol es muy, muy mal. orz), I would love a full color, backlit Tama in English (I know there's an iD L, I think in English? but it was a Japanese release). I love the idea of adding a pedometer a la Tamawalkie/Pikachu v-pet, and I would love NFC/Bluetooth so that they can connect to each other and to phones (please be iPhone compatible! </3). Oh, and I want it to be customizable like the P's and moreso the 4U/+. I love customizable things. Being able to get a ton of different characters would be amazing, too!

I'd like a Tama to connect wifi to get items on holidays or birthdays. I'd also like them to connect to the phone like the old versions of Tamatown for more games. That way you have offline games on the Tama just in case you have no wifi but still have more game and earning options.

For the app, make it free but you have to option to pay for special items (only add ons so you can still play free if you want). These items can transfer to your Tama keychain.

Color would be nice on the keychain, but due to prices, at least make a backlight. Maybe even a splash of color like Gameboy Color. (Though my dream is full color).

Also make Tamas 'region free' and multilaungal on the app and keychain egg.

Collectible faceplates and lanyards/charms in blind packs may also boost sales.

I'd just like a "P3", with interesting evolutionary paths that are influenced by care, a variety of character-designs including "ugly" ones that are a consequence of poor care, and an actual lifecycle. The features added by the Connection line (marriage, jobs, etc.) and which continue to the present day don't interest me, and nor does caring for a nigh-immortal miniature virtual friend rather than a virtual pet. :p

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I'd just like a "P3", with interesting evolutionary paths that are influenced by care, a variety of character-designs including "ugly" ones that are a consequence of poor care, and an actual lifecycle. The features added by the Connection line (marriage, jobs, etc.) and which continue to the present day don't interest me, and nor does caring for a nigh-immortal miniature virtual friend rather than a virtual pet. :p
Yeah, P3 with more characters... Possibly longer life cycle too, for me. Not gonna happen though :(

I think you could do a P3 that still retains items. I'd think it'd be cool if it even had some of the genetics mixing of the M!x without the 'relationship' stuff of the M!x. It'd still make it feel like a pet, too.

I think you could do a P3 that still retains items. I'd think it'd be cool if it even had some of the genetics mixing of the M!x without the 'relationship' stuff of the M!x. It'd still make it feel like a pet, too.
That all already exists in the Connections, though, doesn't it? :p

Well, breeding and items. Maybe not genetic mixing? At the same time if you want something like you described, could the Osu/Mesutchi fill that role? They don't have the biggest roster or anything, but they're basically P1/P2 with more characters.

Well, breeding and items. Maybe not genetic mixing? At the same time if you want something like you described, could the Osu/Mesutchi fill that role? They don't have the biggest roster or anything, but they're basically P1/P2 with more characters.
Nah - one of the major things that I can't stand is the breeding feature, and that's kind of the point of the Osutchi/Mesutchi pair, isn't it? :lol:

I prefer a set life-cycle and no fussing with offspring, future generations, and so on. That way, I can just put it down and not deal with it again if I'm too busy to deal with more, whereas the breeding/matchmaker feature feels like more of an obligation.

I'm probably in the minority with that view, though, since I know that that's been a focus since the Connection era. :p

Nah - one of the major things that I can't stand is the breeding feature, and that's kind of the point of the Osutchi/Mesutchi pair, isn't it? :lol:

I prefer a set life-cycle and no fussing with offspring, future generations, and so on. That way, I can just put it down and not deal with it again if I'm too busy to deal with more, whereas the breeding/matchmaker feature feels like more of an obligation.

I'm probably in the minority with that view, though, since I know that that's been a focus since the Connection era. :p
It's actually pretty optional. You can just have one and raise it. There's no matchmaker, you have to connect them to get them to breed, and then you're not really managing offspring like connections since there's no items or gotchi points, you're just starting over again. The only reason to breed is because each generation is a different growth path, so you can treat it more like care in a P1/P2 or weight in a Morino. Since they can't mate until the adult phase, it's really just felt like I've been managing 2 P1/P2's.

I was also thinking they could do something like the Digimon anniversary digivices where you have multiple tamas on one device running at any given time. Heck, they could make it so you could have different houses for them in Tama Town or just got the digimon route and have the screen slide from one to the next. That was actually a really fun feature.

It's actually pretty optional. You can just have one and raise it. There's no matchmaker, you have to connect them to get them to breed, and then you're not really managing offspring like connections since there's no items or gotchi points, you're just starting over again. The only reason to breed is because each generation is a different growth path, so you can treat it more like care in a P1/P2 or weight in a Morino. Since they can't mate until the adult phase, it's really just felt like I've been managing 2 P1/P2's.
Ooh, thanks for that info - I didn't know that. I'll look into it some more. Thanks, Hoky! :D

Can you get all the characters with osutchi/mesutchi if you only have one of them, or do you need a pair?

You need a pair to get all of them.

Here's the growth chart if you wanna check it out: https://www.tamenagerie.com/files/OMCharactersnamed.jpg

Basically, you have something called TMP in Osu/mesu. When they breed, if the TMP is the same it goes up by 1. If it's different, they go to the growth chart for whatever the lowest TMP was. 3 & 4 TMP only has one path, but even without another Osu/Mesu, you can still have TMP lvl 1, which gives you 5 adult options, which is only 1 shy of a P1/P2.

(And realistically speaking, most Osu/Mesu I've seen for sale OL come in a pair)

I'm not sure how much care actually factors into growth, but it's cool that having a pair at least guarantees you're not going to be getting the same characters too often.


You could 'lock' certain characters to either reduce their probability or increase it. I've been trying to get Kusatchi on my v2 for a while now, and because it's a middle-of-the-road character, it's been really hard to get. If I could basically 'lock on' characters I haven't gotten yet and 'lock off' characters I have, it'd be a lot more fun and a lot easier to get through the huge roster the connections have. I don't want things to be totally non-care based like the v4.5/v5/uratama, but I don't want to just have every generation flip between like Poochitchi and Gozarutchi...

Also don't make pauses affect things. I need to pause sometimes. PEOPLE GET MAD WHEN I HAUL TAMAS OUT IN MEETINGS!! XD

(though thinking about it, that's kinda what TMP does in a way... maybe bring back TMP?)

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I like both ideas, with the classics and maybe upping the features on the colored ones.

Seeing the M!X's as "my own little world," having the ability to cook would be neat, along with a lot of other features.

But, on top of that, with a very modern Tamagotchi, people may not like it because it's not Tamagotchi classic anymore...

I think it would be worth a try.

Shopping, visiting Tamagotchi friends, cooking, not such a limit on items pre-downloaded, etc.

I think that they should be able to connect to phones with like an app, but those without should be able to function with the

same amount of features.

Bringing the classics back would be cool, too. Somehow up their game, too. Like what you guys said.

One thing I KNOW I would want to have changed, is that the color Tama's batteries last longer.

I hate going 8 days before my M!X runs out. It gets on my nerves.

So, in conclusion, I like both.


There should be many, many, many shell designs. Styled for girls, boys, and those that want gender-neutral. I like the pink ones. They're pretty in

certain sunlight. Like my pink Spacy M!X (yes, I took pictures of it in the sun).

All I want in a new gotchi is a V2 with every type of possible gotchi inside. Don't care about connections or Internet they never needed it in their hayday and I don't feel they need it now. I loved the tamagotchi because of the gen 1 and gen 2. So just give me a V2 style with all the characters from past gens inside. I will be satisfied. Oh and add the original gen 1 masktchi as well. I want both types.

I'm never a fan of these "what do you want to see in a new tama?" threads becasue everybody is always so unrealistic. There's no need for a tama to connect to bluetooth or wifi, and tbh connection to wifi would be terrible because it would mean there would be servers, and we know what happens to servers. Defunct tama-town is one thing, but a whole defunct function in tama? No thanks! I mean, it's good to have dreams but I'm a realist for the most part.

What I'd like to see the most would just be a tama with most functions from the previous installments. Mixing is cool but it would be also cool if it wasn't necessary and you could also raise built-in characters. Why? Because I loved the dress up function on iD L, P's and 4U, and my guess is that they removed it on the M!X because of more varied bodies that wouldn't work too much with clothes. Fair but annoying. School and work needs to come back too! And the planting seeds option as well.

I'm never a fan of these "what do you want to see in a new tama?" threads becasue everybody is always so unrealistic. There's no need for a tama to connect to bluetooth or wifi, and tbh connection to wifi would be terrible because it would mean there would be servers, and we know what happens to servers. Defunct tama-town is one thing, but a whole defunct function in tama? No thanks! I mean, it's good to have dreams but I'm a realist for the most part.

What I'd like to see the most would just be a tama with most functions from the previous installments. Mixing is cool but it would be also cool if it wasn't necessary and you could also raise built-in characters. Why? Because I loved the dress up function on iD L, P's and 4U, and my guess is that they removed it on the M!X because of more varied bodies that wouldn't work too much with clothes. Fair but annoying. School and work needs to come back too! And the planting seeds option as well.
I agree with this. I have literally zero interest in Internet features. Not interested in upgraded graphics either. They were the bomb in the 90's for a good reason. They were simple and smart.

I'm never a fan of these "what do you want to see in a new tama?" threads becasue everybody is always so unrealistic. There's no need for a tama to connect to bluetooth or wifi, and tbh connection to wifi would be terrible because it would mean there would be servers, and we know what happens to servers. Defunct tama-town is one thing, but a whole defunct function in tama? No thanks! I mean, it's good to have dreams but I'm a realist for the most part.

What I'd like to see the most would just be a tama with most functions from the previous installments. Mixing is cool but it would be also cool if it wasn't necessary and you could also raise built-in characters. Why? Because I loved the dress up function on iD L, P's and 4U, and my guess is that they removed it on the M!X because of more varied bodies that wouldn't work too much with clothes. Fair but annoying. School and work needs to come back too! And the planting seeds option as well.
I agree with your opinion. Gardening, clothing, jobs, and school should come back!

I think they should all share the same amount of features, so you can like all of them.

There should be a lot more built-in characters with their own special features to achieve them. ^_^

Care should be more than a happy and hungry gauge, and every bit of it should play into your character.

Different versions have established many things like discipline, education/work/interests, bonding, stress...

Of course, having all of them play into your character would require an enormous roster. One solution to this would be trait mixing similar to a m!x:

Average happiness determines the face, hunger/weight determines the body, your points in smart/pretty/etc determine secondary attributes like a hat/head shape, discipline determines behavior/idle animations...

One way for genetics to play a role would be if the parents were the smart type, then the child will gain smart points more easily..?

Those are just a few unrefined ideas. I really don't like the current "care miss" mechanic though, I'd probably even prefer having care uninfluenced evolutions.

Design-wise, it would be nice if they have many different tones and themes in their roster. Many different colors at least! Would be cool if the shells had easily removable faceplates for customization.

Most importantly, they should stay as a separate, little egg tamagotchi device and continue at all.

....I want a battery indicator. XD

I think they could probably actually managed a dress-up thing now, but you'd just have to restrict certain items to certain 'types' of tamas, but you could bring back families that way. Skylanders: Imaginators did just that. Some characters had tails instead of legs, so they couldn't wear pants but there were other ways to customize them. Why not the same with tamas?

It's amazing how everyone wants something a little different.

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